Fauci: Vaccinated People Can’t Dine Indoors Or Go To The Movies Still Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

The biggest tyrant and fraud in the medical field, Dr. Anthony Fauci is now saying once people get fully vaccinated, they still need to avoid restaurant dining indoors and going to the movies. He said it will be safer to gather indoors again as more people get vaccinated and the COVID-19 cases drop.

The cases will drop when the ruling decides that they do.  With this scam being carried out using the PCR tests that give a false positive half the time, it’s impossible to even tell if this virus exists, or if they are simply renaming the flu and the common cold. At this point, who knows if we will ever truly know the truth of what’s going on with this scam and how deep this goes.

According to Yahoo, Fauci said: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society,” Fauci said on Monday during a White House COVID-19 press briefing. “For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate. That’s because of the safety of society.”

So if the vaccine prevents you from getting COVID, you still can’t be around people who might have COVID because you can get it? That means the vaccine doesn’t work.  If it does work, there should be no fear of anyone who’s been infected. I think based solely on these tyrants’ own words, we know this “vaccine” isn’t what it seems.

Fauci’s comments came on the same day the U.S. passed the milestone of 500,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths.

Prepare: COVID-19 Cases Are Dropping Dramatically

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He stressed that while being vaccinated dramatically increases one’s “own personal safety,” it’s not a free pass to be the free human you were born to be. People are still buying this scam? Even though the number of new coronavirus cases reported each day in the U.S. has fallen dramatically in recent weeks, the fear-mongering rulers and propagandists need you to believe that the virus is still spreading, with nearly 450,000 COVID-19 cases documented in the past week.

“We are still at an unacceptably high baseline level,” Fauci said at Monday’s briefing. We are, indeed, at an unacceptable baseline level of tyranny. In fact, all tyranny is unacceptable. More and more people are figuring this out daily. Stay alert and prepared, because this is still not over.  It could ramp up dramatically at any time:

More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?

Though vaccines can help prevent people from contracting severe cases of COVID-19, the jabs may not stop them from getting sick altogether. It’s also still unclear whether vaccinated people can be disease carriers, meaning they might spread illness to unvaccinated people in a community where vaccination is far from universal, prolonging the pandemic. -Yahoo

This is pretty much a straight-up admission that the vaccine doesn’t work and could actually infect others.  So what’s the point of the vaccine? This is where you will need to use common sense and discernment. These aren’t the words of anyone else but the rulers and their propagandists. Wake up, folks. Time is running out for humanity.

The post Fauci: Vaccinated People Can’t Dine Indoors Or Go To The Movies Still first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
The biggest tyrant and fraud in the medical field, Dr. Anthony Fauci is now saying once people get fully vaccinated, they still need to avoid restaurant dining indoors and going to the movies. He said it will be safer to gather indoors again as more people get vaccinated and the COVID-19 cases drop.
The post Fauci: Vaccinated People Can’t Dine Indoors Or Go To The Movies Still first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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