Donbass & Russian Forces “Denazify” 56 Ukrainian Gunmen Near Donetsk In Last 24 Hours, Liberate Over 90% Of Lugansk Republic

Donetsk, Mar 22 – DAN. Russian coalition forces on the Donetsk axis have killed 56 Ukrainian invaders who refused to lay down arms over the past 24 hours, Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Tuesday.

“Our militiamen killed 56 Ukrainian invaders on the Donetsk axis over the past 24 hours and destroyed 23 fire positions, two infantry fighting vehicles, one BM-21 “Grad” multiple rocket launcher, one 2C1 “Gvozdika” self-propelled howitzer, three armored personnel carries and a field artillery ammunition dump,” Basurin said. “One tank, four IFVs, two armored vehicles and a foreign weapon and ammunition depot were captured.”

Nine servicemen from Ukraine’s 54th Mechanized Brigade and six servicemen from 25th Airborne Brigade turned themselves in to DPR forces. “On the Mariupol axis, the denazification of 36th Marine Brigade is nearing completion; it will cease to exist in the nearest future,” he added.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of the operation aimed at denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. On the same day, the DPR and LPR forces launched a liberation movement in the Donbass region. As of today, the DPR has taken under control nearly 100 settlements while the Lugansk People’s Republic has liberated some 90 percent of its territory

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