Canada’s Potential Eurasian Future: A Vision For The 21st Century And Beyond – Matthew Ehret

In the following report, a strategic overview is laid out with the explicit purpose to inform and activate leading citizens and policy makers towards the strategy needed to re-align our nation from the shackles of the rules-based order’s collapsing monetarist system, towards the new paradigm exemplified by the BRICS/New Silk Road orientation of win-win cooperation and long term thinking.

This re-alignment is necessary not only to reconstruct our self destroyed physical economic base, but to lift humanity out of British geopolitics, and closed system thinking which is driving victim nations within NATO towards a thermonuclear world war.

The editors of the Canadian Patriot are proud to present the following report as a blueprint for the survival not only of Canada, but of all humanity. Our report begins with the presentation of several strategic mega projects which will allow us to return to the path of pro-scientific and technological progress which was abandoned during the post John F. Kennedy era of “post industrialism” and “consumerism”. 

It will feature historic precedents that once animated the best traditions of Canada’s past which have been erased from memory.

Part 1: A Conceptual Framework to Open System Planning and the Bering Strait Tunnel

In a strained world looming on the brink of collapse and thermonuclear war on the one hand, and a new paradigm of mutual development and peaceful co-existence on the other, Canada’s close geographical relationship to both the United States and Russia provides an ideal opportunity to act as a bridge uniting two parts of the world around advanced scientific, cultural and nation building endeavors centering around such programs as space science, nuclear energy, and arctic development. The lynchpin for these programs cumulatively driven by the World Landbridge (expressing itself as the “New Silk Road” program of China already under construction), remains a centuries long program called the Bering Strait Rail Tunnel first promoted by Lincoln-ally and first Governor of Colorado William Gilpin in 1890.

Despite the fact that an era of geopolitical destabilizations, assassinations and coups was launched in the wake of Lincoln’s murder, the project was revived by Russian Prime Minister Sergei Witte and Czar Nicholas in 1906 who sponsored teams of American engineers to conduct surveys for the tunnels construction with a March 23, 1906 New York Times headline reading “For Bering Strait Tunnel- Czar Approves Recommendation for All-Rail Route to America”. Two early color revolutions and the murder of the czar put a stop to this trajectory, but it was again again revived by American Vice-President Henry Wallace and his Russian counterparts in 1942.

While the Cold War derailed this program, it was revived by the late American economist Lyndon LaRouche who began promoting it through hundreds of conferences and white papers starting in 1993.

In 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially offered his American counterparts the opportunity to build the project with Russia paying 60% of the estimated 60 billion dollar cost and despite being rejected by George Bush, it was offered once more in 2011 as an alternative paradigm to Arctic militarization and was again rejected by the Obama White House.

That same month, Alaska’s former governor Walter Hickel (1919-2010) addressed a Moscow conference sponsored by Russia’s Council for the Study of Productive Forces and said:

“As we look at goals for the 21st Century, its fitting that we bring Russia and America together. There couldn’t be a more important symbol.

I have believed for many years that it will happen. And the place to start is the Bering Strait.

Let’s build a link between our two great nationsa tunnel to move people, resources and goods east to west, and west to east.

The world’s greatest reserves of natural resources await in Siberia, Alaska and Northern Canada.

Let’s build a rail connection to take that wealth to the world. Let’s build a fiber optic cable link to improve world telecommunications.

Let’s build long-distance transmission lines to the 1.6 billion people on earth who have no electricity. Show me any area in the world where there is a lack of energy, and Ill show you basic poverty. There is a direct tie-in between energy and poverty, energy and war, energy and peace.”

In 2014, the Chinese state media Global Times began promoting it, and by 2018, this project took on new life with the announcement of the “Polar Silk Road” as the Arctic extension of the BRI.

Part 2: The Science of Capitalism and Long Term Planning

What would accepting the Russia/China offer to build it entail for Canada? What will be reactivated within our nation building history which Canadians have forgotten during 40+ years of post industrial rot?

First and foremost, this New Silk Road program would mean abandoning the post-industrial system that replaced the 1945-1971 policy scientific and technological growth. The 40 year cage of oil exploitation for global geopolitical manipulation under the post 1973 “petrodollar” has created a speculative instability within the entire world which has resulted in Canada’s near implosion recent years culminating in the meltdown of the Alberta “oil economy”.

