Biden Admin Has ‘No Interest’ in Actually Confronting the CCP: Jack Posobiec

The Biden administration, despite calling China the “most serious competitor” to the United States, is in fact unwilling to confront Beijing, according to author and former Naval intelligence officer Jack Posobiec, who has substantial experience living and working under communist rule in China. “What you’re seeing now is an administration in the United States that is little more than a theater,” said Posobiec during an interview on NTD’s Focus Talk. “It is their window dressing for the global neo-liberal agenda. They have no interest in actually confronting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).” Posobiec, who has seen firsthand the way the Obama-Biden administration dealt with China’s maritime expansion in the South China Sea, told NTD host Jenny Tang that the U.S. government is trying to restore the same type of relations it had with the CCP during Clinton, Bush, and Obama presidencies, which he described as a “failed policy of globalization.” …
The Biden administration, despite calling China the “most serious competitor” to the United States, is in fact unwilling to confront Beijing, according to author and former Naval intelligence officer Jack Posobiec, who has substantial experience living and working under communist rule in China. “What you’re seeing now is an administration in the United States that
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