“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: peter@underco.co.uk.

We have been captured by over-enthusiastic scientists who thought they had ‘detected’ a ‘deadly’ virus and spread their panic to our naïve politicians.  They, in turn, acted out of all proportion and rashly declared a global pandemic and shut down economies everywhere spreading fear and distress to the misinformed masses.  So here we are now being offered an untested, magic bullet which is, at best, 80% effective and not so much with the South African variant.

Do I really need a vaccine against a virus which is so innocuous that 80% of those infected don’t even know they have it?  According to the BBC, in their interminable mantra of: “Get jabbed now” Britain is leading the world in their efforts to promote a medication which has been bio-engineered in their labs without conducting the proper tests which have been standard practice for generations.

More to the point, injecting manufactured foreign matter into your body is more than anything a matter of trust. Since the British government has seen fit to indemnify the vaccine producers against any ill-effects of their vaccines and who seem to have a limited trust in their own concoctions, then why should I trust them?  My call is to go find another human guinea pig to test their products.

Incredibly, if you look at the Pfizer BioNTech SE Clinical Study Trial on the US National Library of Medicine Clinical Trials database, you will notice something very odd, which is that the Estimated Study Completion Date is on January 31st 2023. This is:

    “the date on which the last participant in a clinical study was examined or received an intervention/treatment to collect final data for the primary outcome measures, secondary outcome measures, and adverse events.”

In other words, the medium to long-term side effects of this product cannot possibly be known, because the study is still ongoing. The long and short of it, as Professor Sucharit Bhakdi points out in an excellent interview is this: “every single person now getting these jabs is effectively an unwitting test subject in the largest medical experiment ever carried out”, having been asked to give their consent to receive a product injected into their bodies without being properly informed as to the status of the product.

Simply put, neither those administering these jabs nor those receiving them can have any idea of the potential medium to long-term consequences of these things, because the companies producing them have not completed the studies on them. And no, it is not the mark of an anti-vaxxer to be deeply concerned about this (I am not); it is just the mark of having one’s critical faculties in working order and of caring about what is being done to my body in the name of science.

In summary, both Lockdowns and the “vaccines” are essentially a mass experiment on humanity. The mid to long-term consequences of both are entirely unknown. Future generations will marvel at how the authorities were able to do this, but they will marvel even more at how millions of people acquiesced without much thought. None of this can possibly bode well. We need to humble ourselves and take a long hard look at what we are doing, or allowing to be done to us, as a matter of the utmost urgency.

Oxford and AstraZeneca acknowledged that their vaccine will not protect people against mild to moderate Covid illness caused by the South African variant. The Oxford vaccine is the mainstay of the UK’s immunisation programme and vitally important around the world because of its low cost and ease of use.

The findings came from a study involving more than 2,000 people in South Africa. They followed results from two vaccines, from Novavax and Janssen, which were trialled there in recent months and were found to have much reduced protection against the variant – at about 60%. Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have also said the variant affects the efficacy of their vaccines, although on the basis of lab studies only.

Shabir Madhi, professor of vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand who has been chief investigator on a number of vaccine trials in South Africa, including the Oxford one, said it was time to rethink the goals of mass Covid vaccination.

Everyone in Britain is asking when we will return to some iteration of normality.  Government are giving no firm indication of a plan or milestones which may likely apply.  All they can do is keep rabbiting on about vaccination rates with their target of 15 million having been jabbed by next week – then what?

Scientists say that unprecedented vaccine coverage and staged unlocking at the right time are crucial to avoid a devastating resurgence. So, season by season, how might 2021 look?  Because it takes three weeks for immunity to build after a shot, and because of the lag between people becoming infected and dying, the impact of jabs on deaths will take time to show in official figures – it should be visible from the end of February.

If the winter is about vaccinating to prevent deaths, the spring is largely about preventing hospital admissions. In March and April, the vaccine rollout will target groups five to nine in the JCVI priority list – all over-50s and those aged 16 to 64 with underlying health problems that put them at high risk from Covid. This is a further 17 million people, who when added to those in the top four priority groups, account for 99% of Covid deaths.  Fluctuations in vaccine supply and the need to administer second shots make it hard to predict when these groups will be covered, but the Cabinet Office suggests by May.

So, how soon can the rest of society reopen? Matt Keeling, professor of populations and disease at the University of Warwick, fears even partial easing of restrictions before May is a bad idea but when reopening comes, it must be gradual, staged and monitored.

In the summer the vaccination programme will push on to cover the 21 million other adults in the UK population. “Even when we have vaccinated all the over-50s, that will still mean that over half the population will be unvaccinated and a very high proportion of these will remain susceptible to infection and disease,” says Penny Ward, visiting professor in pharmaceutical medicine at King’s College London.  “My hope is we can get to, say, 40m doses by early summer and see strong evidence of it reducing deaths and hospitalisations. Hopefully as we move into May and June we should be in a position for significant relaxation.”