The Bering Strait Development Corridor demands a systemic top down evaluation of Canada’s potential, not merely as a resource exporter, but as a driver of fundamental scientific progress in order to increase the energy flux density of humanity as a whole. Our frontiers obviously are found by pressing on the boundaries of human knowledge, in the atomic field on the immeasurably small, and in the space field on the immeasurably large. Geographically, the boundaries determining the last frontiers of earth are established by the Arctic.

Before proceeding to the most optimal choices of least action pathways and projects available for Canada within the context of a new emerging paradigm, it is important to take a brief inventory of the nature of the physical economy that we are dealing with. On a geographic level, The layout of Canada’s development has to take into account the three fundamental zones:

1) Urban- Industrial where 80% of our population is located,

2) Rural to the end of the tree line in the mid Canada corridor and

3) Arctic where less than 1% of Canadians live

True nation building must begin with the most underdeveloped region as the driver (the Arctic), which will then permit the mobilization of resources in order to “leapfrog” older technologies towards the cutting edge high energy flux density

Part 3: The Alaska-Canada Rail Corridor

Opening up the Arctic to development as an alternative to war requires the obvious completion of 1800 km of unbuilt rail, preferably high speed, from British Columbia, through the Yukon and into Alaska.

image: Schiller Institute

The Alaska-Canada rail connector, with the construction of a development corridor extending 80 km on each side of the railroad, can transform the region in its entirety. Power lines, fiber-optic lines, and where necessary, freshwater pipes would be encased within the corridor. Cities, population, manufacturing, and scientific agriculture would be fertilized and harvested in this corridor as well. The Arctic North’s nearby abundant, but largely untapped, mineral and raw material resources would be made accessible, by rail link, out of the frigid ground for rational use in the Arctic North and the world.

This top down approach to rail creation sets the necessary foundation upon which any competent plan to reconstruct Canada’s dilapidated municipal and interprovincial transportation infrastructure must rest. Magnetic Levitation trains connecting all major cities from Vancouver to the Maritimes would also provide a positive driver for nation building in tandem with a revived American and Mexican transportation strategy.

Despite having to contend with an embarrassingly large and independent military-intelligence industrial complex that didn’t get less powerful after Kennedy’s murder, former president Trump laid out the first sane foreign policy outlook regarding Eurasia in decades saying in April 2019:

“Between Russia, China, and us, we’re all making hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of weapons, including nuclear, which is ridiculous.… I think it’s much better if we all got together and didn’t make these weapons … those three countries I think can come together and stop the spending and spend on things that are more productive toward long-term peace.”

On September 26, 2020, Trump announced that Federal support would be granted to a long overdue project uniting Alaska for the first time with Canada and the lower 48 states via a 2570 km railway which would have gone farther than at any time in over a century to reviving a US-Russian-China alliance for progress.

In his Tweet announcing the project, Trump said:

The Alaska-Alberta Railway Development Corporation (tasked by Trump with the job of building and managing this $17 billion project), features on its website, programs to tie North America into the Asian market as well as help integrate a North American transport system whose once proud rail system have fallen derelict since WWII and the age of “highways and cars” took over.

A2A CEO Sean McCoshen emphasized this point saying: “This is a world-class infrastructure project that will generate more than 18,000 jobs for Canadian workers at a time when they are most needed, provide a new, more efficient route for trans-Pacific shipping and thereby link Alberta to world markets.”

Were this program to be built, not only would countless productive jobs be created for the next generation, but a new breath of life for Canada and the world would result as an era of unbounded cooperation and creative discovery would necessarily result.

Part 4: Premier W.A.C. Bennett’s Fight to Open the North

From 1952- 1972, British Columbia’s great Premier W.A.C. Bennett fought a hard fought battle to ensure that British Columbia would finally become more than a colonial underdeveloped region as its British rulers had long condemned of her. Bennett was convinced that the opening up of the arctic and the industrial boom of British Columbia were possible if a policy of state directed investment into capital intensive infrastructure, social programs, and industrialization were made the focus of the national purpose.

Bennett’s clashes with the technocrats in Ottawa beginning with the sabotage operation against the Columbia River Treaty and continuing beyond the ouster of Diefenbaker in 1963 instilled Bennett’s resolve to use the vast powers of the Province over its economy to nationalize BC Power Corporation and create new BC-run institutions such as the Bank of British Columbia to execute his grand design. Bennett’s struggle to develop BC was also made possible through his association with John F. Kennedy who sided with Bennett over Ottawa’s civil service in regards to the Columbia River Treaty.

