India does indeed have similar Hybrid War identity-related vulnerabilities as Russia does that can be externally exacerbated by the US-led West to destabilize it, but he’s also respectfully wrong in the sense that India won’t be next because it’s already being targeted right now.
Donetsk spokesman Eduard Basurin told India Today in an exclusive interview that “There is an attempt by Western forces in Ukraine to destroy the Russian Federation. They will not stop at that. India will be next because it has similar problems — territorial, language, faiths, etc.” He’s right, but not just for the reasons that he shared. India does indeed have similar Hybrid War identity-related vulnerabilities as Russia does that can be externally exacerbated by the US-led West to destabilize it, but he’s also respectfully wrong in the sense that India won’t be next because it’s already being targeted right now.
America is enraged that India dared to defy its unipolar hegemonic pressure by continuing to proudly practice its policy of principled neutrality towards Russia’s ongoing special military intervention in Ukraine. Washington wants nothing more than for New Delhi to submit to its will and become the declining unipolar hegemon’s largest-ever vassal state. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his advisors wisely know that doing so would sacrifice their objective national interests, hence why they’ve remained committed to India’s historical policy of neutrality and non-alignment in foreign conflicts.
The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) cannot accept that though which is why they’re waging an increasingly intense information warfare campaign against India that forms part of their larger Hybrid War against this civilization-state. Weaponized narratives include those spewed by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki that India is supposedly on the wrong side of history, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland’s outdated portrayal of Russian-Indian relations, and Director of the White House National Economic Council Brian Deese’s ominous threat of “consequences” for India.
The rolling “South Asian Spring” regional regime change campaign that’s thus far already targeted Pakistan and Sri Lanka is intended to destabilize India’s periphery prior to ultimately unleashing more dangerous threats to its internal security as punishment for its principled neutrality. It’s also possible that economic and financial warfare against India will precede the waging of more violent Hybrid War against it, including one that attempts to provoke a Color Revolution in order to cover a terrorist campaign that might be superficially driven by identity-related motivations.
It’s therefore of the highest importance that India prioritizes its “Democratic Security”, which refers to the wide range of counter-Hybrid Warfare tactics and strategies that are unique to each country’s society. India, like all countries, has already had to confront such threats but it appears inevitable that they’ll soon be comprehensively worsened by the US for the political reasons that were already explained. Furthermore, India forms part of the Russia-India-China (RIC) trilateral that serves as the core of the emerging Multipolar World Order so destabilizing it is also intended to harm its partners too.
The grand strategic context is that the US is aggressively reasserting its declining unipolar hegemony through coordinated Hybrid Wars against Russia, China, India, and their neighbors, all with the intent of reversing the ongoing global systemic transition to multipolarity. RIC must therefore work more closely together by sharing their respective “Democratic Security” experiences and pioneering multilateral means to support one another in the face of this unprecedented unipolar onslaught. The future of the world order is literally depending on it and the world can’t afford for these multipolar leaders to fail.