This is probably the darkest piece I have written on the subject. I hope you didn’t miss Part I and Part II. Maybe get yourself a physical copy as well.
So Olaf Scholz, High Chancellor of deindustrializing porkhole Germany, finished his Beijing ground trip in under 11 hours and counseled Mr. Xi Jinping hard on “the rule of law,” “free markets,” and “the rights for minorities.”
This sort of opportunity occurs only every 10 years or so for Germany’s “China experts”—they are the evil ones; the nice ones are called China-hands—to be led to the global stage and say their thing about unfair Chinese globalism and how Europe should stick it to the Xi dictator.
You won’t find Yours-truly anywhere in the German media. Total blackout. Even though I am basically the Confucius of Hamm Bockum-Hövel, the valley of flying daggers.
And even though Mr. Xi personally has touched my bike.
Look at his picture below and see if you can find my ugly square “Nazi face.” And you know what I studied at that Chinese university with all those Chinese Communists? That‘s right: I majored in Russian major and minored in Pure Land Buddhism, eat that!

Anyway, I was saying that the lazy China experts fall over each other on German regime tv, regime press, and anti-Chinese social media, laureating aeriform German stuff like unfreedom, German democracy, and holocaust guilt. And what are they demonizing? Of course, they are demonizing China’s evil trinity of poverty alleviation, superior technologies, and unbelievable material wealth.
Mr. Scholz wanted to be the first Western leader to meet Mr. Xi in person. He is a busy man. Mr. Scholz, I mean, not Mr. Xi. Mr. Xi is always in Beijing, fixing his own country and guiding his people. That wanker Scholz, on the other hand, has been, let me see, so far been to…. HOLY MOTHER!…. 47 foreign capitals in 2022 alone! What an Emperor of Man! What a Ruler of the Universe! Stoltz‘s AWESOME!!!
Germany depends on China’s industries A LOT. China might be the only nation that unconditionally keeps up with the German poop and still deals with the neonazis after Berlin started WW III with Russia this summer.
If the Middle Kingdom was Middle Earth [an Anglo-Saxon fantasy world], then the Germans would be the Balin dwarves toiling under the mountains. It would be good for cave king Stoltz to discuss steel legions, rare earth mining, and bolt-throwers. But maybe the German mines ran dry and empty, so the Stoltz people crawled back to the surface with this new business plan of… morally harassing orcses, wizards, and little Chinese girls alike.
Germany is a beaten, crushed, debilitated US-occupied nation. It should not exist in this form. But the victorious Western allies did not release these poor wretched people. Instead, they decided to chain them to the BRD regime [Federal Republic of Deutschland] and tell lies about how great it is to change from a glorious 1000-year-old Reich into a homo anal-fixated Iew-worshiping seepage. Watch any US movie and the villains are probably Germans. Also, watch gay porn, German’s best.
STAGE 1: Nearing 100 Years Of Humiliation
This century of humiliation went smoothly for roughly 60 years, from 1949 until 2009, before the World Wide Web took off and became unstoppable. Suddenly, Germans could share experiences online, check the facts, and compare historic accounts. Their country, they found, is a US strap dildo. Their mountain,… the misty mountain of Saruman the Schmuel. People started to expose this false US love bombing. Now the BRD regime is in trouble under a mountain of lies and make-beliefs: Deutschland was never a free, sovereign land since 1949.
Much of the economic figures coming out of Germany are foreign-based, and thus false, fictitious, and fabricated. This is mostly the normal proceedings during any colonial occupation: The conquerors imposed American-style statistics on the German colony, so the German economy always shined like Joe‘s sperm on Fräulein Gerda‘s flabby gut.
Example. When the film industry in post-war Germany was boosted as the greatest and most lucrative market in the world after Japan, that in reality meant that German and Japanese film industries were deliberately collapsed. Iewish Hollywood and the Iewish financiers in London now ran all major theater chains in America‘s colonies. A total take-over and the destruction of local culture is then reported as an “economic miracle.”
The underlying practicability of Anglo-Zionist Imperialism is that of a bombing back better: What is the amputation of our enemies but the exaggerated display of Zangwill’s melting pot—the freak shows and the human zoo.
