Bill and Melinda Gates: a dark history of exploiting poor children as human “guinea pigs” for mass medical experimentation – Ethan Huff –

(Natural News) Listening to the media, one is led to believe that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda have devoted much of their lives to helping others through their so-called philanthropy. Underneath the surface, however, is a legacy of extensive human rights abuses. Back in 2010, for instance, a Gates-funded NGO (non-governmental organization)…

(Natural News) Listening to the media, one is led to believe that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda have devoted much of their lives to helping others through their so-called philanthropy. Underneath the surface, however, is a legacy of extensive human rights abuses. Back in 2010, for instance, a Gates-funded NGO (non-governmental organization)…
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