Germany is now clearly a declining nation, all of which can be traced to its peonage (vassalage) to the U.S. dictatorship — the dictatorship by America’s thousand or so billionaires, whose wealth has been soaring mainly from the world’s by-far-largest ‘defense’ industry, whose profits ever since the Soviet Union ended in 1991 have soared the most of any sector, because these are virtually the only industries that can control their own market, because their own market is their own Government. In a corrupt country like the U.S. is (and neither Russia nor China copies the U.S. in this regard, but instead they both control their own armaments-makers — keep them socialized — instead of being controlled by their armaments-makers, while in America the armaments manufacturers DO control the Government, because their controlling billionaires do). In America, the Government can easily be, and actually IS, controlled by its billionaires, who control not only their armaments-makers, but also their media corporations and thus the public opinions and thus the Government. So, though there is voting in such a ‘democracy’, that is predominantly voting which is based upon what the billionaires want their public to believe.
Right now, both the expiring Biden Administration and the new Trump Administration are pressuring their colonies (‘allies’) to increase their military expenditures, in order to keep this soaring wealth for their billionaires going. Continuation of the current U.S.-backed wars and perhaps starting some new ones, will be needed in order to make this happen; and, so, as the U.S. Government has been doing ever since 1945 and especially after 1991 (when the Soviet Union ended), what’s needed is creating international chaos, civil wars, and failed states. But this also means that existing wars must be continued as long as possible. Furthermore, on 8 January 2025, the President-elect Donald Trump indicated that if his previously announced intention for the U.S. to buy Greenland, and the Panama Canal, gets rejected in the negotiations, then he will seize them militarily, because “We need them for economic security.” This means that he uses the military not ONLY for national security (which is the defensive use of it) but ALSO for “economic security” (which is the aggressive use of it — as being an additional tool in order to gain economic advantage against other countries — to use the military in order to acquire new colonies or else to cement one’s rule over existing colonies). And he said there that the same thing might apply also to Canada. So: Denmark, Greenland, Canada, and America’s other colonies, could soon find themselves at war against America — no longer is it only such countries as Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea, that the U.S. regime targets. It would mean the utter destruction of international law.
How evil is this? On 22 October 2024, I headlined “How the U.S. Government Became Plain Evil in 1980”, and said of an early U.S. advocate for replacing the purely defensive geostrategy of America’s nuclear weapons (“M.A.D.” to prevent a WW3) by instead an aggressive global-supremacist strategy to ‘win’ such a nuclear war by destroying ‘the enemy’ even more than the U.S. would be destroyed, such as now is the U.S. plan, for its nukes (“Nuclear Primacy” to ‘win’ WW3) — actually for the U.S. Government to take over the entire world:
Advocates of the view that nuclear weapons exist only in order to prevent any need to use them were consequently presented, by him, implicitly, as being now either fools or traitors. He said that MAD simply “ignores the intensely ideological nature of modern international relations. In a world dominated by two such ideological foes as the United States and Soviet Union,” winning is the only moral option. In other words: his neoconservative (purely zero-sum or win-lose no win-win — it’s instead a supremacist) view took seriously ONLY win-lose games, no win-win ones. He was assuming that this was a war between communism versus capitalism, and not a war by the United States rulers in order to win control over the entire planet (as has actually been the case ever since President Truman started the Cold War on 25 July 1945). Then, after the end of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact military alliance in 1991 and America’s refusal to end its NATO anti-Soviet military alliance but instead to expand that alliance right up to Russia’s border and to take up again Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa aim to conquer Russia, something extremely heinous became blatantly apparent about prior U.S. allegations that America’s rulers weren’t, in fact, insanely imperialistic (the ‘anti-communist’ excuse for the Cold War had now clearly been shown to have been just that: an excuse), but no U.S.-and-allied newsmedia called attention to this by-now-(after-1991)-amply-proven fact of the lying U.S. regime’s heinous character; and, so, this nation is, by now, definitely a dictatorship that has effectively controlled all of its newsmedia, too, in order to hide from the public what it was actually trying to achieve — the global dictatorship that America’s rulers have, in fact, been aiming to achieve. Other than in a few small-audience far-outside-the-mainstream newsmedia (such as this one), nobody at all was calling attention to the fact that (and why) NATO is intensely evil and must be abolished immediately. Neoconservatism — advocacy for an all-encompassing U.S. global empire — has virtually 100% control in The West. Western publics have been so surrounded by neoconservative media, they cannot think outside that box, of hatred against ’the enemy’ that America’s billionaires have targeted to ‘regime-change’, whatever that might happen to be at the given moment — but ESPECIALLY now concerning both Russia and China (though capitalism now predominates in both of those U.S.-targeted countries). The evil is, and has always been, imperialism (never really capitalism or communism), but no one in Western media is allowed to call attention to this brute fact, that imperialism is always the enemy, which fact explains international relations today.
All recent American Presidents and Congresses have been purely win-lose, zero-sum, not at all win-win, leaders. It’s now clearly the character of the U.S. Government. Short of there being a Second American Revolution (a domestic U.S. uprising to overthrow and replace it with a win-win one), it will remain America’s Government until its end. It certainly is that way today.
On January 1st, I headlined “UK, Germany, Italy, France, Japan — Likeliest for Economic Crash This Year”, and documented that the 2023 average electricity prices for industrial users ($ per MWh) was $266 in Germany, $63 in Russia, and $60 in China. In U.S., it was $85. The highest price of all was in UK: $420. Germany’s $266 price was the second-highest. In terms of economic competitiveness, China and Russia are the best, and UK and Germany are the worst, of all major countries. How can a country such as Germany compete economically against China, Russia, and U.S.? It can’t. Why? Is it because Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022? Definitely not! It is because the U.S. Government (followed by its obedient colonies in Europe) placed sanctions against Russian energy imports, which were by far the least expensive energy-sources for Europe, because pipelined-in from Russia instead of containerized and then sent by ship (such as from across the Atlantic in America) and rail and truck. In addition, the U.S. Government blew up the Nord Stream pipelines that were to expand gas-imports to Germany from Russia (and that were partially owned by Germany — a supposed ‘ally’ of Germany).
On January 6th, I headlined “The Hidden Lies Behind America’s Destruction of Europe” and described how the U.S. regime had forced its colonies to do this — to commit economic suicide.
Just a year earlier, on 8 January 2024, the veteran progressive German politician Sahra Wagenknecht founded her own Party, which now is contesting for the leadership of Germany. The March/April 2024 issue of New Left Review interviewed her, and her answers laid out clearly what Germany’s real problems are and what policies will be necessary and will be implemented by her Party if they win the Chancellorship on February 23rd. She is obviously a very courageous person to be publicly saying this.
PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.
By Eric Zuesse