‘Ding Dong The B***h Is Dead!’ – Turkish Streamer Hasan Piker Dances After Queen’s Death – Jack Montgomery

Turkish-American streamer Hasan Piker cheered the Queen’s death, giving the middle finger to the camera and saying “f*** you, Queen” and later dancing on Twitch to celebrate the news.

Piker, a champagne socialist who lives in $2.74 million mansion in Beverly Hills, is one of the most popular figures on the woke left, with his HasanAbi channel on the Twitch streaming platform, owned by Jeff Bezos’s Amazon, having some 2.2 million followers, and his YouTube channel over one million followers.

His initial, live-on-camera reaction to news of the British monarch’s passing, in company with a British companion, was to cheer “whoo, let’s go, get fucked, Queen!” and give the middle finger.

Far from rowing back after he had had time to reflect, the streamer later fired up an entire stream dedicated to denigrating the late monarch on what he described as “a day of celebration, of joyous celebration” after first performing an effeminate dance to the viral ‘Crab Rave’ song and declaring “ding dong, the witch is dead, ding dong, the bitch is dead.”

Piker also clipped his initial bird-flipping reaction and shared it on Instagram, making it clear he was in no way ashamed of it.

Stunned that anyone in America might have been sorry over the Queen’s death, Piker branded monarchy a “living breathing representation of, like, all of the worst aspects of humanity.”

“Killing each other, enslaving one another, fighting one another, colonising, and exploiting and extracting natural resources, like, all the shit that the United States does right now, the Queen is a living, breathing symbol of that, right?” he said — somewhat bizarrely, given neither the Queen nor any of her ancestors have been head of state in what is now the U.S. since the 18th century.

Piker, who grew up in Istanbul, former capital of the genocidal Ottoman Empire, went on to share images of the World Trade Center in New York being struck by radical Islamic terrorists on September 11th with the Queen’s face edited onto the towers, and said that getting rid of the monarchy was the “one good thing” that America and its “racist” founding fathers ever did.

Watching live news coverage of mourners being interviewed by the media, Piker reacted to one man responding emotionally to the Queen’s death by exclaiming: “Oh my God he’s crying! What a fucking bitch!”

Speaking of the British people more broadly, he remarked that they were “so ugly” — but he was equally disparaging of Americans, or “Amerifats”, when they were interviewed, branding the American people “so stupid”.

It is not the first time Piker has indulged in gross insensitivity of this kind. The streamer previously courted controversy by saying that “America deserved 9/11” and suggesting that U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw lost his eye in Afghanistan to “some mujahideen, a brave fucking soldier” who had “f***ed his eyehole with their c**k.”


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