As More Nations Beyond China Reject The US-led Order, 2022 Will Go Down As The Year Of “De-Westernisation” – Wang Wen

As More Nations Beyond China Reject The US-led Order, 2022 Will Go Down As The Year Of “De-Westernisation” – Wang Wen


• From China’s socialist path to Latin America’s left turn and Asean’s neutral stance, more countries are quietly but firmly spurning the Western world order • Instead, they seek to favour national interests, a more democratic form of international politics and mutual respect…

A Former American President Is Being Hounded Into Oblivion While The Democrats, Dept Of Justice And FBI Prepare A Putsch – Paul Craig Roberts

A Former American President Is Being Hounded Into Oblivion While The Democrats, Dept Of Justice And FBI Prepare A Putsch – Paul Craig Roberts


When Trump left office I wrote that he would be “hounded into oblivion.” It is happening precisely as I said. Not content with framing Trump with Russiagate, impeachgate, January 6 insurrection, his business practices, and other investigations in preparation, Trump is now…

Latin America’s Leading Countries Reaffirmed Their Principled Neutrality – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Latin America’s Leading Countries Reaffirmed Their Principled Neutrality – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


For as different as Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico are, they’re all united in the common cause of practicing principled neutrality towards the Ukrainian Conflict, which makes them Latin America’s multipolar leaders. Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, which are Latin America’s leading countries, just…

President Putin Is Right: The US’ World Order Is Doomed – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

President Putin Is Right: The US’ World Order Is Doomed – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Russian President Vladimir Putin told State Duma leaders and party faction heads on Thursday that their country’s special military operation in Ukraine “means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the US-style world order.” He predicted that it’ll result in international law, state and civilizational…

Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Police Crackdown On Farmers’ Protests – Shawn Fleetwood

Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Police Crackdown On Farmers’ Protests – Shawn Fleetwood


BREAKING: Farmers are surrounding the police station where a child is being held that police shot at and detained last night. They are accusing the police of committing attempted murder. The Dutch government is Leftist authoritarianism in action.   Whether it’s…

Japanese Cancer Patients Seek Damages From Fukushima Operator For Exposure To Deadly Levels Of Radiation

Japanese Cancer Patients Seek Damages From Fukushima Operator For Exposure To Deadly Levels Of Radiation


Six thyroid cancer patients are seeking compensation from the Fukushima nuclear plant operator over the 2011 nuclear disaster, the worst nuclear disaster, much larger than the 1986 Chernobyl incident, with 3,000 thousand times higher radiation leak than Chernobyl. Six plaintiffs, who were…

Denis Pushilin: Donetsk Trade And Economic Links With Newly Liberated Territories In Donbass Already In Effect – Donetsk News Agency

Denis Pushilin: Donetsk Trade And Economic Links With Newly Liberated Territories In Donbass Already In Effect – Donetsk News Agency


Mariupol, Apr 28 – DAN. Trade and economic relations are already in effect between the Donetsk People’s Republic and Ukrainian areas controlled by the Russian armed forces, DPR Head Denis Pushilin told journalists during his visit to Mariupol on Thursday.  “This work…

Number Of Extremists And Neo-Nazis In Europe Will Increase As A Result Of Condoning Them In Ukraine – Vladimir Odintsov

Number Of Extremists And Neo-Nazis In Europe Will Increase As A Result Of Condoning Them In Ukraine – Vladimir Odintsov


Fleeing from wars, armed conflicts and various militant activities, migrants from Africa and Asia continue to make risky attempts to enter the EU by various means, often using risky and perilous routes. However, streams of refugees in Europe have increased in recent days…

Stop The Possible World War III Scenario! International Peace Conference To Dissolve NATO And For Global Denuclearization – Prof. Francis Boyle

Stop The Possible World War III Scenario! International Peace Conference To Dissolve NATO And For Global Denuclearization – Prof. Francis Boyle


This war must be immediately terminated before it expands and sucks in the European NATO States and the United States. Towards that end, President Biden must publicly announce that NATO Expansion is over for good  and that Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova will…

Russia Accuses Ukrainian Nazis Of Shelling Residential Areas In Kiev And Other Cities

Russia Accuses Ukrainian Nazis Of Shelling Residential Areas In Kiev And Other Cities


Russia accused “Ukrainian nationalists” of firing rockets into residential areas in the town of Starobelsk in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The attack resulted in civilian casualties, Moscow claims. Moscow has said that Ukraine used multiple rocket launchers to shell residential blocks in…

