Diaper Report – The Burning Platform

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Something weird – something depressing – is afoot.

For the past ten days or so, I’ve been the only one showing his face at my local Kroger supermarket. I go there almost every day, to go out of my way to show my face – in the hope that by showing mine, others will feel less afraid to show theirs.

I’m a large man radiating an anti-Diaper/pro-sanity vibe; the Freaks leave me alone for that reason, I suspect. I know for a fact that the cowardly Freaks will accost others who aren’t large men, like the slightly built older woman who approached me several months ago to thank me for showing  my face, who also told me she was reluctant to show hers because she dreaded being accosted by a Diaper-pushing Freak.

It is much akin to the way hard-core Islamists force their women to wear similar religious vestments.

Anyhow, the weird thing I wanted to report – and get feedback about – is the discontinuity between the cases! the cases! – which have miraculously plummeted since Joe was selected president – and the now near-ubiquity of the Holy Vestment of the Sickness Cult, the Face Diaper – at least in my part of Southwest Virginia.

It does not compute!

One would think that a 50 percent decline in the cases! the cases! combined with what to be the obvious paucity of people keeling over and the dialing back of enforcement of the tenets of the Faith would cause at least some of the people who’ve been Diapering to reconsider their Faith.

Instead, the opposite. Which raises the question as to why?

It could be several things, including what they are watching – and hearing. I – being sane and being someone who cannot abide infantile emotionalism – do not watch the “news” nor listen to it, both being unendurably infantile as well as disingenuous. It annoys a sensible brain to listen to adult children hectoring other adults as if they regarded them as idiot children.

The cases! The cases! Sans context.


So it is possible, I assume, that the people who are watching and listening are Diapering because that is what the TeeVee and Radio tell them to do. The why being a question infantilized/neuroticized adult children serially fail to ask themselves. It’s appalling to a self-respecting adult but it may explain the phenomenon.

Another – worse – explanation is that the religion has been established. Just as there is no law requiring the ardent Catholic to cross himself, nor the Mormon to keep a year’s supply of food on hand, so also the members of this new Faith wear the vestment of their Faith because they want to wear it.  They have committed to the tenets of the Faith and wish to express it – and show solidarity with other members of their order. This includes the training of their children in the ways of the Faith via what amounts to the same thing as circumcision or Payot – the braided sideburns that identify the orthodox/observant Jew.

It meets their psychological and social need to belong.

I suspect it is here to stay, too.

Even if the “mandates” to feign observance are rescinded, the religion isn’t going away. A new Faith Community has been created. A vigorous one. A large enough one that it will be pandered to, just as other Faith Communities are pandered to. This will have consequences for those who do not share the Faith, as this one is militant – like Jehovah’s Witnesses, weaponized. They won’t just go door to door spreading their Faith – they will continue to agitate that doors be closed to the Unfaithful.

Not just their doors, either – which would be ok.

Just as there are Kosher delis and Mennonite bakeries, it would be fine in the sense that no one’s rights are affronted by businesses that wish to cater to the Faithful  . . . provided the Faithful do not demand the Unfaithful hew to the “guidelines” postulated by their rabbis and priests and so on.

Ideally, the members of the Sickness Cult will form up like the Amish and leave the not-Amish out of it. Those who want to wear black clothes and go without electricity – or wear a silly facial girdle to evince their Faith – should be as free to do so as the rest of us should be free to not do so.

But things will only gel out in this relatively harmless manner if it is made quite clear to the Faithful that their faith is theirs – and theirs alone. And most of all, that it is a Faith. A belief system that doesn’t depend on objective reality; that one simply “believes” in as a matter of Faith.

America is – well, was once – a free country and it can be so again. Once people are free to practice their religion and not empowered to force others to feign belief in it.

Guest Post by Eric Peters Something weird – something depressing – is afoot. For the past ten days or so, I’ve been the only one showing his face at my local Kroger supermarket. I go there almost every day, to go out of my way to show my face – in the hope that by … Continue reading “Diaper Report”
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