Ethiopia Is Eager To Participate In Russia’s Financial Multipolarity Platform – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Far from being bogged down by the foreign-backed terrorist-designated TPLF and thus becoming isolated from the rest of the world like the US-led Western Mainstream Media falsely claims, Ethiopia is actively engaging with the world’s leading countries in order to accelerate the global systemic transition to multipolarity.

Ethiopian Ambassador to Russia Alemayehu Tegenu Aargau told Sputnik on Tuesday that his country is eager to participate in the financial multipolarity platform that Russia’s jointly building with likeminded countries across the Global South. In his words, “If it is established with Turkey, with China, and with some other countries, it will work for Africa, it is not a problem.” He enthusiastically praised this emerging platform’s prospective feature of universal convertibility by adding “That could be whatever currency it is, but it has to be convertible. You have to exchange where you will go. For example, with currencies like my country’s currency birr, I cannot use it here in Russia… If the money is convertible in other countries, it is possible to use, it is not a problem.”

Ambassador Alemayehu also revealed that his country’s Minister for Innovation and Technology will attend the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) that’s taking place from 15-18 June. All of this goes to show that Ethiopia is a serious player in the global systemic transition to multipolarity and among one of Africa’s rising powers. Its leadership pursues a balanced and multipolar grand strategy aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries without exception, though it was precisely because of this pragmatic example that it was making for the rest of the continent that it was brutally punished by the US through the declining unipolar hegemon’s TPLF-driven Hybrid War on Terror that’s once again at risk of re-erupting.

As the second most populous country in Africa that boasted one of the highest economic growth rates prior to the pandemic and has historically been the continent’s cradle of anti-imperialism and Pan-Africanism, Ethiopia is much too important to be ignored. Its geostrategic location also imbues it with global importance, hence why it’s so eager to participate in the most important processes connected with the global systemic transition such as the financial multipolarity platform that Russia’s jointly creating with its Global South partners. No such platform would be complete without Ethiopia’s participation, which would predictably precede the rest of Africa following suit considering this civilization-state’s historical leadership role across the continent.

Ethiopia is particularly important for Russia since it’s a trusted partner with whom it’s had close relations for over a century. Furthermore, this civilization-state hosts the African Union headquarters, which reaffirms its symbolic leadership in this part of the world. It’s therefore indispensable to Russia’s African Pivot that Moscow has been actively engaging in since the first-ever Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi in 2019 that’s expected to once again be held sometime later this year. Furthermore, the US-led Golden Billion’s unprecedented anti-Russian sanctions pose an obstacle to Russia’s promised rehabilitation of Ethiopia, which is required in order to sustainably ensure peace across Africa in the recent words of Russia’s Ambassador to that country, hence the need for this financial multipolar platform.

Altogether, the rest of the world should take note of Ambassador Alemayehu’s latest interview since it shows how Ethiopia is setting an example for the rest of Africa during the most important phase yet of the global systemic transition. His country’s eagerness to participate in the multipolar financial platform that Russia’s jointly creating with its Global South partners speaks to the pragmatism of its grand strategy and the importance that Ethiopia plays for the Kremlin’s Pivot to Africa. Far from being bogged down by the foreign-backed terrorist-designated TPLF and thus becoming isolated from the rest of the world like the US-led Western Mainstream Media falsely claims, Ethiopia is actively engaging with the world’s leading countries in order to accelerate the global systemic transition to multipolarity.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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