Biden Meets Putin – Ben Garrison Cartoon Ben Garrison Conservative Daily News

By Ben Garrison

Wake Up Sleepy Joe

Time Magazine hit a new low when they featured a heavily airbrushed photo of Joe Biden wearing his trademark sunglasses and staring intently at Vladimir Putin. Apparently Time thinks the 78 year-old Biden is a young and energetic hero capable of putting Putin in his place. President Trump’s take is more accurate. He wished Biden good luck and said, “Don’t fall asleep.” 

Sleepy Joe can barely read a teleprompter, but he’s set to meet Putin on June 16 at a fancy villa overlooking Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The pedophile-in-chief said, “I’ll let Putin know what I want him to know.”

I’m sure Putin will not be intimidated by a corrupt, demented politician whose party stole the presidency for him. With that said, I can only hope Biden doesn’t do something so egregious that he worsens relations with the Russians. We do not need another war.

—Ben Garrison

Biden Meets Putin – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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