Durham Unseals Confirmation That Source Danchenko Who Invented Fake Trump-Russiagate Was A Paid FBI Informant

John Solomon reports that Special Counsel John Durham, “Persuaded the federal judge in the upcoming trial of Igor Danchenko to unseal a motion revealing that Danchenko, the primary source of the now-discredited Steele dossier, was paid by the FBI as a confidential human source for more than three years until the fall of 2020 when he was terminated for lying to agents.”

In other words, Igor Danchenko was a paid FBI informant living in Washington, DC when he was supposed to be a super-secret Russian source.

In other words, Hillary Clinton paid an actual Russian spy (Danchenko), to fabricate evidence about Trump, which was then presented by corrupt agents within the FBI to the FISA court, to justify spying on Donald Trump.

John Solomon told Sean Hannity, “[The main source] for the Christopher Steele dossier, which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign is a person that the FBI believes, starting in 2008 was tied to Russian intelligence. Why did they believe that? Because they had evidence he was soliciting Obama administration appointees, saying he would pay them if they would leak him classified information.

“He was working with the Russian intelligence agencies, he leaves the country he comes back they find out that he’s the primary source for Christopher Steele, the FBI fires Christopher Steele, because he was leaking to the media they then hire this guy to be a confidential human source…

“And now, we know that while he was doing all that work for the FBI, getting paid by American Tax Dollars, he was lying to the FBI, not once, not twice – five times in the indictment – and John Durham says he’s going to reveal many more lies that Igor Danchenko told the FBI during this time.

“The FBI’s case for Russia Collusion couldn’t be any more embarrassing than what we now know…

“That’s why the Justice Department withdrew two of those FISA warrants. There is no basis for them to stand under the law and now we know most of the confidential informant information the FBI was getting about Donald Trump was completely manufactured, including that famous pee tape, you know, the whole story about the Moscow hotel.

“John Durham reveals in tonight’s filing he’s going to reveal that the Moscow and hotel employees who were allegedly quoted the Steele Dossier, they said they never told anyone, they didn’t know anything about Donald Trump; terrible things that went on there. It’s not true. Every part of the Steele dossier and Igor Danchenko’s lies are going to get exposed at next month’s trial.”


JOHN SOLOMON: “[The main source] for the Christopher Steele dossier, which was funded by the Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign is a person that the FBI believes, starting in 2008 was tied to Russian intelligence. Why did they believe that? Because they had evidence he was soliciting Obama administration appointees, saying he would pay them if they would leak him classified information.

“He was working with the Russian intelligence agencies, he leaves the country he comes back they find out that he’s the primary source for Christopher Steele, the FBI fires Christopher Steele, because he was leaking to the media they then hire this guy to be a confidential human source.

“They hire him after they detect, in their first interview with him in many years, in January ’17 that he lied to them that he denied being tied to Russian intelligence they had to say, ‘Listen Buddy, we know you’re tied to Russian intelligence.’

“He corrects himself then, they then go and put this man on the payroll for three years, trying to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. It’s an extraordinary thing. And now, we know that while he was doing all that work for the FBI, getting paid by American Tax Dollars, he was lying to the FBI, not once, not twice – five times in the indictment – and John Durham says he’s going to reveal many more lies that Igor Danchenko told the FBI during this time.

“The FBI’s case for Russia Collusion couldn’t be any more embarrassing than what we now know.”

SEAN HANNITY: “Hey, John I remember it was Andrew McCabe that had said, ‘No, if you don’t have the dirty dossier,’ – and again, he was the primary source – he told them in early 2017 that means two FISA warrants were signed after and McCabe said, ‘Without that dossier, there would be no FISA warrant granted.’

JOHN SOLOMON: “That’s why the Justice Department withdrew two of those FISA warrants. There is no basis for them to stand under the law and now we know most of the confidential informant information the FBI was getting about Donald Trump was completely manufactured, including that famous pee tape, you know, the whole story about the Moscow hotel.

“John Durham reveals in tonight’s filing he’s going to reveal that the Moscow and hotel employees who were allegedly quoted the Steele Dossier, they said they never told anyone, they didn’t know anything about Donald Trump; terrible things that went on there. It’s not true. Every part of the Steele dossier and Igor Danchenko’s lies are going to get exposed at next month’s trial.

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