Gallup Poll: 56% Say Joe Biden’s Inflation Causing Hardship, Up From 45% Last Year –  Wendell Husebø

Fifty-six percent of Americans say President Joe Biden’s 40-year-high inflation has caused them hardship, up from 49 percent in January and 45 percent in November, a Gallup poll found this week.

The poll sampled 1,500 respondents from August 1-22 with a three point margin of error.

To blunt Joe Biden’s rising prices, Americans are making cuts to the lives they lived under former President Donald Trump.

Mother and children bringing groceries home
(Louise Beaumont/Getty)

The poll found 24 percent of respondents have reduced spending, buying less or simply purchasing just essential items. Seventeen percent have cut back on vacations, while another 17 percent have reduced gasoline consumption by driving less; eight percent are ‘staying home.”

Some save money during Biden’s inflation by purchasing generic brands of products. Twelve percent have gravitated towards that strategy, while 10 percent are purchasing fewer groceries. Another 10 percent have reduced eating out.

Seven percent of respondents said they have attempted to offset inflation by working longer hours, working a second job, or finding a new job. Three percent have put off medical procedures, while another three percent have put off purchasing a house or making home improvements. Two percent have downsized their house or have used credit cards to stay afloat.

The polling comes as Joe Biden’s inflation is the number one midterm election issue for Americans, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll. The poll also found less than one percent of adult Americans say the economy is in “excellent” shape. Twenty percent say it is “good” shape, and 79 percent say it is “not so good” to “poor.” Sixty-nine percent of voters believe Joe Biden’s economy is fairly bad or very bad, a Civiqs poll found last week.

The Quinnipiac survey revealed that inflation ranked as the most important issue for voters at 27 percent, the only response reaching double digits. Other issues mentioned were gun violence (nine percent), global warming (nine percent), abortion (nine percent), immigration (eight percent), Ukrainian war (two percent), and coronavirus (one percent).

Inflation has likely impacted Biden’s approval rating. A president’s approval rating in a midterm year is one of the greatest bellwethers of his party’s success. Only 40 percent approve of Biden nationally, while 52 percent disapprove. Biden’s approval rating in many important swing states is worse.

According to Friday Civiqs polling, Biden is underwater in all swing states: Nevada (40 positive-53 percent negative), Ohio (34-59 percent), North Carolina (40-53 percent), Pennsylvania (41-52 percent), New Hampshire (44-48 percent), Wisconsin (40-53 percent), Arizona (36-57 percent), and Georgia (36-55 percent).


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