So every couple of years, America cut away another German key industry:
1948 Defense, Foreign Policy, Interior
1949 Weapons, Machinery, Heavy Industry Production
1949 Basic Law, German Guilt, Holocaust Brainwash, Heteronomy (Foreign Rule)
1951 Patents, Inventions, Properties, Art, Collections
[The US started looting German intellectual properties and cultural artifacts; e. g. US Disney appropriates German fairy tales, US Princeton et. al. appropriate German physics, Albert Einstein, etc.]
1950s Heroes, Leaders, Stories, Histories, “De-Nazification”
1960s Radio, Public Broadcast, Film
[The consolation of pro-Iewish, pro-US propaganda tv and the lying press, e. g. ARD, ZDF, SPIEGEL, FAZ, ZEIT, Sueddeutsche. Result: zero free press.]
1960s Food Supplies, Energy Productions, Charity [War Reparations disguised as “foreign aid.”]
1970s Banking, Finance, Transactions, Currency
1980s Public Health, Pharmacy, Sports, Leisure
[Americanization of Europe, e. g. basketball, rap music, Levis jeans, aping of all US youth trends.]
1990s Newspapers, Universities, Schools, Education
[The dissolution of German Internate, Magister degrees, Guilds, and Fraternities; German as the language of science and history erased, American curriculum inserted.]
2000s Slavery, Human Trafficking, Brain Drain, Miscegenation
[High-IQ Germans emigrated, low-IQ POCS [People of Color] imported. Massive IQ loss [-4 points, from 102 to 98] in 20 years. Massive degeneracy, migrant crime, mixing of new mongrel races.]
2010s Transport, Communication, Computers, Space
[Germany missed the Electronic age, the Internet age, the Space age.]
2020s Language, Religion, Science, History
[Compulsory American language, American symbols, American beliefs, and American history is now in the brains of Germans.]
…you never heard about the tragic loss and decapitated German culture. Instead, you heard how German GDP grew like twice that of Britain or something, and how American the Germans had become, which could only be a good thing, right?
I just give you three facts that make your heart bleed. Fact 1: The number of living German people since 1949 has actually fallen. There were 63 million ethnic German people in the German Reich before 1936. There should be 120 million Germans today, easily. 200 million, even. Today, under the American thumb, however, their number has been kept at 60 million. The other 24 million persons currently residing in Germany have a migrant background. Meanwhile, the earth’s population had quadrupled. Fazit: the US occupation has brought infertility and retardation to the Germans.
Fact 2: The Germans were tortured by Iews until their minds just popped. The Germans as a group are dead on the inside and never produced a single genius again. Just look it up. It is true. If a population is endlessly tortured, the will to live goes down and the geniuses disappear entirely.
Fact 3: Germany is not a great economy. If Germany really were the world’s 4th biggest economic power, how come in 2022 it doesn’t even have its own currency, its own army, its own global banks, its own global universities, a tech sector, a space station, many space stations? Scholz Germany is exactly as economically powerful as Uncle Joe says it is. Without American occupation, Germany is far less than Turkey, Vietnam, and Egypt, and perhaps only slightly more than Ukraine, without Ukraine‘s sovereignty that is.

Let us demonstrate everything I just said by following Scholz and his airborne cavemen. Mr. Scholz was traveling to China with an entourage of Germany’s business CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) from Volkswagen (1937), Deutsche Bank (1870), Adidas (1949), Siemens (1847), BASF (1865), BMW (1916), Merck (17th century), and Bayer (1863). Please notice that all of them are basically pre-war German Reich family silver. Since 1949 and since the US occupation, NOTHING new emerged from Germany. I repeat this message because you finally have to hear it loud and clearly: Germany did NOT produce any 21st-century champions while under her 20th-century US occupation, and as a result, it lags behind 60 years in human progress and biological fitness.
So these pre-war Reich firms are all the substance that is left. The Americans could terminate those Nazi firms at any time by the way. Adidas, the gay soccer brand (just like the older brother, Puma) was permitted to rise in 1949 since it was founded in Bavaria, the US occupational zone. To this day, about 40,000 US G.I. Joes are stationed here. Bavaria is to America what Hong Kong was to Great Britain. So if you think that Adidas is just selling shoes in the world, you are a moron. And do the Germans see a single cent of the billions allegedly earned from… selling shoes… goes to benefit the German people? No, of course not. Billions of dollars go straight into the pockets of ”global shareholders.”