Prospects for Chile, Straddled with Neoliberalism: New President, New Constitution, Continuing Turmoil – W. T. Whitney

Prospects for Chile, Straddled with Neoliberalism: New President, New Constitution, Continuing Turmoil – W. T. Whitney


The 1973 U.S.-supported military coup against Chile’s socialist government, and the murder of president Allende, may be old history. The Pinochet dictatorship may have ended in1988 and democratic forms – elections, political parties, debate – are in place. And Chile’s economy, recovering…

Tokyo must stop and listen to the world, says Beijing, as Japan’s PM claims Fukushima wastewater release into ocean “cannot wait”

Tokyo must stop and listen to the world, says Beijing, as Japan’s PM claims Fukushima wastewater release into ocean “cannot wait”


The Chinese Foreign Ministry has reiterated its opposition to Japan’s decision to release nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima power plant into the ocean, after Tokyo’s new leader said the discharge could wait no longer. Speaking on Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao…

Failure of Making the World in its Own Neoliberal Image With the World Bank’s Scrapped Doing Business Indicators – Goran Sumkoski Коложег English – Коложег.Инфо

Failure of Making the World in its Own Neoliberal Image With the World Bank’s Scrapped Doing Business Indicators – Goran Sumkoski Коложег English – Коложег.Инфо

Authored by Goran Sumkoski and published by and One World. As God created man in his own image, the globalist international financial organizations similarly created and projected the world around their neoliberal agenda – represented among other key tools and instruments……

Welcome to Yankeegrad! Trump was Putin’s cosy comrade & America’s turning into Russia, shock new White House insider (fair)tale alleges – Paul Robinson

Welcome to Yankeegrad! Trump was Putin’s cosy comrade & America’s turning into Russia, shock new White House insider (fair)tale alleges – Paul Robinson


By Paul Robinson, a professor at the University of Ottawa. He writes about Russian and Soviet history, military history and military ethics, and is the author of the Irrussianality blog. The rollercoaster ride that was Donald Trump’s presidency has ground to a halt but, thanks…

Hundreds rally against New Zealand lockdown amid calls for police crackdown on ‘gang members & cultists’ disobeying Covid rules

Hundreds rally against New Zealand lockdown amid calls for police crackdown on ‘gang members & cultists’ disobeying Covid rules


A large group of demonstrators gathered at a major park in Auckland, New Zealand to protest ongoing Covid lockdown measures in the country – many arriving with a procession of motorbikes headed by a local church leader. The protesters – who numbered…

Engineered Economic Chaos, “Fake Shortages” – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research

Engineered Economic Chaos, “Fake Shortages” – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


Whistleblower: Los Angeles Port Worker Says Shortages Are Fake! The global economy is in crisis. The Covid-19 Lockdown policies have triggered a process of Worldwide economic destabilization which directly affects both “Supply” and “Demand” relations. It’s the most serious economic crisis in World history affecting simultaneously more than…

‘Finally, something the PM can help with’: Post-Covid CLOWN SHORTAGE hits Northern Ireland

‘Finally, something the PM can help with’: Post-Covid CLOWN SHORTAGE hits Northern Ireland


Alongside the UK’s ongoing fuel crisis, there’s a clown shortage in Northern Ireland’s circuses. With circus bosses searching for new clowns, some commenters suggested they look to the political arena for recruits. Circuses will soon tour Northern Ireland again once Covid-19 restrictions…

Israel claims ‘right’ to strike Iran ‘at any moment’ to prevent it from obtaining nukes, FM Lapid says after meeting with Blinken

Israel claims ‘right’ to strike Iran ‘at any moment’ to prevent it from obtaining nukes, FM Lapid says after meeting with Blinken


Israel reserves the right to attack Iran at any time of its choosing, under the pretext of stopping it from acquiring a nuclear weapon, Tel Aviv’s FM Yair Lapid said after meeting with his American and Emirati counterparts. Addressing reporters after a…

Yappy: Russia’s Gazprom-Media launches domestic competitor to wildly popular Chinese video-sharing social network TikTok

Yappy: Russia’s Gazprom-Media launches domestic competitor to wildly popular Chinese video-sharing social network TikTok


Last year, the Chinese video-sharing app TikTok was the world’s most downloaded phone application. Now, Russia’s Gazprom-Media wants a taste of the success, and is planning to launch its own domestic analogue later this year. Called ‘Yappy’, the social network has been…

The EU empire: Brussels has kept Bosnia on a leash for decades. Now, it’s become a new battleground against ‘Russian influence’ – Glenn Diesen

