Fun time’s over, go back to your worthless minimum wage jobs! Keiser Report looks at post-stimulus life in America RT – Daily news

Total income in America jumped in January by 13 percent from a year ago to a record $21.5 trillion due to government stimulus checks, data showed. RT’s Keiser Report explores the economic aftermath.

“For years we’ve been talking about QE and why it is basically just a transfer payment to hedge funds. They live on that money, and it’s not productive in any way – they are just shuffling paper around and they are lobbying the government to give them more transfer payments, more free money, more QE,” says Max.

He explains that “The average person in America now has been getting these transfer payments, so money printing directly into their inbox, into their mail box, and their incomes are soaring like they’ve never soared before. So, they are living like hedge fund managers, like Ken Griffin and Warren Buffett. They just sit around and get payments from the government all day long for doing nothing.”

Max adds: “Are they now going to tell the population ‘Ok, fun time’s over! We need to put that money back in the hedge fund accounts and you got to go and get a job that is completely worthless and get minimum wages!’ I don’t see how they are going to go back.”

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Total income in America jumped in January by 13 percent from a year ago to a record $21.5 trillion due to government stimulus checks, data showed. RT’s Keiser Report explores the economic aftermath. Read Full Article at
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