Bill Gates: You Might Need 3 Shots of The Vax To “Combat Variant Strains” Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

Bill Gates is using the mutated strains of the coronavirus to try to convince the public to get three shots instead of just two.  This just feels like a mockery at this point, and sadly, many will line up for shot number 3 without hesitating.

“The discussion now is do we just need to get a super high coverage of the current vaccine or do we need a third dose that’s just the same or do we need a modified vaccine?” Gates told “CBS Evening News” anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell. “AstraZeneca in particular has a challenge with the variant. And the other two, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax, are slightly less effective, but still effective enough that we absolutely should get them out as fast as we can while we study this idea of tuning the vaccine,” Gates said.

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Remember, these big pharma vaccine companies funded by Gates and the ruling class have complete immunity if you end up permanently or temporarily damaged, or even die after taking their vaccine. But somehow they want people to take 3 shots of this stuff that is already killing people?

Because the companies injecting people with these mRNA vaccines are looking to make changes to combat the new variants of a virus already proven to be less deadly than the “cure,” another dose is on the table for the rulers. “All five of the companies that have U.S. vaccines are looking at making that modification and adding that in so that people who’ve already had two shots might need to get a third shot,” Gates said. “I think it’s reasonably likely that we will have a tuned vaccine just to make absolutely sure that as these variants hit the U.S. that they’re not escaping from vaccine protection.”

What happens if people continue to get colds or the flu? If the coronavirus is not eradicated (we’ve had the flu vaccine since 1945 and we still have not “eradicated” the flu), according to Gates, additional shots may be necessary in the future. “Probably not yearly, but as long as it’s out there, we want as many Americans as possible not to be spreading it to each other,” he said. 

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The post Bill Gates: You Might Need 3 Shots of The Vax To “Combat Variant Strains” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
Bill Gates is using the mutated strains of the coronavirus to try to convince the public to get three shots instead of just two.  This just feels like a mockery at this point, and sadly, many will line up for shot number 3 without hesitating.
The post Bill Gates: You Might Need 3 Shots of The Vax To “Combat Variant Strains” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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