Former Foreign Minister Kozyrev Exemplifies The US’ Infiltration Of 1990s Russia – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

This former Foreign Minister isn’t seen by his colleagues, let alone his own countrymen, as a representative of Russia but of the US.

Former Russian Foreign Minister Andrey Kozyrev called on his country’s diplomats to resign en masse in protest following the commencement of Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine. The story generated a lot of headlines in the US-led West since it conformed to the false information warfare narrative of a supposed split among the Russian elite. Those who don’t know any better and just took the Mainstream Media’s (MSM) description of Kozyrev as his country’s former Foreign Minister for granted might have easily been misled into thinking that this false narrative has some credence to it.

The problem is that nothing is as it seems, however, which is always the case whenever the US-led West pushes a certain figure into the spotlight. Kozyrev nowadays lives in Miami and previously presided over some of the darkest years in Russia’s diplomatic history from 1990-1996. It was during that time that the country capitulated to the US-led West and let its former rivals utterly dominate all of its policymaking. This former Foreign Minister isn’t seen by his colleagues, let alone his own countrymen, as a representative of Russia but of the US.

RT reported that an unnamed diplomatic source reminded TASS just how terrible Kozyrev was as a Russian Foreign Minister. The reader can click the preceding hyperlink to read more about that since the present piece is aimed at making a different point, namely that he exemplified the US’ infiltration of 1990s Russia. President Putin revealed in early December that “In the early 2000s, I had already cleaned everyone out, but in the mid-1990s, we had, as it later turned out, cadres of the US Central Intelligence Agency sitting as advisers and even official employees of the Russian government.”

He didn’t call Kozyrev out by name but actually didn’t even have to since that former figure is infamous in the Russian psyche for the dark years that he presided over. Kozyrev predictably joined his new homeland’s anti-Russian information campaign after obtaining American citizenship some time in the past. It was to be expected that he’d willingly allow himself to be used as a hostile foreign intelligence agency’s pawn against Moscow since he likely was working with the CIA this entire time according to most speculation about the true motivation behind the self-destructive foreign policy he implemented.

All of this is important to keep in mind for several reasons. First, President Putin truly did “clean everyone out” who had any ties with foreign intelligence agencies as part of his patriotic policies aimed at helping Russia regain its lost sovereignty. Kozyrev was just one of many who betrayed their homeland, and even if some folks were unsure about the morality of making such a dramatic conclusion at the time, there should be no doubt left after what he just did. This former Foreign Minister should more accurately be described as a former foreign intelligence asset, if not outright agent.

Second, there exist certain Russians who pathologically hate their homeland so much that they’ll help its adversaries during periods of unprecedented tensions. Regrettably, there have always been a sizeable number of traitors within Russia all throughout history, though the share has lessened to a great extent as a result of the counterintelligence operations authorized by President Putin since entering into office over two decades ago. The current Russian leader truly succeeded in rooting out corrupt foreign-connected elements and liberating his country from the yoke of hostile intelligence forces.

And finally, the US-led West once again showed that it can’t be trusted to accurately report on anything concerning Russia since it deliberately omitted key details about Kozyrev and the atrocious reputation that he has in his former homeland. That was done in order to more successfully manipulate their targeted audience into falling for the false information warfare narrative that was earlier described alleging that the Russian elite is “rising up/pushing back” against President Putin. Nothing of the sort is happening, hence why deceitful reports such as those surrounding Kozyrev’s call are being propagated.

By Andrew Korybko

American political analyst

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