“Chances For Western Europeans To Become Extinct Greater Than For White South Africans” – Richard Abelson

Local community defense group during the South African riots 2021

Speaking to Maroela Media, Solidarity International Liaison Kleynhans and Dr. Heinrich Matthee, honorary chair in security studies at Akademia in Centurion, South Africa commented on the recent fall of the Dutch government in the face of renewed mass immigration, and the civil war-like unrest in France.

Dr. Heinrich Matthee called the European migrant crisis “a policy crisis or even a crisis of the current model of peaceful coexistence, which is struggling under the pressure of mass migration.”

European mass migration was reinforced by “a tremendous loss of support for the nation-state and secure borders, as well as a loss of common values such as faith and culture among Europeans,” Kleynhans noted. “The exaggerated belief in national identity and borders, which led to both world wars, began to diminish in the West—something that did not happen in other parts of the world such as Japan, South Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.”

“Tipping Points”

“Unlike the West, these countries did not turn their backs on the nation-state and nationalism, which is why they do not experience problems with illegal immigration,” Kleynhans said. “On the contrary, measures have been developed in the West to try to accommodate illegal migrants with the cultivation of a culture of excessive tolerance. This has created a perception that it is acceptable to immigrate illegally to Western countries.”

According to a 2021 opinion poll by Harris Interactive, “Two-thirds of all French people are concerned about a “replacement” of the indigenous population, Kleynhans noted.  “Today, we are faced with a significant number of immigrants and their descendants who are establishing parallel societies in Europe where they are not integrated and assimilated with the local population,” Matthee said.

“There is a clash in terms of values and faith—a secular West versus deeply conservative and religious newcomers,” Matthee said.

While the future of Europe and its leadership “will look and function differently than in the 1970s,” Afrikaners should not write off Western Europe too quickly, according to Matthee.

Regarding the question of the survival and sustainability of Afrikaners, Kleynhans is optimistic.


By Richard Abelson


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