Experts now claim they will explore the potential link of AstraZeneca jab to blood clots and other serious conditions – Nolan Barton –
(Natural News) On Tuesday, March 16, European Medicines Agency (EMA) Executive Director Emer Cooke said that experts were assessing the possibility that the AstraZeneca-Oxford coronavirus (COVID-19) jab contributed to the blood clots and other possible adverse reactions suffered by certain patients who received the vaccine. “The experts will meet again on Thursday to come to…

(Natural News) On Tuesday, March 16, European Medicines Agency (EMA) Executive Director Emer Cooke said that experts were assessing the possibility that the AstraZeneca-Oxford coronavirus (COVID-19) jab contributed to the blood clots and other possible adverse reactions suffered by certain patients who received the vaccine. “The experts will meet again on Thursday to come to…
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