Father of Slain U.S. Marine Warns Americans: ‘Be Afraid of Our Leadership or Lack Thereof’

The father of a United States Marine, killed in Thursday’s Kabul, Afghanistan, terrorist attack, says Americans ought to “be afraid” of U.S. government leadership “or the lack thereof.”

As Breitbart News reported, the Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings in Kabul that killed 10 U.S. Marines, one U.S. Navy medic, and another two service members, along with at least 90 others, and has left at least 150 others wounded.

U.S. Marine Jared Schmitz, 20-years-old, was one of the 13 service members killed in the attacks. His father, Mark Schmitz, said he was told FOX2 News of the tragic news early Friday morning when Marines arrived at his door.


When a local reporter asked Mark Schmitz “What is your, to all Americans who are devastated right along with you, what is your message to us?” he warned that Americans should be concerned about the nation’s leadership and asked for prayers of U.S. troops.

“Be afraid of our leadership or lack thereof,” Mark Schmitz said. “Pray every day for the soldiers that are putting their lives at risk and doing what they love, which is protecting all of us. I think they’re the only ones that we can honestly say have our backs.”

Similarly, the father of U.S. Marine Kareem Nikoui, also killed in the attack, blasted President Joe Biden and U.S. Military generals in an interview with the Daily Beast.

“They sent my son over there as a paper pusher and then had the Taliban outside providing security,” Nikoui’s father said. “I blame my own military leaders… Biden turned his back on him. That’s it.”

Other U.S. Marines and service members killed in the attacks, thus far identified, include Max Soviak, Rylee McCollum, David Lee Espinoza, Taylor Hoover, and Hunter Lopez.

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