The EU empire: Brussels has kept Bosnia on a leash for decades. Now, it’s become a new battleground against ‘Russian influence’ – Glenn Diesen


Stability in Bosnia is appearing to unravel, and the EU’s efforts to restore stability seem destined to make matters worse. While Brussels views itself as a selfless security provider, the reality is it is making matters worse. Moreover, the EU has actually…

Jamie Dimon Warns JP Morgan Bracing For “Potentially Catastrophic” US Default Debt-Ceiling Battle Drags On

Jamie Dimon Warns JP Morgan Bracing For “Potentially Catastrophic” US Default Debt-Ceiling Battle Drags On


Jamie Dimon Warns JP Morgan Bracing For “Potentially Catastrophic” US Default Debt-Ceiling Battle Drags On Now that Janet Yellen has confirmed Oct. 18 is the “drop dead” for Congress to lift the federal debt borrowing limit, progressives are pushing even harder against…

Russophobia Absurdity… As Russian Gas Rescues Europe’s Energy Crisis – Strategic Culture Foundation

Russophobia Absurdity… As Russian Gas Rescues Europe’s Energy Crisis – Strategic Culture Foundation


Europe’s energy crisis and Russia’s readiness to alleviate vividly demonstrates a fundamental win-win partnership. Russophobia and geopolitical cynicism know no bounds among certain Western politicians and media commentators. Thankfully, however, such a negative mindset is increasingly exposed for its ridiculous irrationality. This…

There Are Positive Developments on the Ground in Syria, but America Knows Only Sanctions and Inflicting Suffering as Usual – Eva Bartlett Global Research

There Are Positive Developments on the Ground in Syria, but America Knows Only Sanctions and Inflicting Suffering as Usual – Eva Bartlett Global Research


Jordan is reopening its border crossing with Syria and resuming flights to Damascus. In Syria, more armed groups are laying down their weapons. But amid these positive developments, the US is hunkering down to inflict more pain. On September 29, Jordan’s Nassib…

Kremlin says US & Russia agree Ukraine must give Donbass special autonomous status as Nuland hails productive meeting in Moscow – RT

Kremlin says US & Russia agree Ukraine must give Donbass special autonomous status as Nuland hails productive meeting in Moscow – RT


Russia and the US have agreed to continue discussions on the situation in the east of Ukraine, with both parties seeing eye-to-eye on the need for Kiev to implement the controversial Minsk agreements to create peace in the region. That’s according to…

Victims “Stunned” After International Court Drops Probe Into US War Crimes In Afghanistan – Dave DeCamp via

Victims “Stunned” After International Court Drops Probe Into US War Crimes In Afghanistan – Dave DeCamp via


By Dave DeCamp via, The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor is seeking approval to resume an investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan but will “deprioritize” investigating suspected crimes by the US and its allies. Karim Khan, who took over as ICC prosecutor…

The SCO Is Eurasia’s Most Effective Security Organization -Andrew Korybko

The SCO Is Eurasia’s Most Effective Security Organization -Andrew Korybko


By Andrew Korybko The bloc’s dual purpose in jointly thwarting shared unconventional threats and pioneering comprehensive connectivity opportunities across the supercontinent enables it to function as the core of multipolarity in the 21st century. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) heads of state…

Putin says US itself killing dollar as reserve currency by weaponizing sanctions & uncontrolled money printing, fueling inflation

Putin says US itself killing dollar as reserve currency by weaponizing sanctions & uncontrolled money printing, fueling inflation


Washington itself is undermining the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency by using it as an instrument of sanctions abroad, while raising the national debt and inflating at home, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “It seems to me that the United…

What-About-Ism, The American Establishments Latest Taking Point In its Anti-Russian Crusade – Richard Heathen

What-About-Ism, The American Establishments Latest Taking Point In its Anti-Russian Crusade – Richard Heathen


Richard Heathen. I will be posting the next part of the series titled Historical Reflections soon, however I felt I needed to write something about the upcoming meeting between Biden and Putin, in particular in response to the latest talking point cooked…

US To Exclude Travelers Vaccinated With Russia’s Sputnik V Despite Distribution To 70 Countries  ZeroHedge News

US To Exclude Travelers Vaccinated With Russia’s Sputnik V Despite Distribution To 70 Countries  ZeroHedge News


A week ago the US relaxed prior pandemic restrictions on foreign travelers entering the country, announcing that vaccination proof and a negative Covid test would be required. However, one major foreign-produced vaccine will now be deemed not eligible as proof one is…

