European Parliament Will Vote on Pressuring All Nations to Kill Babies in Abortions Up to Birth Micaiah Bilger

The European Parliament may vote soon on a document encouraging countries to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions without restriction and to force doctors and nurses to participate.

The pro-abortion resolution, introduced by Croatian politician Predrag Fred Matić, is a statement, not enforceable legislation, but it would put even more pressure on countries to legalize the killing of unborn babies or expand their pro-abortion laws to further extremes, the Catholic News Agency reports.

The resolution describes the killing of unborn babies in abortions as a “right” and describes conscience protections for pro-life medical workers as a “denial of medical care,” according to the report.

The European Union may vote on the pro-abortion document at its next meeting on June 7 to 10 in France, the report states. The EU consists of 27 member states, two of which protect unborn babies from abortions: Poland and Malta.

The European Centre for Law and Justice, a pro-life organization, urged pro-lifers not to underestimate the effects of the proposed resolution.

“… although the resolutions of the European Parliament have no binding legal value, they are the expression of an opinion that the Parliament wishes to make known,” the organization said in a statement.

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If passed, the resolution would encourage countries to pass legislation to match its goals, the organization said. These goals include ending the right to life for unborn babies and religious freedom for medical workers.

“According to the draft resolution, the possibility for medical personnel to refuse an activity considered incompatible with their religious, moral, philosophical or ethical convictions should be prohibited,” European Centre for Law and Justice responded. “The draft resolution even considers that this attitude should be treated as a refusal of medical care.”

The Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues also has been speaking out against the proposal, calling it “extreme” and “radical,” according to CNA.

“Prioritization of the abortion agenda is pervasive in the report …” the network said.

Among other things, the resolution criticizes common-sense abortion regulations, such as counseling and waiting periods between informed consent and the abortion, the network continued.

Most European countries have stronger limits on abortion than the U.S., though most allow abortions without limits through the first trimester and some into the second. Most countries also force taxpayers to pay for the killing of unborn babies in abortions and some have very limited protections for doctors and nurses who object to participating in these killings.

Malta and Poland still protect unborn babies by banning abortions, but they are facing intense pressure to legalize abortion on demand.

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