Thank God and His Holy Mother they are gone. Hunter and Joe Biden have left the Emerald Isle and flown back to America.
Thank God and His Holy Mother they are gone. Hunter and Joe Biden have left the Emerald Isle and flown back to America. But not before visiting The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Knock Shrine, which Our Lady herself, Queen of Ireland, visited in 1879, a mere generation after Edward Blewitt, Biden’s direct ancestor, was directly implicated in the Irish genocide of Black ‘47 which still cuts very deep (scratch an Irishman’s imagination and you get a black potato) and which, thanks to scum like Blewitt, was particularly pronounced around Knock.
Blewitt was a ganger in Ballina Workhouse – rightly described as “the most feared and hated institution ever established in Ireland”. The fear of ending up in the workhouse remained a grave one right down to the elders of my own time and it is to their eternal shame that Joe and Hunter Biden are descended from such flotsam, who were Ireland’s equivalent of the Jewish kapos, who helped the Nazi Banderites run their death camps. My own great great grandfather, for what it is worth, was deported in a felon’s cap to Tasmania for killing scum like Blewitt in the 1848 rebellion and I prouder of him than Biden is of Blewitt, for mine was an infinitely more honourable man than Creepy Joe’s.
For Fr Richard Gibbons, Knock’s parish priest, to welcome Joe and Hunter Biden like they were the Second Coming of Christ, is not only an insult to the Virgin Mary but to all of the Irish, my own relatives included, who fell victim to thugs like Biden and Blewitt during those awful years before Blewitt was eventually run out of town.
Not that you would hear opinions like mine voiced when this child-groping POTUS and his crack-smoking, whore-hiring son defiled the Irish by walking amongst us. Official Ireland, that large body of politicians, policy makers, pretend journalists and sundry sycophants, who feed off the public teat, fell over each other taking selfies with this serial war criminal.
And none more so that the titular leaders of Sinn Féin, Ireland’s pretend pro-Palestinian radical opposition, who want the Russian Embassy closed and who are funded to such an extent by the most venomous sections of the American intelligence services that Gerry Adams, the main link man to their MI5 controllers, even gets dental and prostate treatment gratis in New York.
Ballina was not Biden’s only family pit stop. He also visited the Cooley peninsula in Ireland’s border region, where Gerry Adams’ pals buried the Disappeared, victims like Protestant mother of ten Jean McConville, who was murdered, violated and buried in an unmarked grave on Templetown Beach, right beside where Owen Finnegan, Biden’s other Irish ancestor, hailed from.
Though the sins of their fathers cannot be visited on either Joe or Hunter Biden, in this case, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree and, whether it is murdering over a million Iraqi children or running Ukrainian bio-labs to poison Russian children, Joe and Hunter have, as the Virgin Mary herself would openly attest, sins galore of their own to atone for.
Not that anyone in Vichy Ireland got a chance to say anything like that to this pair of rogues during their stage-managed visit, where the American secret service effectively took over the running of the regime. When Hunter and Joe visited the Irish Parliament, pride of place was given to the American, European Union and Ukrainian flags. As the Irish tricolour, under which generations of Irish men and women gave their lives from 1848 onwards, was nowhere to be seen, referring to this muppet state as Vichy Ireland is probably an insult to the war-time French, whose own great grandchildren continue to show more backbone than this generation of Irish people have ever, or probably will ever show.
This is not to blanket blame the Irish but to say that protests can only work through conduits, through the appropriate channels, in other words. Although French-style protests were never on the cards, given the huge amount of politicians and Vichy VIPs invited to listen to Biden’s incoherent address in the Irish Parliament, a protest, such as the 14 December 2008 shoe protest of Iraqi journalist (and international hero) Muntadhar al-Zaidi was feasible. But the Trotskyist ass wipes of People Before Profit, whose role is to contain any such protest, conveniently boycotted Biden’s Parliamentary talk and thus made any meaningful protest impossible.
Despite the massive crimes Biden and other Irish-Americans have visited upon them, Iraqis like al-Zaidi still retain their self-respect and, for that, we must eternally salute them. But the Vichy Irish long ago chipped in all their equivalent chips. Ireland is now an an American business hub blarneyed over with a leprechaun-flavoured Disneyland that captures the votes of nostalgic Americans and their more hard-nosed American employers, who form substantial parts of Irish delegations to the States for St Patrick’s Day and similar Paddywhackery events. For good and for bad, that is now where Official Ireland stands.
The ordinary Irish barely got walk-on parts in this Animal Farm farce. The American secret service took over the Cooley pubs and cafes Joe and Hunter “spontaneously” dropped into, as well as the square outside Ballina’s Cathedral where Biden mumbled his shibboleths to those vetted extras who were allowed past the CIA’s barricades for Joe and Hunter to ogle at.
Speaking of gawking at vulnerable young girls, the only other “spontaneous” event occurred at Farmleigh House, a mansion Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar generally uses as a cut price love nest with his Canadian husband. Biden, Varadkar and his lover boy all “spontaneously” exited the rear entrance to Farmleigh where young girls were playing camogie, a highly skilled girls-only game, which Varadkar has previously systematically mocked and which is very much in the line of fire of trans right activists like Varadkar and Creepy Joe. To their credit, the young girls and their mentors, who were drafted in to amuse these creeps, ignored them and just got on with their game.
Outside of eyeing up little girls and allowing Joe and Hunter to smoke the peace pipe, the main benefits of the visit of Airforce One to Joe Biden’s Irish Sopranos were to secure Stateside votes and to keep Uncle Sam’s economic, cultural, diplomatic and military vassal ticking nicely along. If there is to be any hope for the Irish, it lies in those young girls playing (girls only) camogie and that events in Ukraine, Syria, Taiwan and elsewhere will overstretch America’s evil empire so that even the somnolent Irish and all of NATO’s other French, German and Dutch vassals will arise from their slumbers and rid themselves, not only of the Bidens and Blewitts but of all who serve them. Though it is a long shot, outside of the direct intercession of Our Lady of Knock, it is our only hope for the peaceful and prosperous future free from Creepy Joe’s jackboot all God’s children deserve.
By Declan Hayes