Australia’s Labor Party Promised A Sinophobic Propaganda Offensive Across The South Pacific – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The spewing of Sinophobic propaganda across the South Pacific will have an adverse effect on those societies’ stability, which will in turn ultimately work against Australia’s objectively existing national security interests too. The tragedy is that instead of condemning this, Labor is actively colluding with the Liberals to have it happen.

Australia’s Labor Party hopes to win next month’s elections, and in pursuit of that goal, they’re manipulating the public’s ultra-nationalist sentiments that were provoked by the incumbent Liberal Party’s anti-Chinese infowar campaign in recent years. The current authorities are artificially replicating the Ukrainian scenario in the Solomon Islands in order to justify their US-backed campaign to reassert hegemony over the South Pacific on a false anti-Chinese pretext.

Labor realized that it could take advantage of the Liberals’ manipulation of the public’s consciousness by proposing to go even further in Australia’s Hybrid War on China. According to the Associated Press, they promised to fund the state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corp. (ABC) even more in order to spread its message further throughout the region. They also reported that partnerships would be struck with Pacific broadcasters “to carry Australian voices, values and identities”.

What they’re promising is nothing less than an intensification of Australia’s ongoing anti-Chinese infowar, which will likely continue regardless of whichever party wins the upcoming elections. Nevertheless, it’s still intriguing that the opposition thought to propose this in an attempt to appeal to as many people as possible ahead of the vote. This goes to show that they’re aware of just how much of an impact the incumbent government’s existing anti-Chinese infowar operations have had.

Australia never used to be like this. This continent-state previously enjoyed excellent relations with the People’s Republic up until a few years ago. Former US President Donald Trump convinced it to join his global anti-Chinese crusade, which its leadership dutifully did since they’ve never truly been independent of the declining American hegemon. What they get out this collusion is the chance to boost their ultra-nationalist egos by restoring Australia’s “sphere of influence” over the South Pacific.

In exchange, they had to cut off practically all ties with China, create the new anti-Chinese AUKUS military alliance, and play the role of the US’ top regional proxy against the People’s Republic in the Asia-Pacific region. Instead of focusing on the country’s objectively existing “values”, the government decided to incorporate a bigoted anti-Chinese dimension to them that it’s now preparing to aggressively propagate all across the South Pacific.

The problem, however, is that the locals aren’t receptive to this new Sinophobic identity. China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) provides mutually beneficial developmental opportunities for them with no political strings attached, unlike Australian “aid”. Beijing respects their countries as equals in the eyes of international law like they truly area instead of mistreating them as vassals like Canberra and its AUKUS allies do. For the first time in their history, the South Pacific states are truly empowered.

From the perspective of those neo-imperialists that are formulating Australia’s grand strategy nowadays, that’s absolutely unacceptable. Its so-called “backyard” mustn’t ever flex any semblance of strategic autonomy but should eternally remain as a collection of impoverished and second-class states under their country’s hegemonic influence. China’s mutually beneficial empowerment of the South Pacific states threatens to forever break Australia’s neo-imperialist hold over their governments.

Granted, that wouldn’t objectively be a bad thing since their people deserve to be treated with respect and to develop according to their own national models, not the neoliberal one imposed upon them by Australia. Nevertheless, the cabal sitting in Canberra doesn’t see things that way since their Washington overlords have successfully influenced them to support the US’ global anti-Chinese crusade, beginning in the South Pacific and then expanding throughout the rest of the Asia-Pacific.

The first step is to double down on broadcasting propaganda to those countries that Australia arrogantly considers to belong to its “sphere of influence”, after which its meddling within their societies will likely scale up, including possibly to the point of provoking Color Revolutions or even terrorism against their governments exactly like that which the Solomon Islands suffered late last year during a test run of this scenario. That wouldn’t help the South Pacific, but further destabilize it, though that’s Australia’s intent.

Instead of appreciating the long-term stabilizing impact that mutually beneficial cooperation with China could have on the region, including by lifting its largely impoverished people out of the systemic poverty that Australia’s neoliberal model trapped them in for decades, the continent-state would rather destabilize its own region due to the misguided neo-imperial ideology that the US indoctrinated its leaders to believe. This means that Australia itself, not China, is the greatest threat to regional stability.

Awareness of this “politically inconvenient” fact flies in the face of the US-led West’s “official narrative”, but the arguments that were just shared in this analysis can’t be refuted. The spewing of Sinophobic propaganda across the South Pacific will have an adverse effect on those societies’ stability, which will in turn ultimately work against Australia’s objectively existing national security interests too. The tragedy is that instead of condemning this, Labor is actively colluding with the Liberals to have it happen.  

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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