Bombshell From Germany’s Minister Of Health Admitting That COVID “Vaccines” Cause Excessive, Severe And Permanent Injuries


Steve Kirsch writes: This is progress. We knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. It has started and it is going to escalate from here. Watch Karl Lauterbach, Minister of Health in Germany, start the process.

Executive summary

“It wasn’t my fault!”

We are going to see more and more of these admissions in the near future.


Watch this short clip:

Here is the full video:


  1. Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Germany for Health, is basically saying it wasn’t his fault because he didn’t sign the contracts for the vaccines.
  2. He acknowledges that his earlier statement in summer of 2021 that the vaccines are free of side effects was an exaggeration that was expressed in a failed Tweet.
  3. He acknowledges a rate of 1 per 10,000 doses for those experiencing SERIOUS adverse events.
  4. He still thinks overall the benefits outweigh the risks. So he’s not backpedaling that much.
  5. He agrees that drug company profits have been exorbitant
  6. He will set up a program to deal with the injuries

This is a good start.

The Health Minister is still badly misinformed about the rates of adverse events

It’s important to note that the benefits don’t outweigh the risks. This is crystal clear for kids, but true for all ages as well.

For example, NOBODY can name a single previously healthy kid who died from COVID, but I can name plenty of previously healthy kids who died from the COVID vaccine.

The actual rates for serious adverse events are more than 100X greater than he’s acknowledging at this time, but at least he’s setting a floor for SERIOUS injury.

Note: The rate for death is around 1 per 1,000 doses, consistent with studies by Rancourt as well as the published paper by Skidmore.

So we know the Health Minister is off by at least a factor of 10 since death would be considered to be a serious adverse event.


The finger pointing has begun. This is progress. We are getting there. Slowly but surely.

Transcript of the full video

The Federal Minister of Health is with us, thank you very much for that and good evening Karl Lauterbach. Good evening, sir. What are you saying about these victims? Restrictions and some of them will also be permanent, so it’s difficult. What we do as a start is the health insurance companies take over the treatment and so the countries will pay for the worries. But in fact we have a problem with both of them researched feverishly. And the supplies are often very tightly tied. That’s why I really understand the people who are complaining here fighting the opposite a year repeatedly being turned away. Many posts who don’t believe you sometimes don’t even get an answer at all, fight and then spear good ones until they are recognized as a vaccine and at the end a small sum. That can’t be what the state is currently offering these people, can it? Absolutely not and I want it don’t give that impression either, because that’s not the way I see things. There must be a faster recognition of these procedures here and we’re slowly getting a clearer picture based on data from the Paul Institute or European approval, severe vaccinations are in the order of less than one in ten thousand vaccinations. So it’s not that it’s that common. But because the pictures of the disease have become clearer , it should also be possible in the future. Identifying those who are affected more quickly, so that also quick r can be helped. Why did you, Mr. Lauterbach, still claim in the summer of 2002 that the vaccination was a side effect Very very often before that, for example, position norms about the side effects of the vaccinations, but also often said afterwards that there were hardly any or practically no more or fewer side effects, you said afterwards in a TV show by Annewill: You always gave this impression That the issue of side effects is actually not an issue. That is not correct. Well, I just said it, the numbers are known at the time, and they have remained relatively stable, these vaccines have been used worldwide, one in ten thousand, you can now saying that’s a lot and you can say it’s not that much but it’s actually a vaccination that v or very serious illness and, by the way, very often also reduces the long Covid. also that is similar to what we have seen here with the post syndrome so the vaccinations then the benefit outweighs it, but it is correct one in ten thousand that is the frequency of serious side effects .Now the first lawsuits are pending against Biontech, also against other vaccines, what do you think how they will turn out? have been released from liability and that the liability lies with the German state, so to speak with the federal states as just described, but health insurance companies, which is the most important thing. Looking ahead, we need action and I will set up a program with the Federal Ministry of Health, where we will the consequences of long covid and that would be then also post office, where we are also investigating improving care. That is a contribution that we can make. When is that going to happen specifically? Ask those people who are affected, who are being observed all the time as soon as I want. And I’m negotiating with the family doctor, so to speak, for this money it’s something we also have to bring where we have an obligation and that would network the experts in this area in such a way that the probability of really good therapy in Germany would increase .Now you have just mentioned this liability yourself. It means that the pharmaceutical companies can sit back and lean back in all these legal proceedings. Namely, the state has assumed the risk. It must then hold you, the federal government, responsible for any claims for damages that may arise standing straight, it’s a good feeling that you have with it What’s a good Ge First of all, I feel I didn’t make the contracts at the time, but went into them when the contracts were official. And I think that it was due to the situation at the time that people wanted to use the vaccines as quickly as possible and that’s where the state was perhaps liable That’s also right, because it’s better for the state to be liable if long-term comparisons or lawsuits have to be conducted with companies. Well, we’ve just seen how difficult it is to actually get money from the state. How do you think it is If it then goes on now, do you think that the companies could, for example, in view of the situations, pay a voluntary foundation money, that would be an idea. If you are already out of liability, it would definitely be valuable if the companies would show here because the profits have been exorbitant exorbitant profits and therefore that would actually be more than a good gesture, but one could expect But you ask me how will it go on? I’ll tell you the optimistic scenario I have is that we finally learn how we can treat long covid and post how we can do it and how will it work and recognize the cases more quickly so that people don’t would have to wait so long to be recognized at all. A promise from the Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, was thank you very much for the interview tonight. I’ll start you!

Dr. Byram W. Bridle takes the story further – Karl Lauterbach is Germany’s Federal Minister of Health. Yesterday, he dropped a bombshell on Germans in an interview. It has been posted on Youtube with English subtitles.

