China, West and the Islamic World – Zamir Ahmed Awan

For the last decades, the Muslim world was on the target of the West and victimized mercilessly. American brutalities and atrocities against Muslims have crossed the historical records. After the former USSR’s disintegration, the US became a unique superpower in the unipolar world, and the Muslim world was on its target. There was no other power to counter America or challenge, so the US harmed the Muslim world without any resistance until it faced opposition in Syria, where Russia stood to protect Syria.

For the last decades, the Muslim world was on the target of the West and victimized mercilessly. American brutalities and atrocities against Muslims have crossed the historical records. After the former USSR’s disintegration, the US became a unique superpower in the unipolar world, and the Muslim world was on its target. There was no other power to counter America or challenge, so the US harmed the Muslim world without any resistance until it faced opposition in Syria, where Russia stood to protect Syria.
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