Fox News Hires Tranny Caitlyn Jenner, Conservatives Applaud Gay Couple’s Eugenics: What Exactly Are US ‘Conservatives’ Conserving? – Seth Hancock

CEO Suzanne Scott said in the announcement: “Caitlyn’s story is an inspiration to us all. She is a trailblazer in the LGBTQ+ community and her illustrious career spans a variety of fields that will be a tremendous asset for our audience.” 

 It is an “inspiration” to see a dude who showed no remorse and faced no justice after killing a woman by his reckless driving suddenly become a “woman” then get a bunch of “conservatives” to support him and now make loads of money to recite talking points fed to him to rake in the Federal Reserve bankster notes from gullible conservative followers of Conservative, Inc. so he can further his own self-aggrandizement, right? 

 Of course, Jenner is an “abomination unto the Lord thy God” (check Deuteronomy 22:5) and the acceptance of transgenderism as totally normal instead of the mental illness that it is represents the fall of our civilization, but Fox News and Jenner gots to get that cheddar. 

 War pimp Sean Hannity got the first interview with Jenner as an overpaid contributor who said: “I’m not a trans activist. That’s just part of my life. There’s so much more to me.” 

 Jenner does want boys using girls bathrooms and vice versa, but there’s certainly other perversions that may not be related to transgenderism that he wants to push. 

 Then there was the recent announcement from Dave Rubin, a man involved in a gay mirage. He announced that he and his “husband” would be having a baby which resulted in a plethora of “conservative” congratulations. 

Pastor Doug Wilson provided a reaction video to the Rubin announcement.

 Rubin describes the process of going onto a website of egg donors, and “you’re just kind of swiping through people and you say, ‘Oh, I like the way she looks or this girl had a great education, or some combination thereof.’” 

 To that, Wilson responds: “The Blaze, champion of conservative values, is platforming this gent who is talking about eugenics…. You can feel sorry for those kids now because the chances are pretty good that in 15 years you won’t.” 

 Eugenics is exactly what Rubin described. The Center for Genetics and Society states: “Eugenics refers to beliefs and practices aimed at controlling reproduction in order to ‘improve’ the characteristics of human populations. In the early 20th century, eugenic beliefs were intertwined with the developing science of genetics.” 

 The “conservatives” congratulating Rubin included The Blaze, Prager U and Breitbart among others detailed by Mark Dice. Some, like Allie Beth Stuckey, said they couldn’t congratulate Rubin, but made it clear they think he’ll be a great father. Of course, Rubin cannot be a great father when he knowingly strips a child of having a mother.  

 As Dice said: “This is not about gay ‘marriage,’ or two consenting adults in a relationship anymore. It’s about depriving children of their mothers.” 

 Jennifer Roback Morse wrote for The Ruth Institute: “When the history of this era is written, people will look back and marvel at how crazy we have become, how filled with hubris we are, how stubbornly self-indulgent we are. And those historians of the future will realize: Only the people of faith had the sense to see that this was wrong — and the courage to stand against it.” 

 These hypocrites write stories about the left destroying the culture as they openly show their submission to the downfall. Are these frauds really fighting for anything, or are they just making money off of you? 

The Conservative, Inc. media has no principles. The Republican Party openly expresses pride for sin. What exactly are conservatives conserving? 

 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”—Matthew 7:15 

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