Cambridge University Panel: Winston Churchill A “White Supremacist” Leading Empire “Worse Than The Nazis” ZeroHedge News

Cambridge University Panel: Winston Churchill A “White Supremacist” Leading Empire “Worse Than The Nazis”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

A Cambridge University panel of academics discussing wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s legacy concluded that the leader who helped defeat Hitler was actually a “white supremacist” and was leading an empire “worse than the Nazis”.

The London Telegraph reports that the inflammatory comments were made during a discussion titled “Racial Consequences of Mr Churchill”.

Ironically, the event was taking place at the Churchill College, named in honour of the former Prime Minister.

Participants decided that Churchill was “the perfect embodiment of white supremacy”, and labelled the British Empire ‘morally poorer than the Third Reich’.

The academics involved agreed that it is a “problematic narrative” that Britain was ‘virtuous’ in comparison to the Nazis.

One academic, Professor Kehinde Andrews, declared “The British Empire far worse than the Nazis and lasted far longer.”

“That’s just a fact.  But if you state something like that it’s like heresy,” Andrews added, claiming that holding Churchill in esteem is part of a process of “lionising dead white men”.

Another panelist, Dr Onyeka Nubia, claimed that Churchill promoted ‘white supremacy’ because he used terms such as “English Speaking Peoples” and “Anglo-Saxon”.

Others argued that Churchill viewed Indian people as animals, and that his policies regarding India led to mass starvation there in the early 1940s.

Another academic, Dr Madhusree Mukerjee, dismissed Britain’s role in the Second World War, stating that “It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis and the Americans who defeated the Japanese.”

Before the ‘discussion’ at the college took place this week, Andrew Roberts, author of Churchill: Walking with Destiny, warned that the panel taking part lack historical expertise, and that previous claims made by some of them are  “libels” that are “entirely factually incorrect”. 

Defending Churchill, Roberts wrote that “a white supremacist wants bad things to happen to non-whites… Churchill fought to protect the hundreds of millions of non-whites in the Empire.”

“If the Japanese had captured India in WW2  [that] would have led to perhaps tens of millions of deaths if their record elsewhere was comparable,” the author added.

“In his political career [Churchill] fought again and again against slavery and for the rights of non-whites within the British Empire. Churchill was moreover instrumental in destroying the worst racist in history, Adolf Hitler,” Roberts further urged.

The discussion group was chaired by college fellow Prof Priyamvada Gopal,  who last year made headlines for declaring “abolish whiteness”, and stating that “white lives don’t matter”.

After receiving backlash for the comments, Gopal was defended and then promoted by Cambridge University, despite the fact that Twitter removed her original tweet under ‘hate speech’ rules.

Cambridge is one of the Universities named in a recent study by leading education focused think tank Civitas, which found that free speech at the world’s leading universities is being eroded at an alarming rate owing to the rise of “cancel culture”.

This kind of revisionist history being pushed by race baiting activists who have wormed their way into the fabric of Universities is having real world effects, as witnessed by the boxing up of Churchill’s Parliament Square statue, as well as the Cenotaph WWII memorial in London last year during Black Lives Matter led protests.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan also just appointed a ‘task-force’ made up of unelected woke activists and campaigners to determine whether the capital’s statues and landmarks are ‘diverse enough’.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 02/14/2021 – 08:10
Cambridge University Panel: Winston Churchill A “White Supremacist” Leading Empire “Worse Than The Nazis”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

A Cambridge University panel of academics discussing wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s legacy concluded that the leader who helped defeat Hitler was actually a “white supremacist” and was leading an empire “worse than the Nazis”.

The London Telegraph reports that the inflammatory comments were made during a discussion titled “Racial Consequences of Mr Churchill”.

Ironically, the event was taking place at the Churchill College, named in honour of the former Prime Minister.

Participants decided that Churchill was “the perfect embodiment of white supremacy”, and labelled the British Empire ‘morally poorer than the Third Reich’.

The academics involved agreed that it is a “problematic narrative” that Britain was ‘virtuous’ in comparison to the Nazis.

One academic, Professor Kehinde Andrews, declared “The British Empire far worse than the Nazis and lasted far longer.”

“That’s just a fact.  But if you state something like that it’s like heresy,” Andrews added, claiming that holding Churchill in esteem is part of a process of “lionising dead white men”.

Another panelist, Dr Onyeka Nubia, claimed that Churchill promoted ‘white supremacy’ because he used terms such as “English Speaking Peoples” and “Anglo-Saxon”.

Others argued that Churchill viewed Indian people as animals, and that his policies regarding India led to mass starvation there in the early 1940s.

Another academic, Dr Madhusree Mukerjee, dismissed Britain’s role in the Second World War, stating that “It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis and the Americans who defeated the Japanese.”

Before the ‘discussion’ at the college took place this week, Andrew Roberts, author of Churchill: Walking with Destiny, warned that the panel taking part lack historical expertise, and that previous claims made by some of them are  “libels” that are “entirely factually incorrect”. 

Defending Churchill, Roberts wrote that “a white supremacist wants bad things to happen to non-whites… Churchill fought to protect the hundreds of millions of non-whites in the Empire.”

“If the Japanese had captured India in WW2  [that] would have led to perhaps tens of millions of deaths if their record elsewhere was comparable,” the author added.

“In his political career [Churchill] fought again and again against slavery and for the rights of non-whites within the British Empire. Churchill was moreover instrumental in destroying the worst racist in history, Adolf Hitler,” Roberts further urged.

The discussion group was chaired by college fellow Prof Priyamvada Gopal,  who last year made headlines for declaring “abolish whiteness”, and stating that “white lives don’t matter”.

After receiving backlash for the comments, Gopal was defended and then promoted by Cambridge University, despite the fact that Twitter removed her original tweet under ‘hate speech’ rules.

Cambridge is one of the Universities named in a recent study by leading education focused think tank Civitas, which found that free speech at the world’s leading universities is being eroded at an alarming rate owing to the rise of “cancel culture”.

This kind of revisionist history being pushed by race baiting activists who have wormed their way into the fabric of Universities is having real world effects, as witnessed by the boxing up of Churchill’s Parliament Square statue, as well as the Cenotaph WWII memorial in London last year during Black Lives Matter led protests.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan also just appointed a ‘task-force’ made up of unelected woke activists and campaigners to determine whether the capital’s statues and landmarks are ‘diverse enough’.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 02/14/2021 – 08:10
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