Feminists Want More Abortions in TV Shows and Movies to “Normalize” Killing Babies – Micaiah Bilger LifeNews.com

Normal, boring health care – that’s what abortion activists want the entertainment industry to portray the killing of an unborn baby in an abortion as.

And though more TV show and film writers have gotten on board with the pro-abortion movement’s demands to “normalize” abortion, some abortion activists say it is not enough.

An article at Marie Claire argues that TV shows and movies still are not showing enough abortions, especially among women who already are parents.

Of course, every mother who has an abortion already is a parent, but when abortion activists use the word “parent” in this case, they mean the parent of an already born child or children.

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“… accurate depictions of the most common abortion patients, parents, is still severely lacking—to the detriment of mothers … and the abortion providers who care for them,” the article begins.

It complains that too many story plots involving abortion revolve around teenagers. Teen pregnancy and abortion rates have dropped sharply in the past two decades.

“One of the main ways that people learn about information and experiences is through television and film, particularly when it comes to sex and healthcare …” Renee Bracey Sherman, executive director of the pro-abortion group We Testify, tells Marie Claire. “The majority of people who have abortions are already parenting, but on television and film, it’s nearly always someone young, white and wealthy who is trying to avoid parenting.”

Bracey Sherman says this stereotype fails women with other backgrounds and experiences who have abortions.

Abortion activists’ goal is to make abortion seem normal — “boring” even – to women from all walks of life.

Merritt Tierce, a television writer (“Orange Is the New Black”) and abortion activist in Texas, says she wants her viewers to see abortion as a regular part of health care.

Here’s more from the magazine:

Tierce says it’s difficult to successfully include an abortion storyline in a show or film, especially in a way that is authentic, because most abortions are, for lack of a better word, boring. Television shows and movies depend on drama and conflict; the reality of abortion care is that most people are not conflicted about their decision and the procedure, be it a surgical abortion or a medication abortion, is incredibly safe and quick.

… Even if a showrunner, creator, or writer is successful in placing an abortion within a storyline or plot, it can actually cause more harm than good: depicting a wrought decision could be misleading when studies have shown most people are certain of their choice, and five years after their abortions 95 percent of patients say it was the right decision for them.

Tierce believes aborting an unborn baby can be “a serious act of love,” especially for women who have other children, and she wants the entertainment industry to push that message.

“I think the most radical re-conception that needs to happen with respect to abortion, especially parenting people who have abortions, is for people to realize that it can be a serious act of love to have an abortion,” she says. “And for people who have kids, that is the number one decision-making factor. If they feel like they can’t handle another child, what’s driving that decision is the desire to give the children they already have the best possible life.”

Bracey Sherman says showing women having abortions in all kinds of different circumstances on TV can “build empathy” and “create change.”

But that “change” also involves erasing empathy for the unborn child who is intentionally and violently killed in an abortion. It involves rejecting the reality that many mothers and fathers do regret aborting their unborn babies, that many mothers are conflicted when they walk into an abortion facility. And it denies the truth that an abortion does not cure an ailment or make the mother more healthy.

Abortions hurt families and kill unborn babies — unique, irreplaceable human beings who deserve a right to life. That is the truth, but few in the entertainment industry are willing to share that message.

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