Canadian Truckers Vow To Continue “Until It’s A Free Nation Again”

Overnight, truckers with the Freedom Convoy who have gathered in Coutts, Alberta near the border with Montana managed to refuel and re-supply as supporters continued to contribute to keep the protests going even as the RCMP continue to surround them in a blockade that has disrupted commerce – something the government has tried to blame on the truckers.

Truckers, farmers, & other supporters being blocked from joining the Coutts blockade at the Milk River police barrier, though some trucks not related are being let through.

But back in Ottawa, where hundreds of protesters remain camped out after this weekend’s Freedom Rally at the seat of Canadian government, locals – and local officials (who have already tried to seize money raised for the truckers on GoFundMe) are growing increasingly anxious, since organizers expect the number of supporters in Ottawa to swell in the coming days as the weekend arrives and with it, another wave of protests.

The movement’s organizers have pledged not to relent until the Canadian government drops some of its more draconian policies, including a quarantine requirement that essentially would make life impossible for unvaccinated truckers.

He conceded the protest would likely grow again this coming weekend and “there may not be a policing solution” to resolve the impasse.

Tamara Lich, a spokeswoman for the protestors, said she and fellow organizers had been surprised by the turnout at first “but we are now well organized and are settling in, until Canada is a free nation again.”

Unfortunately, it seems like local police are insistent on cracking down; they have arrested a handful of demonstrators for a range of charges including carrying a “weapon” to “posting threats on social media”.

Police acknowledged to the BBC that demonstrators have come from “all parts of Canada” and some even from the US.

“Most demonstrators have left,” police chief Peter Sloly said at a Wednesday news conference. “What remains is a highly determined and highly volatile group of unlawful individuals.”

He conceded the protest would likely grow again this coming weekend and “there may not be a policing solution” to resolve the impasse.

As we noted above, some Ottawa officials have suggested trying to cut off the supply of donations financing the truckers. One even proposed suing GoFundMe to block the money raised by supporters from reaching the truckers, whom the council member described as “mercenaries” who are “unlawfully occupying our communities”.

While some locals have complained about the disruptions, one organizer of the Freedom Truckers movement tried to explain that blame for these disruptions lies with the Canadian government.

In a statement, Chris Barber – one of the convoy leaders – said the group understood those frustrations but was also being bullied by politicians and members of the press.

“The responsibility for your inconvenience lies squarely on the shoulders of politicians who prefer to vilify and call us names rather than engage in respectful, serious dialogue,” he said.

But the BBC also parroted MSM lies about the truckers out in Coutts, claiming that they had blocked commercial traffic along the border for five days. The decision to block traffic was made by the RCMP, not the truckers. It also quoted the mayor of the small community in Coutts, who claimed the truckers were responsible for the small community being cut off from gas and groceries for days.

But, again, the truckers aren’t the ones setting up the roadblocks.

Meanwhile, the truckers’ protests have garnered support and inspired others in Europe to try and organize a convoy of their own that will converge on Brussels at an unspecified date.

To end things on a lighter note: supporters of the truckers have been stirring up mischief by calling 911 to inquire about PM Justin Trudeau’s whereabouts. According to a WSJ reporter, local authorities have asked them to kindly desist.

Story continues by ‘Java’ via Right Wire Report

A month ago, I could not have imagined that on a clear cold day in January, I would join with the longest truck convoy (the “Freedom Convey”) in history and participate in a day of peaceful protest on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada.

Much has been written about that protest and readers will be well aware of the genesis, the circumstances, and the exciting dynamic of what occurred. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has blasted the “fringe minority” behind the convoy of truckers protesting Covid mandated passports. There has been an effort by some in the mainstream media to disparage the protestors as nefarious and dangerous – even potential provocateurs may be at play. Here is a recent press conference that was given by the organizers of the protest to give more background.

This report on the ground is from my actual experience and rebuts many of those who may say otherwise. I have included photos [that were taken by this author personally] below and a narrated video [from the author] at the bottom of the post of the day’s events on January 29, 2022.

To get an overview, see a Twitter post below of incredible drone Ariel footage of the trucker convoy protest in Ottawa Canada.

My first and most striking observation was the mood of festivity that permeated the crowd. The noise was deafening at times. Many thousands were there, and everyone I saw was happy and smiling. A few times, people spontaneously broke into singing our national anthem, and it moved in a wave across the crowd.

I called it the Joyous Protest. I spent hours on the Hill, moving around the crowd in various locations, and I did not observe or hear about ANY violence or even unruly behavior. Ottawa Police reported no incidents. On three occasions I encountered groups of 5 or 6 Ottawa cops moving through the crowd. They were calm, smiling, courteous, non-confrontational, and in one case I saw a high five to a demonstrator.




However, mainstream media have focused almost entirely on isolated incidents of undesirable behavior and, in some cases, have grossly misrepresented. For example, I spoke to a guy who had crudely drawn a swastika in the white portion of the Canadian flag that he was carrying, and I asked him why.

He replied to me that Trudeau is acting like a nazi dictator (honestly, the guy did not sound very bright). Based purely on visuals, this guy’s intent was unclear, and he was obviously misdirected, but MSM reported on “swastikas in the crowd.”

One CBC commentator went so far as to wonder aloud, on-air, that perhaps Russia was behind this protest. Trudeau has mischaracterized protestors as “a small fringe group that is not representative of Canadians,” and he has used every opportunity to vilify them in his typical virtue-signaling tone. But the truth is the people I saw were a diverse group of ordinary Canadian citizens.




I had promised to log in to social media around 2:30 PM EST to provide some on-the-spot reporting and a live feed to the Right Wire Report online members (typically 40 to 80 folks daily, 24/7). The Right Wire Report has a voluntary political news team to which anyone can join – see here. The Friday night before, I installed the appropriate software on my phone and practiced with it, all went well.

But on that Saturday, I was unable to log in because I had no internet access. Nor did the ten or so random people I asked, who had their phones out. I tried to send a text message to my sister and watched it spin spin spin continuously without being sent.

Canada’s security services had apparently, and obviously, blocked internet access. It was not until I walked seven blocks back to my vehicle and drove another two blocks from the Hill that my phone beeped, indicating my text had been sent. Perhaps this was an obvious government attempt to block peaceful protesters’ rights to protest and amplify their voices.




This protest was not limited to truckers. As just one measure to indicate the depth of support, a Go Fund Me page that had an initial goal of raising $350 K to help with expenses, is now approaching over $10 M. What began as a truckers’ protest morphed into a much wider protest of fed up Canadians of all colors, creeds, and ethnicities.

So many provincial and federal mandates and lockdown measures have breached Canadians’ Charter rights, from criminalizing religious gatherings and protests to preventing Canadians from moving about freely and crossing the border. Canadians are patient people who often defer to authority for the collective good, but it has become clear that Canadians have had enough. I was proud to be there.




See below an exclusive narrated video of the “Freedom Convey” on January 29, 2022, from the Right Wire Report news team.


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