German AfD Party On Nord Stream: “The German People Have A Right To Know Who Attacked Us”

The AfD (Alternative for Germany) party called a special debate of the German Bundestag Friday to discuss the explosive revelations by veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh bout potential CIA sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. AfD delegate Markus Frohnmaier said that “a red line has been crossed” if the attack came from a NATO country, and that “we need to know who was behind the attack” on Nord Stream.”

Mrkus Frohnmaier: Madam President, Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are facing a very serious situation.

In September, Nord Stream was blown up.

Now, almost five months later, a terrible suspicion has arisen.

There are claims that Nord Stream was attacked by our own allies.

There are charges that the United States of America and the Kingdom of Norway planned and carried out an explosive attack on Nord Stream.

This accusation was made by a US citizen: award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh.

In an article published Wednesday, Hersh cites a source who appears to have had direct knowledge of the planning of the operation.

Hersh claims the United States and Norway arranged for explosives to be planted on both Nord Stream pipelines during a NATO naval maneuver in the Baltic Sea last summer, which was remotely detonated a few months later.

The White House and the CIA deny these allegations.

But we know how much you can trust American intel services.

Just recall (the revelations of Edward Snowden), who revealed that Chancellor (Angela) Merkel was being bugged by the NSA.

An explosive attack on German infrastructure would mean a red line has been crossed.

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states: “The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.”

An attack on Nord Stream is an attack on Germany, and thus on the entire alliance.

But if it were an ally that attacked our critical infrastructure, the trust that is the foundation of any alliance would be destroyed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to make one thing very clear before my words are deliberately twisted:

I cannot rule out that it was the US and Norway that blew up Nord Stream.

I also cannot rule out that Russia blew up Nord Stream.

In fact, I can’t rule anything out.

And why not?

Why is it that, 137 days after Nord Stream was blown up, as a member of Parliament, I still don’t know who did it?

Because, in these 137 days, our government has done nothing, zero, not one nanometer to find out who did!

After almost five months, the government of the fourth largest economy in the world still does not know who attacked us, on our own doorstep.

The kindest interpretation of this complete failure is that our government consists of incompetent fools whom no one takes seriously – not in Moscow, not in Washington, not in Oslo.

In the worst case, it means something completely different: that this government has no interest in finding out who did it, that this government is hiding the truth, that this government is not acting in the German interest, but in the interest of other countries.

Unfortunately, there is enough evidence for this assumption.

In February 2022, US President Biden declared during a press conference with Olaf Scholz that Nord Stream would be put to an end.

What did Chancellor Scholz say? Nothing!

And just this week, weekly newspaper Die Zeit revealed that Foreign Minister (Annalena) Baerbock has been working systematically with foreign governments to force the Chancellor to deliver Leopard II tanks to Ukraine.

A foreign minister like that is not acting in the German interest.

A foreign minister like that is not serving her country.

A foreign minister like that is capable of anything, Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this difficult hour, it is up to us, the elected representatives of the German people, to do what the government has failed to do.

We have to provide insight.

We must bring the truth to light.

The allegations that have been raised must be fully and completely investigated.

We need to know who was behind this insidious attack on our country, and who helped them.

The German people have a right to know who attacked us.

Watch interview below:

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