Using revenues generated from the Columbia River treaty, Bennett was able to invest in a vast rail expansion process that continued through the 1960s which opened up development corridors in previously inhospitable regions of the great north. While these projects were begun based upon the exploitation of fossil fuel, lumber and other raw materials, the creation of manufacturing industries had soon begun to appear with permanent cities in the Peace River region.

Alaska-British Columbia-Yukon conferences through this period were instrumental in advancing Bennett’s vision for an eventual connection between BC’s rail system and that of Alaska. Due to the sabotage of the rail system by W.A.C. Bennett’s son Bill Bennett, the great Canada-Alaska rail connection became forever known as the “rail to nowhere” ending in Dease Lake.

Completing Bennett’s rail vision in the 21st century is a necessary component to the Bering Strait Rail Corridor program proposed by the governments of Russia and China which will advance transportation corridors all the way from the Eurasian New Silk Road through the Siberian development belt and into the Americas connecting down into the west coast and New York. The Alaska-Canada rail connection is one of the greatest projects in the Americas and involves the 1800 Km construction of rail between Dease Lake and into the Yukon and Alaska.

Bennett astutely observed Canada’s destiny with Asia, when he said in 1971;

there are great mountains separating B.C. from Ottawa, but between us and Japan, there’s only the Peaceful Sea (Pacific Ocean).”

Part 5: The Arctic as Platform for Cooperation

NSR 07


Ultimately, the opening up of the Arctic as the new frontier of human development requires that Canada learn from Russia’s plans to build a nuclear powered domed city of Umka on the island of Kotelny only 1000 km from the North Pole.

In order to meet the challenge of housing over 5000 workers and their families in the harsh arctic climate which requires internal climate control, waste evaporation, internal agricultural capacities and reliable energy, Russian designers have used the International Space as their model. This ISS design is important since the Arctic will play a vital role in the investigation of cosmic radiation, a galactic (and intergalactic) phenomenon driving both the evolution of the living and non-living material on the earth.

NSR 08- Frob bay

This model “city of the future” echoes back to the planned domed city of Frobisher Bay, Nunavut which Prime Minister John Diefenbaker had committed to build as an integral component of his 1958 “Northern Vision” campaign. Frobisher Bay’s design as produced by the Department of Public Works announced a domed city, encircled by 12 large towers housing 4500 workers and families connected by an underground network of tunnels.  In order to ensure that this city were truly one of the future, recreation facilities, shopping centers and other amenities were included to ensure that the comfort of Toronto would be something accessible even in the Arctic.

Ultimately, Diefenbaker`s Northern Vision which incorporated a bold “Roads to Resources”, and frontier science program was to be funded by a re-chartered Bank of Canada. Diefenbaker’s brilliant financing approach took a page from Alexander Hamilton and Lincoln’s Greenback system which involved public bonds issued by Canada’s National Bank in order to connect both old maturing WW2 Victory Bonds as well as new bonds directed towards Canada’s development.

Diefenbaker’s vision for a true national credit system was encapsulated in his 1958 radio announcement:

This, the largest financial project in our history, offers an opportunity to all holders of victory bonds which were purchased as an act of patriotic faith during the war years, to re-invest them for the greater development of greater Canada. These monies that were advanced during the days of war, and which contributed to the victory, we now ask to be made available to speed the pace of peaceful progress and the program of national development… The action we are taking will make it possible for our nation to embark on a new era of peacetime prosperity far and beyond anything we have ever known.”

9-a- Diefenbaker

While this National Credit and Northern Vision program was sabotaged by a coordinated operation from London, Diefenbaker’s strategy is just as applicable today as it was in 1958.

Today Frobisher Bay plan remains the paragon of northern development, and complements the multi trillion dollar development policy of the Trans Eurasian Belt Development which former Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin described on March 23 2015, must be an “inter-state, inter-civilization, project. It should be an alternative to the current (neo-liberal) model, which has caused a systemic crisis. The project should be turned into a world ‘future zone’, and it must be based on leading, not catching, technologies.”

