‘Freedom!’ Dutch Truckers Join Canadians In Convoying Against Lockdown Measures

Truckers in the Netherlands formed a convoy on Sunday to protest their nation’s lockdown measures, following the lead of their fellow road hauliers in Canada.

A convoy of trucks, tractors, and cars formed in Leeuwarden on Sunday to protest lockdown measures in the Netherlands.

The Dutch convoy mimicks a major lockdown protest being held in Canada, where thousands have poured into the nation’s capital of Ottowa to rally against vaccine mandates.

According to a report by Hart von Nederland, dozens of vehicles joined a convoy on Sunday morning in a way reminiscent of proceedings on the other side of the Atlantic, with those taking part demanding an end to lockdown restrictions supposedly aimed at curbing the Chinese Coronavirus.

“I’m going to ride as long as I can, because I’m tired of all the measures,” the publication reports one protester as saying. “Freedom, that’s what it’s all about, freedom!”

“We are against the corona measures of the current cabinet and that is why we will soon go on a parade through Friesland,” said another woman who planned on taking part in the convoy. “Sitting at home on the couch makes no sense and that is why it is good that we now let’s all know for once; enough is enough.”


The Dutch protest, according to De Telegraaf, was inspired by events in Canada, where thousands of truckers have joined a “Freedom Convoy” demanding an end to vaccine mandates in the country.

It is expected that over 10,000 protesters will attend the weekend-long rally against the measures in the Canadian capital of Ottowa.

Meanwhile, the nation’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has come under fire for reportedly fleeing his home in the run-up to the protest, with “security concerns” being cited as the reason for the move.

The Liberal Party PM had previously denounced the truckers as a “small fringe minority” who held “unacceptable views”.

Former US President Donald Trump however has praised the truckers, saying that they were doing more to defend “American freedom” than the leaders of the United States.

“The Canadian truckers — you’ve been reading about it — who are resisting bravely these lawless mandates are doing more to defend American freedom than our own leaders by far and we want those great Canadian truckers to know that we are with them all the way,” the 45th President of the United States said during a rally on Saturday.

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