Evil Leftists Do Not Hold Back Celebrating the Death of Conservative Legend Rush Limbaugh The Gateway Pundit

Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh has passed away at the age of 70 — and within minutes of the announcement the left began openly celebrating on Twitter. Limbaugh had been battling lung cancer. There was no pretend civility as the news broke and the left promptly exposed just how much bloodlust they have for the right.…
The post Evil Leftists Do Not Hold Back Celebrating the Death of Conservative Legend Rush Limbaugh appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh has passed away at the age of 70 — and within minutes of the announcement the left began openly celebrating on Twitter.

Limbaugh had been battling lung cancer.

There was no pretend civility as the news broke and the left promptly exposed just how much bloodlust they have for the right.

Many comments claimed that “hell just got fuller” or declared that they are celebrating the “good news.”

“It’s easy to make fun of Rush Limbaugh right now, but it’s important to remember that he also brought a lot of people a lot of joy by dying,” self-described “comedian” and writer Mike Drucker tweeted.

“Rush Limbaugh, who became one the nation’s most popular conservative radio talk-show hosts and who was often criticized by many as being both a racist and misogynist, died today at 70,” PBS monster and activist Yamiche Alcindor wrote.

“Rush Limbaugh was the father of hate-filled, partisan, talk radio. He is responsible for setting off a chain reaction of disinformation, vitriol and division in main stream media,” some verified nobody named Linz DeFranco tweeted.

“Look, I know people are gonna spend the day pointing out what a piece of shit Rush Limbaugh was & how much damage he did to our country through his decades-long celebration of white supremacy & hate speech, and how his lies & conspiracy theories undercut trust in real journalism,” a writer for John Oliver’s deeply unfunny show chimed in.

Clearly these people did not get Biden’s memo about “healing” and “unity.”

The post Evil Leftists Do Not Hold Back Celebrating the Death of Conservative Legend Rush Limbaugh appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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