Since Yakunin’s remarks, President Putin’s Far East development has been unveiled as a “21st century national priority” for Russia. The development of new cities, mining, transport corridors and oil and natural gas of Russia’s Far East represent one of the greatest boons for economic investment during the coming century and already features an array of partners from China, Japan, South Korea, India and other APEC nations.

Putin’s 2018 proposal that the USA join in this project of win-win cooperation is important not only because it would build trust, create business opportunities and re-establish the lost art of long-term thinking, but would also help link up western businesses into partnership with the Asia Pacific development process now being shaped by China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Although tensions have been enflamed to schism China and India from cooperating directly on the BRI, India’s embrace of Russian Far East development investments has created a non-linear flank which can help bring these two Asian giants into harmony.

Today, Russia’s Trans Eurasian Belt Development is fully integrated into China’s “One Belt, One Road” program (aka: The New Silk Road), and provides a model upon which the Northern Vision can be re-awoken bringing Canada into alignment with the BRICS on arctic development, space and nuclear research.

Part 6: Reviving the Mid-Canada Development Corridor

While this program was rejected by the Liberal Government of Pierre Trudeau 1969, which chose at that time to move Canada into a “post-industrial” paradigm, it has, since 2002 made a comeback under the sponsorship of former Liberal MP Rick Lalibertee and groups of patriotic citizens around the leadership of Architect John van Nostrand.

Although General Richard Romer’s 1967 design is presented within a false closed system paradigm of “resources exploitation”, it is based upon a notion of permanent cities which would endure long after the original mineral which induced the town’s creation is tapped. Within the context of the global New Silk Road, and Canada’s arctic development strategy which necessarily blossoms from our participation in the Bering Strait tunnel, this program provides a valuable pathway for durable growth and is a far cry from the “temporary camp” model at the heart of the Alberta Tar sands in Fort McMurray.

In his 1970 book The Green North: Mid-Canada, Richard Rohmer stated the general intent of such a project in the following terms:

“Wouldn’t it be satisfying to know that we had a national goal, a national purpose for Canada? Such a goal exists in the creation of a second Canada” 

The original 1967 blueprint introduces a concept of permanent development in order to populate and integrate Canada’s resource rich north with the rest of the nation. The original design sat upon a 4000 km rail track from Labrador through the northern provinces and into the Yukon which can naturally harmonize into the Alaska-Canada rail corridor and ultimately the Bering Strait rail connection which must drive this process.

In May 2016 the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy published a study by Andrei Sulzenko and G. Kent Fellows called ‘Planning for Infrastructure to Realize Canada’s Potential: The Corridor Concept‘. This brilliant report took most of the ideas of Rohmer’s plan and upgraded them in fascinating ways describing:

“The Northern Corridor would be approximately 7000 km in length. It would largely follow the boreal forest in the northern part of the west, with a spur along the Mackenzie Valley, and then southeast from the Churchill area to northern Ontario and the “Ring of Fire” area; the corridor would then traverse northern Quebec to Labrador, with augmented ports. The right-of-way would have room for roads, rail lines, pipelines and transmission lines, and would interconnect with the existing (southern-focused) transportation network.”

This work inspired the establishment of a study commissioned by the Canadian Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce chaired by David Tkachuk in 2017 who produced a policy document called ‘National Corridor: Enhancing and Facilitating Commerce and Internal Trade’ and said:

“A visionary, future-oriented infrastructure initiative, such as the proposed northern corridor, would give rise to significant economic opportunities for Canada and would play an important role in the development of Canada’s northern regions. Because an initiative of this scale and scope would likely take decades to complete, the federal government – on a priority basis –should ensure that a feasibility study on the proposed northern corridor is undertaken”

Under such a grand vision the Mid-Canada Development Corridor is a vital concept to revive once again. However with another anti-growth Trudeau Prime Minister in power, it is obvious that this project has been targeted for destruction yet again.

Part 7: The Nuclear Renaissance

NSR 11-Nuclear


It is no exaggeration to say that without an intensive expansion of next generation nuclear fission, with an intention to break through on thermonuclear fusion at the soonest possible time, then not only could no great project in Canada ever be brought into being, but not even currently mediocre levels of production and potential relative population density be maintained. High energy flux density energy sources such as atomic power provides a clear gateway towards true wealth creation and was understood clearly by such Canadian nation builders as John Diefenbaker, CD Howe, W.A.C. Bennett, Jean Lesage and Daniel Johnson Sr. as the only viable way to build our nation.