Autumn will be time to prepare for the coming winter. The vaccine rollout in the UK and globally will have put pressure on the virus to evolve further, and more transmissible variants, which may be less susceptible to vaccines, may be circulating. Later this year, manufacturers are expected to release updated vaccines tailored for the most dominant variants.

There is no definitive guidance for any relaxation of restrictions except to harp on about the numbers hospitalised and death rates; relying on math and computer modelling to drive government decisions.  Therefore Brits should prepare for an unending impact on the way we live and get used to permanent adverse changes in our society.

AND this article describes on-the-ground, real-life experiences of some Brits who provide those vital services to everyone but are often taken for granted and forgotten.  These lockdown conditions are creating some serious, caustic side effects which are not being recognised as causing serious damage to our infrastructure.  A garbage collector agonises on what risks he is facing when carrying out his duties.

“There’s also been a massive increase in the amount of rats. Over the course of my career, I’ve had rats on my shoulders, head, shoes, but this is the worst I’ve seen it. Now that all the restaurants are shut, and hospitality has been decimated, the town centre is empty, so the rats are moving out into residential communities looking for food. There are concerns over not just Covid but infestation, and Lyme disease too.”  Here are more distressing reports from workers: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/08/we-get-daily-abuse

Quote: this is an example of the distress that lockdowns have created:  “Before the pandemic I made my living from holiday rentals, but that all disappeared during the pandemic, so in June I became a delivery driver. This is the case for many people I work with. We have a sports instructor, a shopkeeper, a chap who owns a restaurant that can’t trade, and a musician who is really talented but can’t tour. At a nearby depot there’s even a group of young mums who show up in their SUVs with the car seats in the back. They remove them, load up the cars with parcels, go out for the day, and then put the car seats back.”

More government panic is evident this week as our scientists insist that their vaccination plans could be scuttled by travellers from around the world infected with mutations like that of South Africa, so new restrictions are to be implemented next week.  “The government is to announce new restrictions on arrivals into the UK this week, including mass testing of all arrivals. All passengers arriving in the UK will be tested for coronavirus on day two and day eight of their isolation – regardless of the country they have come from and whether they are at home or in hotel quarantine. The UK already requires all arrivals to have a negative Covid test from within the past 72 hours, taken while still abroad.

               With concerns over the risk to the UK’s vaccine programme from new coronavirus variants, Britons have also been urged to exercise caution booking summer holidays jointly with other households even within the UK this summer. Ministers said a third booster jab is likely to be needed in autumn to protect against new variants.

               A study found that the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine offered as little as 10% protection against mild to moderate infection, prompting Labour leader Keir Starmer to warn that the spread of the South African variant was the single biggest threat facing the UK.”  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/08/calls-for-sweeping-border-curbs

Britain is one of the most secret societies in the world.  Twenty years ago the ‘Freedom of Information Act’ was implemented in an effort to boost confidence in government by offering greater transparency.  As usual it has been obviated by devious means and methods – now the public are complaining that it is not working at all and is subject to government censorship.

“Six editors at papers ranging from the Daily Telegraph to the Mirror have signed an open letter coordinated by openDemocracy requesting an urgent investigation into the act amid fears that the public are being stonewalled.

Last November an openDemocracy report accused ministers of running an “Orwellian unit” at the heart of government that sought to control the release of potentially embarrassing information. It said Whitehall departments were rejecting requests at the highest rate since the introduction of the act 20 years ago.

In the letter, the editors raise serious concerns about the difficulties that journalists and the public experience when trying to use freedom of information legislation across government to request information from official files.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/feb/08/uk-editors-call-on-ministers

UK has agreed a trade deal with the EU. I will comment on the progression of this deal as it affects the UK economy. 

Brexit isn’t working that well at present as Boris and team continue wrangling with the EU in efforts to mitigate the damage in so far as exports and imports are impacted by unmanageable new paperwork and regulations.

“The European Union is expected to ask for more time to ratify the Brexit trade deal, the UK’s chief Brexit negotiator has said as he laid the blame for continuing UK-EU tensions at the door of Brussels.  David Frost claimed that a resolution to now strained relations required a “different spirit” from the EU, in comments made less than 48 hours before a crunch meeting between Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove and a senior European commission figure.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/feb/09/eu-to-seek-more-time

To be continued next week.

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTE – If anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: peter@underco.co.uk. We have been captured by over-enthusiastic scientists who thought they had ‘detected’ … Continue reading “Do I really need of vaccine against a disease with a 99.8% recovery rate? [Letter from Great Britain – 02-13-21]”
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