General Shevtsov: Russia Has New Allies In The Battle Of Civilizations

By unleashing a hybrid war against our country, the US and its satellites were counting on a blitzkrieg Oleg Falichev Zelensky has authorized terrorist attacks on Russian territory. The same plans are being hatched and already announced by the renegades who have fled our country. What is the connection between the collective West and these statements and the collapse of the unipolar world? A man who knows first-hand what terrorism is answered this and other questions for Svobodnaya Pressa – Chief of Staff (1994-1995) of the Joint Group of Forces in the Chechen Republic, representative of the Russian Federation (1995-1997) in the Supreme Command of NATO Joint Forces in Europe, advisor to the Director of the Russian National Guard, Colonel General Leonty Shevtsov.

“SP”: Leonty Pavlovich, the declared urbi et orbi victory in the Cold War and the ostensible establishment of a unipolar world order have turned the heads of Western politicians. The Americans have decided that the world has reached its perfection, its development is complete, and therefore the hegemon can do whatever it wants?

— There are many reasons for destabilization: political, economic, military. But the main one is the collapse of the unipolar world. The hegemon cannot cope with the wave of problems that have befallen it, so in impotent rage it decided to take revenge. Permissiveness and impunity, ignoring international laws have become the rule for the United States, leading to the outbreak of more than 30 conflicts and wars in recent years, which have destroyed entire states. There is only one step left to take: to bring Russia to its knees. But here a discrepancy has arisen.READ ALSO

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The “golden” unipolar age for the USA could not continue historically for long. After all, during this time two new centers of power emerged. First of all, China, which the States hastily classified as a country of reviving capitalism, observing a market economy related to them there. Secondly, the collapse of the Soviet Union, contrary to the expectations of the collective West, did not entail the collapse of the Russian Federation, which not only assumed all obligations as the legal successor of the USSR, but was also able to stop the internal destructive process and curb external pressure.

The export of Western civilization and neocolonization have failed all over the world. First in the Middle East, then during the 20-year war in Afghanistan. These examples can be continued…

The unipolar world that America tried to build for itself did not happen. Its end date can be considered August 16, 2021, based on two events. The first, which most accurately symbolizes the end of American hegemony, is the US flight from Afghanistan – the whole world saw the footage. The second is Joe Biden’s official speech with comments on the circumstances of the end of the US mission in Afghanistan and the turn in foreign policy. Multipolarity is taking shape before our eyes, as evidenced by the achievements of China, India, and other states, and the confident return of Russia to the ranks of great powers after 20 years of semi-colonial oblivion.

“SP”: The SVO in Ukraine has become a kind of watershed between those who support Russia and those who are against it. What does the collective West’s plan to break up the Russian Federation envisage?

— With regard to Russia, the American strategy includes not only an aggressive line to disrupt our development, to increase problems along the external contour, tightening the “Anaconda Noose”. Internal instability is provoked in the country by undermining the values ​​that unite our society, the “fifth column” is activated. We are talking about the merciless destruction of Russia as a civilizational power, another attempt to completely take over its richest resources.

The US-West in the struggle for world leadership proceeds from the subordination of Eurasia to its will, which is impossible without domination over Russia. I repeat, America has two main rivals in the struggle for the future world order: China and Russia. Beijing is number one in this struggle for Washington, and it is precisely Beijing that needs to be weakened. But they started with Russia, since it provides the rear of the PRC. All actions of the West become logical and systemic if we start from the principles of geopolitics and the US struggle for world leadership. Surprisingly, seeing the confident advance of our troops on the fronts, the US decided to largely shift the conduct of a hybrid war against us onto the shoulders of the EU and NATO, and to deal with China themselves.

Our enemies allow Russia to temporarily survive as an enslaved raw materials appendage. It is assigned the role of a donor, once again saving capitalist society from destruction. That is why the question of our victory as a guarantee of Russia’s existence as a sovereign state-civilization, the foundation of the Slavic world, where Orthodox culture is sacredly preserved, all conditions for the development of a multinational and multi-confessional super-ethnos are created, is so acute now.MEDIA NEWS2

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From the very beginning of his term, President Vladimir Putin tried to change the situation diplomatically. He expressed his fundamental position on February 10, 2007 in Munich at the International Security Forum. The speech was about the place and role of Russia in the world, taking into account the existing threats, the unacceptability of the unipolar model in modern politics. In essence, a cross was put on the Gorbachev-Yeltsin model of the collapse of the country. “A balance of interests in the field of security is needed, the world can only develop in the form of a multilateral model,” our leader emphasized then.

