Decadent Western Elites Wont Stop Until They Normalize Pedophilia – US Professor: “Nothing Wrong In Having Sex” With One-Year-Old

A SUNY professor in video clips that emerged of him asserts that “it’s a mistake” to think pedophilia is wrong and that there are “evolutionary advantages to child/adult sex.” SUNY Fredonia professor Stephen Kershnar teaches teaches libertarian philosophy and applied ethics at the university.

Kershnar believes that society’s reaction to pedophilia is what’s wrong, and that consenting sexual relationships between adults and children could actually be a good thing.

“Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. A very standard, very widely held view is that there’s something deeply wrong about this. It’s wrong independent of it being criminalized,” said Kershnar.

“It’s not obvious to me that it’s in fact wrong,” he continued.

Another clip shows Kershnar appearing to discuss a “threshold” for adult-child sexual relations, adding that “it’s not quite obvious” to him that sexual relations are wrong, “even with a one-year-old.”

“Even if you are looking for a threshold — let’s say there’s a threshold, I’m making this number up, but let’s say it’s at age eight — still, that tells you that some adult-child sex is permissible,” he said.

The professor went on to say that “the notion that it’s wrong, even with a one-year-old, it’s not quite obvious to me.”

“There are reports in some cultures of grandmothers fellating their baby boys to calm them down when they’re colicky,” Kershnar claimed.

“Now, I don’t know if this is true,” he added. “But this is sort widely reported as occurring in at least one culture, and it working — that the grandmothers believe this actually works.”

“If this were to be true — and again, I don’t know it to be true — if it were to be true, it’s hard to see what would be wrong with it,” Kershnar said, suggesting that pedophilia is not wrong, even when there is an unwilling child participant involved.

Kershnar asserted that there was no minimum age at which pedophilia could be considered wrong.

“The notion that it’s wrong even with a one-year-old is not quite obvious to me,” he luridly claimed.

He went on to assert that in some foreign cultures, grandmas perform oral sex on baby boys to calm them down, adding, “It’s hard to see what would be wrong with it.”

The professor said claims that it’s wrong because kids “can’t understand” sex can be countered by pointing to other activities children enter into but don’t fully understand, such as judo tournaments or bar mitzvahs.

Kershnar went on to claim there were “evolutionary advantages” to child/adult sex and that there were a “surprising number of college age males” who show an attraction to pre-pubescent children.

“So it’s fairly widespread among young men particularly young men in our society,” he claimed.

Another clip features Kershnar insisting that society’s reaction to pedophilia is what’s wrong with it, not the act itself.

The mainstreaming of pedophilia is a cultural trend that has crept up as society becomes more degenerate and moral relativism takes hold.

Kershnar’s biography on the Fredonia’s website touts him as a “distinguished teaching professor” of philosophy, and notes that his work includes publications on “abortion, adult-child sex, hell, most valuable player, pornography, punishment, sexual fantasies, slavery, and torture.”

The professor’s LinkedIn page states that he has been an employee of the State University of New York for nearly 24 years.

Kershnar is also the author of “Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis,” “Liberal Argument for Slavery,” and “Does the Pro-Life Worldview Make Sense?: Abortion, Hell, and Violence Against Abortion Doctors.”

Spouting the same sentiment as Kershnar, a “non-binary” associate professor at Old Dominion University recently called for the “stigma” of pedophilia to be ‘delegitimized’.

Last month, it was highlighted how USA Today had hastily deleted a series of tweets which critics said were tantamount to the normalization of pedophilia after the newspaper cited “science” to assert that pedophilia was “determined in the womb.”

USA Today, Latest US Media Seeking To Normalize Pedophilia, Calls It “Among The Most Misunderstood” Conditions In U.S.

As The West Normalizes Moral Depravity, Russia Moves Against Pedophiles – Robert Bridge

Why Accepting Child Transgenderism Will Pave The Way For Accepting Pedophilia – Spencer Lindquist



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