Comedian John Cleese ‘Apologises’ For Making “Fun Of White English People” ZeroHedge News

Comedian John Cleese ‘Apologises’ For Making “Fun Of White English People”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Monty Python star John Cleese has caused a stir once again by tweeting out an ‘apology’ for using ‘white English people’ as the butt of the joke in past sketches, a reaction to The Simpsons actor Hank Azaria apologising for voicing an Indian character.

Cleese has previously railed against cancel culture, hitting out at permanently offended woke people, insisting that they have no sense of humour and are contributing to the death of comedy.

While many lauded Cleese for his response, the woke mob immediately jumped on and accused him of white privilege:

Others started to search for things about Monty Python and Cleese’s other show Fawlty Towers to be offended at, which Cleese appeared to find hilarious.

The shows both used stereotypes to drive the comedy. The funny comes from the fact that the characters engaging in the stereotypes are the ones being laughed at, a nuance completely lost on the woke cancel mob.

Azaria, who played the shopkeeper character Apu on the cartoon for decades now says wants to seek out “every single Indian person in” the “country and apologize.”

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Tyler Durden
Wed, 04/14/2021 – 10:00
Comedian John Cleese ‘Apologises’ For Making “Fun Of White English People”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Monty Python star John Cleese has caused a stir once again by tweeting out an ‘apology’ for using ‘white English people’ as the butt of the joke in past sketches, a reaction to The Simpsons actor Hank Azaria apologising for voicing an Indian character.

Cleese has previously railed against cancel culture, hitting out at permanently offended woke people, insisting that they have no sense of humour and are contributing to the death of comedy.

Not wishing to be left behind by Hank Azaria, I would like to apologise on behalf on Monty Python for all the many sketches we did making fun of white English people
We’re sorry for any distress we may have caused
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 13, 2021
While many lauded Cleese for his response, the woke mob immediately jumped on and accused him of white privilege:

2/3 If there was a person of color on screen, since I was a white person, I didn’t pay any attention. It was just another character – dumb black guy? So what? There’s a bunch of dumb white guys. But the problem is there was only ONE black guy.
— Jason Duplissea (@duplissea) April 13, 2021
Others started to search for things about Monty Python and Cleese’s other show Fawlty Towers to be offended at, which Cleese appeared to find hilarious.

I expect you’ll recover eventually
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 14, 2021

They made Manuel Portuguese
Problem solved
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 14, 2021
The shows both used stereotypes to drive the comedy. The funny comes from the fact that the characters engaging in the stereotypes are the ones being laughed at, a nuance completely lost on the woke cancel mob.

Actually all jokes are unnecessary
But a few people get pleasure from them, although only if they have a sense of humour
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 14, 2021

There were lots of complaints about that episode
Oddly enough, not a single one from a German !
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 14, 2021

That makes you all oppressors
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 13, 2021

They enslaved us for for over three centuries and they owe us reparations
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 13, 2021

You don’t understand
That’s how all Welsh people feel
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 14, 2021

Don’t bait the Vegans
They don’t have enough on their plate anyway
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 13, 2021
Azaria, who played the shopkeeper character Apu on the cartoon for decades now says wants to seek out “every single Indian person in” the “country and apologize.”

Hank Azaria apologises for voicing Indian character Apu in The Simpsons
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 13, 2021

That guy who voiced Apu’s apology is the most pathetic drivel since the Mumford and Sons guy’s capitulation. Risible nonsense.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) April 13, 2021

ALL Simpsons characters are stereotypes. That’s how the show works.
As a German, I’d feel very silly were I to express outrage over Üter Zörker.
No Scotsman I know has ever found Groundskeeper Willie offensive.
— Oliver Berlau (@OliverBerlau) April 13, 2021

Why do people keep listening to a small percentage of outraged marxist mobs on the internet 🤦‍♂️
— sᴀᴍ ᴄʜᴇɴᴋᴜᴀʟ 🕙 (@SamChenkual) April 13, 2021

The whole point of his character was to be a stereotype. I would understand if this came from an outcry by the Hindu community but this is a result of people going from topic to topic looking for stuff that doesn’t match our current norms, simply looking for stuff to cancel.
— Sean Sternot (@SSternot) April 13, 2021

As far as my Muslim, Sikh and Hindu friends are concerned Hank has nothing to apologize for. They laughed at Apu and all the characters in The Simpsons because they like the show and aren’t offended. Please actually ask the people who are meant to be offended if they are.
— Ruth Merry (@Rufus7004) April 13, 2021
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Tyler Durden
Wed, 04/14/2021 – 10:00
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