You can find the video here (start: 3:54; end:15:17 [interview with minister of health starts at 8:07).

The COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-induced injuries that were covered in this program are severe, life-altering, and permanent. More people are waking up to the reality that more of these severe injuries have occurred and continue to emerge than what has ever been admitted publicly by those pushing the shots. This is the nature of passive monitoring systems, particularly when coupled with active dissuasion of reporting.

COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-injured people are finding themselves falling between the cracks in health care systems. This is horrible, but unfortunately, is not news for most of us.

The news agency and Minister of Health confirmed that the Pharma companies are free of liability due to ‘vaccine’ injuries. This highlights all that is wrong with the clinical implementation of vaccine technologies, but there is no news here either for most people.

Governments pushed the shots on the public and the public paid exorbitantly for them to do so. Now, growing numbers of people are suffering severe side-effects, and the public is also on the hook to pay for these outcomes, which, by the way, were foreseeable to vaccinologists and many other scientists with integrity. Any way you look at it, taxpayers have lost and will continue to lose massive sums of money due to this global debacle. This will be ongoing for a long time due to the massive damage to the global economy.

Unfortunately, most victims of COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ injuries are receiving a pittance for the severe harms they experienced. Worse, many injuries are not being compensated at all because those pushing the narrative are ultra-slow in acknowledging many of the clinical problems caused by the shots.

Interestingly, Germany’s federal Minister of Health hopes the Pharma companies will voluntarily help to compensate those harmed by COVID-19 ‘vaccines’. “That’s because the profits have been exorbitant. Simply exorbitant profits.”, said Lauterbach. Rhetorically, is it at all possible that ‘exorbitant profits’ blinded common sense? Let’s see how much the companies donate!

Here are some bombshell admissions that came from the chat between Lauterbach and the newsman, who did a great job of keeping the Minister of Health on the hook…

  • COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-induced injuries are unique and often not amenable to traditional medical interventions!
  • Research is required to figure out how to treat the unique injuries caused by the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ that are still in their initial phase 3 clinical experiments to assess their safety despite there no longer being any placebo-treated controls to facilitate the detection of safety signals!
  • Government agencies need to get faster at recognizing injuries caused by COVID-19 ‘vaccines’; hard to do when all they can do is robotically and incessantly state they are “safe”.
  • Government compensation programs are a mess, hence why Lauterbach felt compelled to say, “so I can see why the people here are making complaints”.
  • And we are slowly [yes, way too slowly!] gaining a clearer understanding of the situation”; meaning, ‘we are starting to recognize that way more people are ‘vax’-injured than what we have ever publicly admitted’!

Here is a huge bombshell that the Minister of Health dropped

  • In 2021 he claimed in a Tweet that COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ had no side-effects. Remarkably, his current admission is, “That was an exaggeration that I once made in an ill-considered Tweet. It did not represent my true position.“! It is egregious that a federal Minister of Health is admitting this AFTER coercing most people to get the shots and claiming everyone gave fully informed consent. After a desperate attempt to backpedal, all while looking incredibly uncomfortable, Lauterbach was called out by the interviewer for repeatedly promoting his message that the shots were “more or less free of side-effects”.

The interviewer to Lauterbach:

So, you’ve always given the impression that side-effects aren’t really a thing.

And here is the biggest bombshell of them all…

  • With respect to severe COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-induced injuries, Lauterbach stated:

    I’ve always been aware of the numbers. They have remained relatively stable. …1:10,000some may say that’s a lot, and some may say it’s not that much.

…and COVID-19 shots were mandated when some people said there were “a lot” of severe adverse events !?!

  • This confirmed what Lauterbach said earlier in the interview:

    According to the latest research data, severe vaccine injuries are very rare. The incidence is less than 1:10,000 vaccinations.

  • And then he stated it a third time…

    But yes, 1:10:000that’s the incidence of severe adverse effects.

This statistic is almost certainly an underestimation due to the well-known under-reporting inherent to passive monitoring systems, especially when coupled to pressures on physicians to parrot the “safe and effective” motto.

This statistic needs to be put into a proper perspective

The AstraZeneca COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ program was suspended in Canada due to its risk of causing severe adverse events (the main one was blood clotting) in 1:55,000 inoculated adults, including the frail elderly!

Yes, you read that correctly. A national COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ program was shut down because a 1:55,000 incidence of severe adverse events was deemed to be too dangerous for Canadian adults!

Now, you can hear for yourself that Germany’s federal Minister of Health has admitted to “always” being aware of a 1:10,000 incidence of severe adverse events due to COVID-19 ‘vaccines’.

This is egregious. And people are still pushing these shots, including on children. Think about that in the context of the facts laid out above!

Canadians (and people around the globe):

Why were you coerced and mandated to take shots that cause severe adverse events at more than five times the rate warranting a ‘vaccine’ program to be halted ?!?

We need answers and we need them now!

Many people have already awakened to the reality that the declared COVID-19 pandemic has been the most mismanaged crisis of our time. However, far too many still believe the only narrative that was allowed to be disseminated without retribution. For them, shocking admissions like these coming directly from a federal minister of health ought to be a wake-up call.

Please share this video clip with those who still believe that ministers of health have had their best interests at heart. Ask them why these people are walking back their messaging.

And, as ‘narrative-pushers’ try to walk back their messages, we need to keep reminding them what their crystal-clear and confident messaging was over the past three years. Show them just how far they moved the goalposts.

There seems to be a growing epidemic of selective amnesia among those who pushed the ‘narrative’.

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