Driving Arctic development at home, while reconstructing our lost infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities can only occur if we look at the global community with new eyes and recognize our most valuable technological contribution towards the new paradigm of development is also to be found in this field. Currently, Canada’s energy basket is heavily reliant on Hydro power, Coal, Natural gas and Nuclear. That distribution must incorporate ever greater rates advanced 3rd and 4th generation nuclear fission with emphasis on making the leap towards fusion as soon as possible.

As BRICS nations are vectoring their entire development strategy around a vigorous pursuit of nuclear energy,  with over 70% of global nuclear energy development occurring in the BRICS nations or their allies, Canada must use its advanced nuclear technology to immediately begin to assist our global allies in everything from nuclear desalination to industrial nuclear power production. The Malthusian moratorium on nuclear energy pushed by Prince Philip, Maurice Strong, the Club of Rome and the 1001 Club since 1968 must now come to an end.

Part 8: The Oncoming Fusion Economy

Lastly, as the bubble of Canada’s resource extraction economy pops with the end of the shale boom, a vital change is needed now for not only Alberta, but all of Canada to survive into the coming decades.

A jewel exists in Canada more precious than all the oil under her soil. This jewel is located in the Fusion Energy Council of Canada (formerly named ‘Alberta Canada Fusion Technology Alliance’). Although this next generation source of energy has been subverted by the the anti-growth ideologues managing the federal government, this council has spearheaded the advance of fusion research across both public and private sectors with a focus on magnetic confinement designs, inertial confinement and also magnetized target fusion as displayed by the BC-based company General Fusion’s designs.

Other provinces which had formerly had ambitious fusion programs such as Quebec’s Tokamak at Varennes (cancelled for “budgetary reasons” in 1998 after winning international awards that same year) must be revived as well as the federal Fusion Energy Canada program which had been shut down at that same time.

Alongside revived provincial and federal fusion programs working with the world nuclear community, Canada’s universities must be integrated into this process. Currently, only 7 universities have active fusion research programs, but this must expand in quantity and quality coordinated with the private sector such as the British Columbia-based General Fusion Inc., under the umbrella of a reformed National Reseach Council (NRC) and re-nationalized Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. (AECL) following the model of Canada’s “Minister of Everything” C.D. Howe from 1945-1958.

Given the fact that next-generation nuclear fission, breakthroughs in Fusion and mining Helium-3 on the moon are at the center of China’s economic policy and is the basis of the now globally-established Eurasian Partnership, adopting such a pro-fusion outlook for Canada’s energy policy would immediately propel Canada out of its backwardness as a raw materials exporter and into a pro-industrial dynamic centered on true anti-entropic global development.

Part 9: The North American Water & Power Alliance

The title “NAWAPA” refers to the proposal for a North American Water and Power Alliance, to bring water that flows from the rivers of Alaska and Canada into the sea, southward into the Canadian Prairies providing agriculture, power projects, shipping and also a cleaning of the polluted Great Lakes. It also would bring water to the driest areas of the United States and Mexico. Originally drafted in 1964, NAWAPA was never built, for political reasons. But with the scorching droughts of recent years, it is more urgent than ever.

It is an undeniable fact that China is currently leading the world in large scale megaprojects.

From the 135-nation strong Belt and Road Initiative, to their alliance with Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union on such projects as the Polar Silk Road, to their support for conditionality-free African, Asian and Latin American infrastructure programs, China has created many new precedents for financing, and economic planning that are infusing strength and confidence in the new Multipolar Alliance in contrast to the unipolar system dominant among western geopoliticians.

Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the UN Charter, President Xi Jinping said: “Cold War thinking, ideological lines or zero-sum game are no solution to a country’s own problem, still less an answer to mankind’s common challenges. What we need to do is to replace conflict with dialogue, coercion with consultation and zero-sum with win-win.”

One of the most overlooked components of China’s anti-zero-sum paradigm which bears directly upon the matter of North America water crisis is a megaproject called the “Move South Water North Project”.

Begun in 2001, the $64 billion water diversion project is the largest such program ever divised in human history. In order to bring much needed water from the flood prone, low-population density headwaters of the Yangtze River of the south to the highly populated industrial zones of drought-prone North, engineers have embarked on a project which aims to bring 44.8 billion cubic meters (1.5 trillion cubic feet) of water per year from the south to the North and Yellow River basin.

