The next two weeks will remain tense as the world braces for the possible use of WMDs in Ukraine. Most people have already made up their minds about who’d be responsible if that happens. Many Westerners are convinced that Russia would be to blame while their non-Western counterparts would likely be skeptical of that narrative and inclined to believe Russia’s urgent warning about a false flag attack.
The Russian Defense Ministry issued an urgent warning that the US is plotting a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) false flag attack in Ukraine in order to blame Russia. Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force, shared three scenarios about this in Saturday. The first concerns an act of sabotage against Ukrainian WMD sites; the second involves discretely using small quantities of WMDs at specific places such as the Azovstal steel plant; and the last and least likely according to him is the open use of WMDs on the battlefield. These dramatic claims raise the question of why the US would even do any of this in the first place.
First, it’s important for the reader to familiarize themselves with the strategic background of this issue:
* “Just How Credible Was Ukraine’s Nuclear Threat To Russia Prior To The Conflict?”
* “Ukraine’s US-Backed Bioweapons Program: Bogus Or Believable?”
* “Who’s Really Plotting A Chemical Weapons False Flag In Ukraine: Moscow Or Kiev?”
* “Russia Has No Military, Strategic Reason To Launch Bio-Chemical Attack On Ukraine: Analyst”
The insight shared above will now be summarized for the reader’s convenience before proceeding.
Basically, Kiev’s on the backfoot after Moscow’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine succeeded in liberating broad swathes of territory along the eastern and southern periphery of Lenin’s unnatural mini-empire. These gains were made and retained despite over 50 days of proxy warfare with NATO in that former Soviet Republic, which confirms that Russia definitely isn’t “losing” the conflict like the US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) falsely claims. Furthermore, Mariupol’s liberation was a military-strategic game-changer that perfectly positions the Russian Armed Forces (RAF) to complete the second phase of their campaign with respect to liberating the rest of Donbass from Kiev’s occupation.
It’s against this backdrop that Russia warned that the US is plotting a WMD false flag attack. Should this scenario transpire, then it would likely be done in a desperate attempt to reverse the RAF’s impressive on-the-ground gains since the start of the conflict on 24 February and especially those which it recently achieved in Donbass. The public has already been preconditioned by the MSM to falsely expect Russia to use WMDs since they’ve been brainwashed into believing that it’s the one that’s actually “losing” and not Kiev. In the mind of the average Western information consumer, President Putin is desperate and wants to achieve some sort of “victory” before the 9 May Victory Day parade.
About that, while this day is emotionally significant for all Russians and those across the former Soviet Union who sincerely oppose fascism (thus excluding the majority of people in the Baltic States and Ukraine), it’s not a self-imposed “deadline” for ending Moscow’s special military operation. Mariupol’s liberation is important enough of a victory to satisfy any expectation thereof by that day if such was desired by the Russian leadership, though it’s still purely speculation that they want a high-profile victory by then anyhow. Obsessing over that date, however, keeps the Western public enthralled and constantly checking for updates about the conflict.
They’ve also been conditioned to believe that President Putin is either a “monster” or a “madman”, which is why they falsely expect him to order the use of WMDs out of desperation ahead of Victory Day after also being misled into thinking that his side is “losing”. All of this plays into the West’s false flag plot, though it’s still not guaranteed that they’ll actually go through with it after the Russian Ministry of Defense just exposed their plans. While the MSM will claim that Russia is just trying to “cover its tracks” and “deflect from its responsibility” for the West’s actual potential use of WMDs in Ukraine, this urgent warning still served to somewhat reshape the narrative about its special operation.
The Ukrainian Conflict is characterized by increasingly fierce cognitive warfare, though the Global South is nowadays becoming much more important of a battlefield for this than the US-led West or Russia after those latter two’s people largely showed that they won’t be swayed into changing their minds about the special operation. Most developing countries practice a policy of principled neutrality towards this conflict and therefore haven’t complied with the US’ demands to sanction Russia. Their people are also much more skeptical of the West’s narratives after learning first-hand that this civilization’s political and media representatives regularly lie in order to advance their self-interested agenda.
Considering this, the US wants the Global South to believe that Russia is about to use WMDs in Ukraine while Russia wants them to believe that the US is about to use them instead as part of a false flag plot against it. The American narrative doesn’t make sense though since there’s no reason why Russia would do this when it isn’t losing. It’s illogical that it would cross that red line and immediately prompt more international pressure against it. On the other hand, it’s perfectly logical why the US would stage such an attack in order to trigger that same sequence of events and further sully Russia’s reputation. Those who assess these conflicting narratives with an open mind will realize that only Russia is telling the truth.
The next two weeks will remain tense as the world braces for the possible use of WMDs in Ukraine. Most people have already made up their minds about who’d be responsible if that happens. Many Westerners are convinced that Russia would be to blame while their non-Western counterparts would likely be skeptical of that narrative and inclined to believe Russia’s urgent warning about a false flag attack. The larger trend at play apart from the cognitive/narrative one is that WMDs might once again be used in a European battlefield after NATO’s use of depleted uranium against the former Yugoslavia. Going by precedent, it’s to be expected that the US might also soon use WMDs in Ukraine too.