Dystopian NWO As Aftermath Of Slovenian Parliamentary Elections – Damjan Pirc OneWorld

People were sick and tired of Janša and especially covid measures. And they had chosen Freedom. But Freedom won’t arrive. What will came is dystopian NWO.

Elections in Slovenia are behind us and we have a clear winner. It’s a new party that was formed couple of months ago. The leader of this new party called Freedom Movement is Robert Golob. Till recently he was chairman of GEN-I which is the biggest electricity provide in Slovenia. He was sacked along with few others chairmans of energy firms. In my opinion it was done, to prevent increase of prices. But nevertheless, he won by great margin and will be next PM of Slovenia.

And now few words on why this new course, we just stepped on is dangerous.

People were sick and tired of Janša and especially covid measures. And they had chosen Freedom. But Freedom won’t arrive. What will came is dystopian NWO. I will give you a few example, that shows exactly this.

In one of interview, he was asked to name four people, that he would choose (I know this is questions for miss world contenders but this is journalist reality) in order to save humanity. And he named Greta Thunberg, Elon Musk, Harari (Yuval Noah) and Pope Francis. By choosing this four people, it’s obvious, that he will promote transfer to green energy, transhumanism, digitalisation and abolition of religion.

Next interesting thing was on March 8, when he congratulated all women and all who identify as women. He will push hard for transgender madness.

Next example of him supporting NWO is his answer on expected food shortages especially regarding situation in Ukraine and in combination with climate change problem. Well he said, that we should all consume less meat and farmers should get paid to abolish meat production. Because he said, that we should replace meat with something else, I assume, he has bugs on his mind. Or lab grown meat, either way no thanks.

And finally after elections he named three priorities to start with immediately.

To get ready on possible covid outburst in fall. Secondly, to prepare ourselves for skyrocket energy prices in fall. And thirdly to change laws on health (probably to force covid vaccination) and to change laws regarding schooling (probably no more homeschooling and force transgender indoctrination).

As we see, people were fooled in supporting this Freedom Movement because they really wanted freedom. But in the end all we will get is dystopian NWO. All I can say is see you on streets.

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