Government document instructs vaccine “strike force” teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines

Government document instructs vaccine “strike force” teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines

12/08/2021 A government document that has recently surfaced offers horrifying details on how door-to-door “strike force” vaccine enforcement teams plan to operate. Labeled, “Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project,” a now-public document published by the government of Lake County, Illinois, instructs…

UK planned for NATO-led force of ‘like-minded’ allies to remain in Afghanistan after US troop pullout, defence minister admits, but they have to run for their lives

UK planned for NATO-led force of ‘like-minded’ allies to remain in Afghanistan after US troop pullout, defence minister admits, but they have to run for their lives


Slamming the US-Taliban peace deal as “rotten” and “flawed”, UK Defence Minister Ben Wallace has revealed that Britain tried to form a military coalition of “like-minded” allies to support Afghan forces after American troops left. However, “nearly all” of the NATO member…

Why won’t the US medical establishment “believe women”? Covid-19 vaccines do not warn about menstrual disruption – Marcie Smith Parenti The Grayzone

Why won’t the US medical establishment “believe women”? Covid-19 vaccines do not warn about menstrual disruption – Marcie Smith Parenti The Grayzone


Amid rising reports of vaccine-related menstrual disruptions, the CDC and FDA are dismissing women’s concerns and denying them information while corporate media pathologizes them in sexist fashion. This August 11, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) overhauled its COVID-19 vaccine guidance for pregnant…

PERMANENT TYRANNY: Scottish government wants emergency COVID-19 powers to become permanent – Nolan Barton –

PERMANENT TYRANNY: Scottish government wants emergency COVID-19 powers to become permanent – Nolan Barton –


(Natural News) The Scottish government has made public a set of proposals to make some coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency powers permanent, including the ability to impose a lockdown. Under current emergency powers granted to the incumbent Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), the government is able to enact temporary laws forcing…

Before They Preach to Us About White Privilege, They Should Not be Quiet About Their Own Jewish Racism, by Gilad Atzmon – The Unz Review

Before They Preach to Us About White Privilege, They Should Not be Quiet About Their Own Jewish Racism, by Gilad Atzmon – The Unz Review


Stanford University study reveals: “Some 80% of (Jews of colour) respondents said that they had ‘experienced discrimination’ within Jewish settings, including synagogues, congregations, and Jewish spiritual communities.” People who are familiar with the history of Zionism are aware of the rich history…

Assange Described A Decade Ago How ‘Endless’ Afghan War Was Engineered By “Transnational Security Elite”

Assange Described A Decade Ago How ‘Endless’ Afghan War Was Engineered By “Transnational Security Elite”


Authored by Jessica Corbett via Common Dreams & Consortium News, As the hawks who have been lying about the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for two decades continue to peddle fantasies in the midst of a Taliban takeover and American evacuation of Kabul, progressive critics on Tuesday reminded the world who has benefited…

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness


(Natural News) Big Pharma’s media lackeys — “journo-terrorists” — have struck again, this time unleashing a wave of death threats and vitriol against Dr. Joseph Mercola of, who just announced he’s been forced to take down his entire website of articles and…

Facebook now says medical studies published in peer-reviewed journals are FAKE NEWS if they conclude things that globalists don’t want you to know

Facebook now says medical studies published in peer-reviewed journals are FAKE NEWS if they conclude things that globalists don’t want you to know


(Natural News) Mark Zuckerberg has ruled that a peer-reviewed study identifying the health dangers of wearing a face mask will not be allowed on the Facebook platform. The paper in question was published in the highly reputable Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), revealing that…

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