Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Moron . . . – Eric Peters

By Eric PetersDoctors check the patient’s pulse for any signs of abnormality – as an indication of what might happen to the patient going forward. The pulse of another kind of patient – the weaponized hypochondriac – can be checked by scanning the headlines of the organized news.

This latter being a better – more descriptive – term for it than “mainstream” (which it isn’t; podcasters like Joe Rogan are more “mainstream” in terms of how many viewers he has than CNN) or “corporate” – which it is.

But that latter doesn’t convey the point quite as well as organized  – which is how it works.

At every stage of this mass hysteria, there has been an organized push – as for example, in the initial stages, the organized hyperventilating about “cases.” Without any attempt made to convey context. The impression was deliberately fostered that a dread disease was spreading – by the organized relating of “cases,” practically on the half-hour.

Each “case” was treated as if the person had died – or soon would.

It was rarely – if ever – explained that most – almost all, as it turned out – of these “cases” were simply positives on a test of dubious accuracy and that most of those who tested positive did not die.


Or even become a case – medically speaking.

A majority only experienced mild to moderate symptoms and recovered, on their own, without ever being under a doctor’s care.

There was no organized effort to explain to people that in medical terms – the way doctors previously discussed and gauged such things – a case had always meant someone sick enough to require medical care. One did not have a “case” of the sniffles. One did have a case of Ebola.

This crucially important distinction – if the goal is to spread truth and thereby prevent unfounded mass hysteria – was suppressed in a very . . . organized manner.

Instead, there was an organized effort to spread hysteria – by endless, breathless “case” counts and the unspoken but clearly intended suggestion that every “case” was doomed to die.

Then came the organized – the lockstep – pushing of “masks,” to augment the incipient hysteria ginned up by the endless screeching about “the cases! the cases!” People were made to see sickness – or rather, hypochondriacal dread of it – via the “masking” of everyone they saw. Including themselves, in the mirror.

Every TeeVee, every radio station – and every online venue controlled by the same organization – spread the same “message.”

And then, having created a crisis – a solution was offered. Get the “vaccine” and you will be free again! And if you don’t get it, expect to never be free again.

Extremely organized.

And it almost worked.

Were it not for the disorganized media – which managed to spread just enough truth to cause what the organized media styled “hesitancy” about the “vaccines.” A term of soft derision meant to imply cowardice, as well as stupidity and thereby apply shame to the “hesitant.” Who, in fact, were (and remain) determined to not be injected with a substance developed – supposedly – at “warp speed,” in less than two years’ time and which for that reason cannot possibly have been sufficiently long-term/placebo/double-blind tested to assure both its safety and its efficacy.

Determined – not to become the next “adverse event” among the thousands accumulated so far by VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System – which is said to be grossly under-representative of the actual number of “adverse events” due to the hassle of reporting to VAERS and the reluctance of many doctors to report to VAERS.

Determined – to not be forced to “just trust us” the pharmaceutical cartels that have an established track record of untrustworthiness; that have no incentive to make their drugs either safe or effective – having been legally immunized from all liability of they aren’t – and having every financial incentive to rush unsafe and ineffective drugs to market and to use the power of the government to force people to take them.

Determined – to not allow the precedent to be set that whenever a medical bureaucrat cries Wolf! everyone must not only do as they are told, they must submit their bodies to these medical bureaucrats, as if they were rats in a skinner box.


The organized media did its best to make light of such adult concerns. Did its best to pathologize dissent, no matter how well-reasoned and reasonable. Has served as the vicious unchained cur of our era’s equivalent of another sick little docktor from the pages of history. He also deployed an organized media to supplement his speechifying.

Wollt irh den totalen krieg?  ‘

Yes, indeed.

But not everyone is sieg heiling, in spite of the best efforts of the organized media. Which has therefore organized a new hysteria, or rather another means of fomenting a resurgence of it.

Reports are percolating in the organized press about an all-new “super variant”  that is much worse than the “Delta” and previous “variants.” One that is not amenable to the “vaccines” – which have proved to be extremely ineffective, as well as dangerous to a degree unprecedented in the history of “vaccines” to date. Perhaps because this “vaccine” doesn’t immunize, the thing which formerly defined a vaccine . . . until the organized effort to change that definition.

Two things are possible and maybe more.

One if that the “super variant” is meant to re-scare the populace, which has grown greatly jaded about a sickness that they’re becoming more and more aware hasn’t killed most of the people who’ve had it. To get them back in line to be Jabbed.

Or – two – it could be the means by which the adverse events being caused by the Jab are covered up. And then blamed upon those not yet Jabbed. To set the predicate for a pogrom – directed against those not Jabbed. Who – per the other little Docktor – are “to blame for everything.”

Whatever the case may prove to be, one thing is certain.  The organized press isn’t going to tell you the truth about it.

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