Divided into three routes, the first to begin construction was the Eastern Route upgrade of the Grand Canal bringing 12.6 billion cubic meters/year of water from the Yangze via massive tunnels to avoid evaporation across 760 miles to Tianjin. This journey will take the water through 23 pumping stations, and provide 45.4 mW of power along the way. This route was completed in 2013.

The next route which was built between 2004-2014 is the Central Route diverting 9.5 billion cubic meters/year of excess water from the Danjiangkou Reservoir on the Han River to Beijing 765 miles away. This immense endeavor features the construction of two tunnels moving this water 65 meters below the Yellow River in its journey north.

Finally the third Western Route will only be completed in 2050 and will bring water from the Yangtze and tributaries to the Yellow River passing through the Tibetan Plateaus.

While detractors of these projects focus only on the 330 000 people who were displaced due to these projects, it is undeniable that the flood controls, increased irrigation, and water availability for urban and industrial activity will save countless lives over the coming centuries.

Returning to North America

So what would this sort of non-zero sum thinking allow us to do in the abysmal case of North America?

If we remove from our minds adherence to the assumption that North American water systems must be defined regionally as closed systems and that planning can only occur using “bottom up” thinking, new vistas open up to us. By starting with an open system view which sees ecosystems and economies as being “more than the sum of their parts” and allowing our minds to problem solve from a top down perspective, then that enlarged context and perspective changes both the parameters of the problem and the available pathways to solve it.

Taking a look at the North American continent as a whole we find many similarities to the problem faced by the Chinese.

North America’s water cycle features an immense amount of rain water and unused water runoff in the north where there are few people and little industrial activity while there is very little water in the south where we find high population and agro-industrial activity.

Over 2200 million acre feet/year rains down upon the land in Alaska and the Northeastern continent of Yukon, and BC, 1300 million acre feet/year of that rain runs off directly into the Arctic and north Pacific salt water never to be used in any biospheric process. Compare this immense runoff with the 110 million acre feet/year continental average. This number is 40 times more runoff than what is experience in North Mexico or the Southwest USA.

In the 1960s, continental water management and non-zero-sum thinking were much less taboo than they have become in recent years. Under the short-lived leadership of President John F. Kennedy a new era of large scale water projects was unveiled which reflected this paradigm. Kennedy immediately reversed Eisenhower’s “No New Builds” agenda and immediately supported bills to accelerate Federal funding for water/hydro/irrigation projects across the nation.

During an August 17, 1962 dedication ceremony to the Trans Mountain tunnel system connecting Atlantic and Pacific watersheds, Kennedy exemplified this optimistic outlook:

“This is an investment in the future of this country, an investment that will repay large dividends. It is an investment in the growth of the West, in the new cities and industries which this project helps make possible. And I hope that in the 1960s we will commit ourselves to this same kind of mutual effort, and not regard those projects which aid our cities as inimical to Colorado or those projects which help our farmers as taking it away from our cities. Because that concept of the moving ahead of a great country on a great errand is what I think can give this country its leadership in the future as it has in the past.”

Kennedy’s death derailed many of the projects which he and his close collaborators like Senator Frank Moss and Robert Kennedy were pushing during this period, as a Malthusian anti-development paradigm become infused into national policy making.

One particular project which arose at this time was called the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), sponsored by the Parsons company and endorsed by leading politicians from both sides of the aisle including Robert Kennedy. Unbeknownst to many people today, this project became federal legislation by 1965 and won over many leading Canadian and American engineers and statesmen who conducted a battle for several years which ultimately saw the project drift off into obscurity under the fog of the Vietnam war as outlined in the 2012 film NAWAPA 1964.

In Canada, water management projects built up under the leadership of B.C. Premier W.A.C. Bennett set the stage for the NAWAPA project itself which I outlined in a 2012 historical study “W.A.C. Bennett: Canada’s Spiritual Father to NAWAPA”.

