COVID Mutations: MSM Ramps Up Fear Campaign – Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

The mainstream media is doing their best to keep the American public in a panicked state of fear over the coronavirus.  The new fear-mongering campaign is centered around the mutations of the virus, that the authorities assure us will be concerning.

Don’t put anything past the elitists in the ruling class.  Could these variants be used to put the public through another more sinister lockdown? Could they be releasing something that is actually dangerous this time and not just the common cold? Could we be on the verge of something massive?

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According to propaganda outlet, The New York Times, scientists are finding a number of new variants that seem to have originated in the United States — and many of them may pose the same kind of extra-contagious threat. In a study posted on Sunday, a team of researchers reported seven growing lineages of the coronavirus, spotted in states across the country. All have gained a mutation at the exact same spot in their genes.

Watch what they are saying in their own words. Whether these new mutations are worse or not is of no consequence to the ruling class.

“There’s clearly something going on with this mutation,” said Jeremy Kamil, a virologist at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center and a co-author of the new study. That means they will either make it deadlier or use it as an excuse to lockdown the slaves again. Possibly something else, but those seem like the two most likely scenarios as these stories unfold.

“It’s tough to know what these substitutions are doing,” he said of the mutations. “It really needs to be followed up with some additional experimental data.”

The article by The New York Times goes on with the intent to continue to push the fear.

But just as states are again lifting mask-wearing mandates and loosening restrictions, experts fear that more contagious variants could undo all that progress.

That threat seems only to grow as researchers learn more. British government scientists now believe the more contagious variant that is ravaging Britain is also “likely” to be deadlier than earlier versions of the virus, according to a document posted on a government website on Friday. An earlier assessment on a smaller scale warned last month that there was a “realistic possibility” the variant was more lethal.

The variant, also known as B.1.1.7, is spreading rapidly in the United States, doubling roughly every 10 days, another recent study found. –The New York Times

Something is going on with these mutations and the way they are being reported on in the mainstream media.  Stay alert and stay prepared.

The post COVID Mutations: MSM Ramps Up Fear Campaign first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
The mainstream media is doing their best to keep the American public in a panicked state of fear over the coronavirus.  The new fear-mongering campaign is centered around the mutations of the virus, that the authorities assure us will be concerning. 
The post COVID Mutations: MSM Ramps Up Fear Campaign first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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