Canadian Truckers Continue Protest – Demand Trudeau’s Resignation And Full Freedoms Back

The Freedom Truckers in Canada continue their peaceful protests against Prime Minister Trudeau and his COVID mandates.  They vow to continue until Trudeau resigns or Canadians’ freedoms are given back to them. 

The Daily Mail reports:

Freedom Convoy truckers protesting the Canadian government’s vaccine mandate continue to block the busiest border crossing with the US – which carries 25 percent of trade between the countries – for a third day in a row as a growing list of provinces start to lift COVID restrictions and the General Motors plant in Delta Township, Michigan is forced to cancel a second shift due to lack of supply for production.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has smeared the truckers as ‘swastika-wavers’ and refused to budge on his mandate, saying he ‘doesn’t listen to people who illegally block borders’.

For a third day in a row, trucks and vehicles lined the main trade route leading to Ambassador Bridge, which links Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan, which typically sees about 8,000 trucks pass through daily and accounts for 25 percent of trade between the two countries.

People around the world stand with the Canadian truckers.  Yesterday Italy’s Archbishop Vigano’s sent praise and prayers for the truckers:  We are with you.

The Conservative Treehouse shared a moving video of the Canadian Trucker movement. The message here is right over the target. {Direct Rumble Link} : “Every institution and agency are aligned against freedom, but they are the few – we are THE MANY.”

They may control and twist the legacy and corporate media, but we are no longer reliant upon them to see what is happening, and what is happening is beautiful.

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.

The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

~ John Stuart Mill



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