Under the 1964 feasibility studies conducted by the Parsons engineers and displayed in a 15 minute 1964 promotional video, this continental water project would involved the construction of 95 dams, 8 lifts, 39 major tunnels, and 4515 miles (7266 km) of canals in order to collect and move between 10-20% of the fresh water runoff from Northern Alaska and Canada down into the Southwestern USA and North Mexico. Under this design and amplified by studies conducted over the ensuing 50 years, a second circuit would take 19 million acre feet of water/year from the Peace River dam in North BC through the Canadian prairies and into Lake Superior both cleaning out and replenishing the depleted polluted lakes.
A recent rendition of the NAWAPA program with several major extensions created by EIR in 2010 featured the largest components of the megaproject stretching across Canada and the USA

Part of this second Canadian circuit would serve as a barge canal and provide over 35 GW of hydroelectric power for Canada’s use as the nation begins to recover from 45+ years of globalized outsourcing of its manufacturing/industrial base while opening up inroads into the under-developed mid Canada development zone (sometimes known as the Canadian shield) connecting additional lines of rail, roads and new cities together, opening up new corridors of resource development and building connections from Hudson Bay and James Bay into the Great Lakes. Floods which periodically wreck havoc on Alberta and the prairies would also be regulated with new flood control systems.

Image: NAWAPA image from 1964 Parson Co. film featuring northern collection zones

During the collection phase on the Susitna, Copper, Yukon and Taku Rivers, water would be pumped up 300 feet into a reservoir 2400 feet above sea level in the Stikine reservoir. From here 70 million acre feet per year would be pumped into the Rocky Mountain Trench which forms a naturally occurring reservoir 500 miles long and would hold a total capacity of 650 million acre feet, of which 100 million acre feet could be released per year as needed into the parched south.

NAWAPA image from 1964 Parson Co. film featuring U.S. distribution zones

Before making it to the parched south, coming out of the Rocky Mountain trench, the water would be lifted high above sea level via the Sawtooth lifts in Idaho and Oregon, and transiting via canals and tunnels (to avoid evaporation) through Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, Texas and North Mexico. Along the way farmlands would double from 21 million acres to 44.3 million acres, aquifers like the Ogallala would replenish, desertification would reverse as dry lifeless zones would become rich ecosystems ripe for forestation, agriculture and more.

Describing his philosophy of water development and the role of science and technology as acting harmoniously with the forces of nature, John F Kennedy remarked:

“There are two points on conservation that have come home to me in the last 2 days. One is the necessity for us to protect what we already have, what nature gave to us, and use it well, not to waste water or land, to set aside land and water, recreation, wilderness, and all the rest now so that it will be available to those who come in the future. That is the traditional concept of conservation, and it still has a major part in the national life of the United States. But the other part of conservation is the newer part, and that is to use science and technology to achieve significant breakthroughs as we are doing today, and in that way to conserve the resources which 10 or 20 or 30 years ago may have been wholly unknown.”

As the unipolar system continues to rupture under its obsolete logic of zero sum thinking, we who wish to have a future for our children must face some existential choices regarding the type of system we would like to see brought online. Of course, one option is the anti-human ‘Great Reset’ agenda pushed by Davos creatures like George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Carney, Mike Bloomberg, Prince Charles and Lord Malloch-Brown et al, the other option involves reviving a forgotten paradigm more worthy of human civilization and natural law.

Part 10: The Fallacy of Canada’s Geopolitical Development Paradigm to be Corrected

The biggest problem with the Bennett design, Diefenbaker’s vision and Rohmer’s plan, is that they are all couched in the closed false nationalist matrix of “Canada first, we’ll see what happens after we build it second”.

Becoming aware of the limitations of Canada’s historic development paradigm is not to diminish the extremely important role played by such rail engineers, scientists and inventors who blossomed during the Canadian Pacific Railroad’s construction. Whether initiated for right or wrong reasons, great projects that cause humanity to transcend our limits will always have positive humanizing effects, and oligarchy can never be certain that such a genie can be put back in the bottle.

The names of Thomas Keefer, William Hamilton Merritt, Isaac Buchanan, Wilfred Laurier, C.D. Howe, W.A.C. Bennett, John Diefenbaker, Daniel Johnson Sr and Paul Sauve, remain some of the many Canadian names which should be celebrated to this day for their inspiring advance of the human condition. After all, one simply cannot pioneer a new frontier, master a new discipline, and awaken powers of creative reason while remaining the same small minded subject one was before the endeavor was undertaken.

So we must proceed optimistically into the new future being born before our eyes, knowing that even though ugly fallacies contaminate our past and our present traditions, the seeds have been planted for something new to be born now. Let us take confidence that in this new paradigm of win-win cooperation, the claws of monarchical principles will find less and less to hold onto as Zeus slips forever into oblivion.


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