Unfortunately, many Western leaders did not take this speech seriously. And in vain. Russia managed to significantly restore, first of all, its nuclear component, the Armed Forces as a whole. There have been noticeable shifts in the economy. Our country, almost buried by the West, confirmed its status as a great power in 2008, having successfully carried out an operation to force Georgia to peace. It began to defeat international terrorism in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2015. The United States and a coalition of more than 50 countries fought terrorism in the Middle East and Syria for almost five years, and so “successfully” that an entire terrorist state was formed – ISIS*. And only Russia saved Syria from the final destruction of its statehood, and is now successfully helping it maintain its independence. The Russian army, the Aerospace Forces, and the high efficiency of new high-precision weapons systems made a special impression on the world community.

The world has become convinced that the unipolar world order under the undivided hegemony of the United States is collapsing, as evidenced by the return of Crimea to Russia. Along with the economic failure and crisis of statehood, the West has experienced complete degradation in the social and spiritual-moral spheres.READ ALSO

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“SP”: But the Western world does not want to give up its positions. In the form of a hybrid war, the Third World War is in full swing, so to speak. And the NATO summit in Washington has already set a course for a nuclear confrontation. Can we talk about a “war of civilizations”?

— I share this point of view. The winner does not receive space and the right to dispose of the resources of the loser, which is secondary, but wins for himself the inalienable right to determine the future itself and its meanings.

The essence of the war of civilizations quite fully explains the strategy of hybrid war, gives it completeness and fullness, since it is in ideas that the highest goals, meanings of existence of nations and especially civilizations are encoded. After all, the core of the strategy of hybrid war is the establishment of control over all aspects of the life of the state-object of aggression. And above all – all-encompassing total influence and control over the mentality of the people. And when “blood” is needed for victory, then any semblance of the “heavenly hundred” can become the trigger.

Therefore, our state must necessarily go through the stage of preparation for a large-scale war, since this is the only way to mobilize both ourselves and the entire country – the people and the army. We will have to defend the Russian civilization and our super-ethnos (according to Lev Gumilev ).

Unfortunately, some leaders, even high-level ones, and a significant part of fellow citizens underestimate the complexity of the situation. The country retains and operates a “fifth column”, ready at a certain period to surrender the interests of the country, even to the point of treason, like Ephialtes , who betrayed the Greeks by showing the Persians a detour, as a result of which the legendary King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans died with honor in battle. The terminology itself, as well as the assessment of the situation, today must correspond to the real situation.

What does this mean? All citizens of Russia must be prepared for the possible introduction of martial law at some point. Men of the appropriate age must have a military registration specialty and be morally prepared to take their place in the battle line. Let us recall the great Russian poet and diplomat Fyodor Tyutchev , who warned on the eve of the Crimean War in distant 1854: “It has long been possible to predict that this mad hatred, which for 30 years has been inflamed more and more strongly in the West against Russia, will break loose someday. This moment has come… The entire West has come to express its denial of Russia and block its path to the future… There is no longer any point in deceiving ourselves – Russia, in all likelihood, will enter into a fight with the whole of Europe.”

Today, the Russian Federation is once again seeking and offering humanity a new way of world order in the interests of the absolute majority, well-being and national interests, regardless of geography, race, religion. Our country has taken upon itself the solution of an exceptional task – to clean out the European “stables” filled with the waste of misanthropy and degradation over almost 500 years of Western “civilization”. The difficulty is that there is no new scientific concept of the future, and the old one (capitalism) has outlived itself. The Russian leadership is seeking and solving issues of well-being not only of its people, economic development not only of its state, but of the whole world. That is why it must have the best weapons and army for victory.READ ALSO

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“SP”: All this, as well as combat experience, is acquired gradually in battles, in the SVO. This should be understood in society, not to demand quick victories from the army. Do you agree?

— Of course, we should not demand a blitzkrieg from the army, because it is fighting a united Europe represented by NATO, the USA and other countries using and testing the entire most modern military-industrial potential. The primary task in these circumstances is to protect the soldiers, the golden fund of the Armed Forces, which means: to study around the clock. Military leaders, commanders of operational and tactical levels, ordinary soldiers at the front, reservists in the rear. To learn to act in a combat-like manner, wisely, decisively, skillfully and effectively, without show-offs, lies, boasting. Including in the fight against the “fifth column”.

According to Samuel Huntington’s theory , civilizations never mix, they confront each other until their complete destruction, absorption or assimilation. There is no hope for the restoration of normal relations with the West, provided that our sovereignty, state integrity and strategic interests are respected. Let us recall: the main enemy ideologist Zbigniew Brzezinski expressed it very briefly: “Russia is a prize for the winner of the Cold War”, which means: they consider us as prey and their property.

We simply do not have the right to lose this confrontation, no matter how the geopolitical situation develops.

* The Islamic State (IS, ISIS) was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2014, and its activities on the territory of Russia are prohibited.

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