Erdogan Alarms NATO Allies: ‘Putin Agreed To Jointly Produce Jet Engines, Warships & Submarines’ – ZeroHedge News

Erdogan Alarms NATO Allies: ‘Putin Agreed To Jointly Produce Jet Engines, Warships & Submarines’ – ZeroHedge News


There were some unexpected, surprising agreed-upon initiatives to come out of Wednesday’s Sochi summit between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan which will be sure to catch the attention of the West, given Turkey comprises NATO’s second largest army –…

European Database Records 27,247 Deaths and 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus – Brian Shilhavy Global Research

European Database Records 27,247 Deaths and 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus – Brian Shilhavy Global Research


The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 27,247 fatalities, and 2,563,768 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. This database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe which  are part of the European Union (EU), which…

Financial Times Says Europeans Should “Prepare For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians” – Paul Joseph Watson

Financial Times Says Europeans Should “Prepare For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians” – Paul Joseph Watson


Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News. The Financial Times has published an article which asserts that people living in European countries should “prepare for demographic replenishment by Arabs and Asians.” Yes, really. Parag Khanna, the writer of the article also authored a…

Pyongyang restores hotline with Seoul, calls for ‘positive efforts’ to ease Korean peninsula tensions – RT

Pyongyang restores hotline with Seoul, calls for ‘positive efforts’ to ease Korean peninsula tensions – RT


The two Koreas have reopened a cross-border communications channel, shuttered by Pyongyang two months ago in protest against Seoul’s military drills with the US. Tensions escalated further amid recent missile tests by the North. “The South Korean authorities should make positive efforts…

Beijing calls on US to clarify details of nuclear-powered submarine collision in South China Sea, accusing it of of hiding details

Beijing calls on US to clarify details of nuclear-powered submarine collision in South China Sea, accusing it of of hiding details


The Chinese Foreign Ministry has expressed its concern about an incident in the South China Sea in which a US submarine collided with an “unknown” object, sustaining significant damage and injuring several mariners. Speaking on Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian…

It Takes a Lot Of Education to Keep Us This Stupid – Caitlin Johnstone

It Takes a Lot Of Education to Keep Us This Stupid – Caitlin Johnstone


The oligarchic empire is working harder and harder to bolt down our minds in service of its agendas. Silicon Valley is working more and more openly in conjunction with the US government, and its algorithms elevate empire-authorized narratives while hiding unapproved ones with increasing brazenness. The mass media…

British army to start delivering fuel to pumps next week, amid claims gas shortage ‘under control’ to quell panic buying

British army to start delivering fuel to pumps next week, amid claims gas shortage ‘under control’ to quell panic buying


The UK government has called out the Army to help ease the country’s fuel crisis by providing hundreds of troops to make deliveries to petrol stations, many of which have seen their pumps run completely dry amid panic buying. The so-called “Operation…

Iran kicks off war games amid rising tensions with Azerbaijan and alleged Zionist presence

Iran kicks off war games amid rising tensions with Azerbaijan and alleged Zionist presence


The Iranian military has started large-scale drills in the northwestern part of the country, involving drones, armored units and helicopters amid rising tensions with Azerbaijan. On Friday morning, Iran’s Army Ground Forces kicked off the ‘Fatehan (Conquerors) of Kheibar’ military exercise. Brigadier…

Authorities Threaten Jail Time For Unvaccinated Aussies Who Try To Enter Businesses – Paul Joseph Watson

Authorities Threaten Jail Time For Unvaccinated Aussies Who Try To Enter Businesses – Paul Joseph Watson


Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News. Authorities in New South Wales are threatening to jail Australians who don’t show a COVID-19 vaccination pass when they enter businesses. Yes, really. NSW Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello threatened people who he described as “fraudsters”…

Academia Is Establishing A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country – Michael Tracey

Academia Is Establishing A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country – Michael Tracey


By Michael Tracey via Substack. Having now received a tsunami of messages from people across the US (and a few internationally) about the surveillance regimes being permanently installed at their educational institutions — in contravention of earlier assurances that the current academic…

Bad economics or outright fraud? Keiser Report looks at how the fiat world drives multiple supply crises & how bitcoin could help – RT

Bad economics or outright fraud? Keiser Report looks at how the fiat world drives multiple supply crises & how bitcoin could help – RT


The global supply chains are collapsing, leaving empty shelves and people queuing for basic goods, but stock prices continue to rise because of money-printing behind the scenes, collapsing the value of currencies. The global supply chains are collapsing, leaving empty shelves and…

