The following description was authored by Sara Haboubi- host of Making Sense, whom I had the pleasure of speaking with last week and whose work can be followed here. This is the first of a two part conversation.
In the last 3 years, the world has been presented with three large crises- namely Covid, Climate and the Conflict in Ukraine. In each case, national policy responses continue to be dictated by heavily centralized unelected global institutions such as the WHO, UN and NATO. For each crisis, an inarguable collective virtue is invoked to elicit public buy-in, namely a concern for public health, existential ecological considerations and human empathy for a war-torn people in the face of an ‘unprovoked aggressor’.
Despite the institutional hairball at the heart of global affairs, it is becoming clearer and clearer, that the response to these crises (some argue their very genesis), is the handiwork of an organizing entity or a cluster of interests which supersedes the power and leverage even of these global institutions, let alone the sovereignty of individual nation states.
This entity’s weakness is in its mechanistic repetition of patterns of control which can be revealed through a careful analysis of history. In fact by studying our past we can clearly see these patterns and how they relate to the distribution and retention of power at different times in our evolution. In turn, by gaining a better understanding of past events, we inform our understanding of the *context* of current events and thus are empowered to better comprehend, predict and even try to shape our future as it unfolds in front of us.
Kicking off this discussion with journalist, editor and author Matthew Ehret, we look at the Great Famine which ravaged Ireland in the 1840’s and identify the invisible force behind what is now commonly accepted to have been an act of planned genocide.
During this interview, Matthew Ehret persuasively posits that The Great Famine and The Great Reset are in effect ideological ancestral first cousins, connected through time by an ideology whose principal purpose is the control of the masses and the preservation, sustainability and thus advancement of a relative superclass of transnational oligarchical interests. Its operating system is ‘Malthusianism’ a kind of analytical framework designed to cast humanity as villain, the source of all the earth’s woes.
Malthusianism (or Neo-Malthusianism to give it its upgraded title) is alive and kicking in 2022-2023. We can see it in the vision openly promulgated by the WEF about a future drained of freedom and underpinned by a system of digital control. We can hear it in the comments made by politicians who tell us we are entering a new phase of existence and that the ‘Age of Abundance’ is over.
To tackle the crises facing the world we are told we must place our trust blindly in the algorithmic power and edicts of opaque computer models and unaccountable centralized bureaucracies.
To this end, in Europe and the wider western world, national leaders have become nothing more than human signposts, abdicating their democratically vested authority and pointing instead to directives handed down by large bureaucracies such as the EU, EMA, WHO, NATO whenever they are asked to explain or to defend government policy. To quote George Orwell, what is to be expected of them is not treachery, or physical cowardice, but “stupidity, unconscious sabotage and an infallible instinct for doing the wrong thing”.
In this free-flowing interview, we take an analytical look at the ebbs and flows of power throughout history specifically by peering through the colonial prism of the British Crown. Matthew notes the seemingly indelible imprint this institution has left on the world through its advancement of Malthusian ideology, enabled through the installation of various 5th column operations and institutions at the nation state and institutional level and the operation of a regimented system of control which ultimately tracks back to the City of London. Ireland has a unique experience in this respect having suffered for the best part of 800 years under British rule. We learn that the potato famine of the 1840’s is more accurately characterised as a planned disaster that befell the country arising from an ideological policy that ran under the banner of British Malthusianism. In 1847, the worst year of the famine, over 4,000 ships left Ireland laded with foodstuffs. Those citizens who had the strength to protest in port towns such as Clonakilty and Skibbereen were kept back by muskets and rows of British soldiers.
The very same ideology behind the Great Famine is that which drives the Great Reset.
By way of an antidote, Sara and I discuss the ‘no limit’ mindset needed to defeat the Malthusianists by lifting humanity to a superior level of evolution. This mindset is best espoused by the plans for a multipolar world, currently being constructed by Sergey Glazyev of Russia and the wider BRICS+ nations.
Largely obscured from Western audiences by the smoke and fire of the war in Ukraine, these plans echo the essence of the UN Charter which respects the sovereignty of individual nations and defines progress in terms of a win-win approach to co-operation, investment and trade.
Click below to watch the interview on Rumble, Bitchute and Soundcloud:
Or watch on Bitchute here