Christian Orthodox Monks Resisting Persecution By The Kiev Regime – Conrad Franz

The date has arrived for the Orthodox Monks to be expelled from the Kiev Caves Lavra by the US/NATO backed Zelensky government in Ukraine. To provide some quick background, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has historically been an autonomous Church under the broader jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since 2018, however, as US interference in Ukraine ramped up, a schismatic group of defrocked clerics has been recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (EP) and the western world as the “true” Orthodox Church in Ukraine going by the intentionally deceptive name of the “Orthodox Church in Ukraine” (OCU). This recognition (which was effectively gotten from the EP through bribery) has coincided with a rapid increase in persecution by local thugs and criminals who seek to replace the canonical Church entirely as to more easily implement the western NATO/globalist project in Ukraine. Often the thugs are directly supported by local Ukrainian police or even the SBU (Ukrainian Feds). With the exception of Tucker Carlson, this overt Christian persecution is going unmentioned in the western media. Here is Zelensky announcing the total ban on the UOC along with some other footage of the persecution:

The persecution has only increased since the Special Military Operation began in February 2022. Despite the UOC having nothing to do with the war, they have been branded “Muscovites” and thus worthy of persecution. The SBU has raided dozens of parishes and monasteries, searching for “pro Russian literature” to use as evidence against monks and nuns in court for treason. Of course any library or Church or monastery in Ukraine will have what is deemed “pro russian literature” by the Zelensky regime as prior to the Soviet Union, Ukraine was part of Russia entirely. Priests have been stabbed during services while others have been dragged away by police in front of their congregation. This has now come to a head with the impending expulsion of everyone not associated with the criminal schismatics from the largest monastery in Ukraine.

March 29th was supposed to be the last day the Ukrainian Orthodox Church resided in the Kiev Caves Lavra as they refused to submit to the false schismatic church propped up by NATO and Zelensky. However, due to a massive outpouring of prayerfasting, and peaceful resistance by the faithful, the monks are still in the monastery. The commission that was sent to “inspect” and make sure the eviction had been carried out did not enter the monastery buildings. Thousands of believers have camped out at the monastery, in the Churches, and even in the famous caves that house the relics of hundreds of Ukrainian Christian Saints. The monks and nuns have said they would rather be imprisoned or killed than abandon their monastic home and it seems they are sticking to that promise. They are serving 24/7 services and worshiping through the night both in celebration of the ongoing lenten season as well as in hope that God would ease their suffering. Some of the footage is quite powerful.

Remember, the schismatic church recognized by Zelensky and Biden is not recognized by nearly as many Ukrainian Christians as the canonical “Russian” Church. Millions in Ukraine recognize it for what it is. Russian pranksters called the head of the schismatic church and got him to admit that he would immediately support softening the Church’s stance on LGBT issues! Here is what he said: “there would not be this conservatism, so we would move away from Russian tradition and the church would be open and serve as a guide to Ukrainian people.” He also explicitly mentions “very noticeable support” from the US regarding his fake church project. Talk about being a puppet! The majority of Orthodox Christians and their leaders around the world have, thankfully, resoundingly condemned this evil persecution as something from the depths of the soviet and even early Christian persecutions. Unfortunately, armed forces seem to be getting closer to the monastery so we may be getting a mass arrest of monks, nuns, and peaceful worshippers soon. Please pray for those persecuted in Ukraine and an end to this violence!

Conrad Franz is a Staff Writer at Turley Talks

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