“Global Supply Chain Crisis To Last Until 2023,” Says Middle East’s Largest Port Operator – ZeroHedge News

“Global Supply Chain Crisis To Last Until 2023,” Says Middle East’s Largest Port Operator – ZeroHedge News


Global central bankers have been out and about continuing to promote a narrative that inflation is “transitory.” We’ve seen it from the likes of Powell, Lagarde, Bailey, and Kuroda. Logically, these monetary wonks are right, inflation caused by supply chain bottlenecks will…

Blinken Admits US Policy Is To ‘Oppose The Reconstruction Of Syria’ – Dave DeCamp

Blinken Admits US Policy Is To ‘Oppose The Reconstruction Of Syria’ – Dave DeCamp


By Dave DeCamp via On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US position on Syria is to “oppose” the country’s reconstruction and not support any attempts at normalization with the government of Bashar al-Assad. At a joint press conference with his Israeli and UAE…

Ukrainian President Zelensky sold himself to nationalists like a Jewish soldier fighting for Nazis in WWII – ex-Russian president

Ukrainian President Zelensky sold himself to nationalists like a Jewish soldier fighting for Nazis in WWII – ex-Russian president


Former Russian president and Security Council chief Dmitry Medvedev has lambasted Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming the politician has turned his back on his Jewish ancestry by courting the support of the far-right. In a series of extraordinary attacks penned as part…

Are We Really So “Rich”? A New Way Of Defining Wealth – Charles Hugh Smith

Are We Really So “Rich”? A New Way Of Defining Wealth – Charles Hugh Smith


By Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog. What if our commoditized, financialized definition of wealth reflects a staggering poverty of culture, spirit, wisdom, practicality and common sense? The conventional definition of wealth is solely financial: ownership of money and assets. The assumption is…

The Police State’s Reign Of Terror Continues… With Help From The Supreme Court – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

The Police State’s Reign Of Terror Continues… With Help From The Supreme Court – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead


John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rurtherford Institute. “Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges.” – George Carlin You think you’ve got rights? Think again. All of those freedoms we cherish—the ones enshrined in the Constitution,…

Chinese army vows to ‘CRUSH’ Taiwan separatism & ‘external interference’ after shock troops conduct assault drills – reports

Chinese army vows to ‘CRUSH’ Taiwan separatism & ‘external interference’ after shock troops conduct assault drills – reports


The Chinese military has warned it will “resolutely crush” any attempt to split Taiwan from China, a day after it shared a video of “shock” troops conducting beach landing and assault drills right across the sea from the island. In a People’s…

Ukraine won’t join NATO until it achieves ‘democratic standards’ & respects rights of minorities, says Hungarian foreign minister

Ukraine won’t join NATO until it achieves ‘democratic standards’ & respects rights of minorities, says Hungarian foreign minister


Ukraine does not yet meet the standards that would allow it to be accepted into the US-led NATO military bloc, the Hungarian foreign minister has claimed, specifically pointing to issues regarding minority rights in the country. Speaking to Russian news agency TASS,…

Addicted to Military Keynesianism: Why Can’t Even Our Most Progressive Politicians Break with the Military Industrial Complex? – Joan Roelofs Global Research

Addicted to Military Keynesianism: Why Can’t Even Our Most Progressive Politicians Break with the Military Industrial Complex? – Joan Roelofs Global Research


New Hampshire, like many other states, is deeply penetrated by military culture, funding, and institutions. Yet its presence is hardly visible to many people. This is amazing, as the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about was a mere fragment of…

“Fill The Swamp”: The Federal Administrative State Grew Even Under Trump – Adam Andrzejewski

“Fill The Swamp”: The Federal Administrative State Grew Even Under Trump – Adam Andrzejewski


By Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder of originally posted at Forbes, Everyone from Ronald Reagan (1983) to Nancy Pelosi (2006) to Donald Trump (2016) issued calls to “drain the swamp.” However, in a new oversight report by, Mapping The Swamp, A Study…

Serbia inks deal with breakaway Kosovo region to end spat that featured jet flyovers and tanks at borde

Serbia inks deal with breakaway Kosovo region to end spat that featured jet flyovers and tanks at borde


Chief negotiators for Serbia and Kosovo have formally reached agreement to conclude the latest round of escalation. “We have a deal,” tweeted EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak after two days of “intense negotiations.” The recent disagreement had seen Kosovo order its police…

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