STAGE 2: The Collapse of Morality Inside China
German firms that do business with Americans, or with parties who do business with Americans, are subject to US law and regulations. On the other hand, no US firm is subject to German law and regulations. During the Cold War, Washington prohibited German companies from doing business with the enemies of the United States, which included China right up until 1978.
After the USA opened up China in 1978, Volkswagen came to China and bragged about it. It was the first German/European/Western company to do so! In reality, the West Germans did do shit to achieve that. It was the Americans who opened that door.
What Volkswagen did since then is easily explained. It sold outdated car models. The BRD regime had just introduced the catalytic converter for all petrol engines, starting in 1984. So all polluter models such as the Santana, Polo, and Passat were simply sold in Third World China. What you didn‘t know China had fewer regulations and lower emission standards?
As of all those Volkswagen “profits” made in China, none was flowing back into Germany. Its China operation, Shanghai Dazhong, is 100% Chinese, not German. Germany since the 70s and 80s stagnated. A German man in 1977 could become a police officer, marry a faithful housewife, build a house, raise his kids, and go on vacation twice a year. In 2022, all collapsed, two gay persons need to work three jobs to just rent a tiny compartment in Berlin Mitte, owned by US-Iewish BlackRock. The average German homo couple at most breeds one new Nazi for the world (if it’s a boy. There are no girl Nazis!).
Let’s continue with Deutsche Bank, the last and only “German bank” Germany can field internationally. Germany has no global banks. Even Deutsche Bank (DB) says this. She says “We have strong European roots.” She cannot say she has strong German roots because that would open a can of Iewish worms. DB’s real headquarters is in London. Berlin has no jurisdiction over DB, Washington has.
When Yours-truly saw DB agents taking up skyrise in Beijing‘s Chaoyang district where the ex-pats do their shady stuff, it was pretty much an invitation to take an eye on them. That started in 2008, and DB and the Germans had just dropped their initial plan to do wealth management and private banking. Beijing had warned that the private banking sector was off-limits. But of course, DB could hang around and do consulting stuff. So what the Germans did was commission this huge sky tower, hang around nude, and tickle their tiny gonads.
You see that a lot. Foreign conglomerates’ representation offices in Beijing that you have no idea what they are actually working on. Take Google China team in their high-rise rental tower in Haidian district. Wait, what, the media told you Google withdrew from China because of “human rights” issues? You, Sir, are a complete moron. The Americans were always here.

Since DB couldn’t do private banking, they bought Beijing and Shanghai art collections and starched them away on the 24th floor of their stain-glassed blue wizard Tower. And just two years later, China’s art scene had artificially increased by 800%. [Turns out, US Citibank and Google had done the same.]
Do the German people ever see a share of the wealth that German DB is creating in China? Nope, not a chance. On the contrary, Germany has no global financial centers. According to Statista, the global site for reliable governmental statistics, the leading financial centers in the world are New York, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Singapore, San Francisco, Beijing, Tokyo, Shenzhen, Paris, Seoul, Chicago, Boston, and Washington. No Frankfurt or Berlin in sight.
If you believe the lies in the media that Germany was a rich country, you are a moron. The Germans don’t have German tellies or even German smartphones. They have no German computers. And do you know why the government airplane Scholz is flying in is a French Airbus? Because the war loser Germany is prohibited from building its own airplanes.
Next, take BASF or Merck. These are ancient German forge dynasties. How did they get into China? They paid for it! You have read that correctly. German companies such as BASF or Merck, or Siemens, Bayer, and Bosch, produce great hair dryers and microwave ovens, right? China could have allowed them to build factories here. But they had to pay China to even have her consider to consider it. And that isn’t all there was to it. The Germans were so unwanted, needy, and unlikable… that they had to hand over 51% of their companies to made-up Chinese “joint partners.”
Why this abysmal imbalance? Well, China exports 600 key resources Germany absolutely depends on, such as rare earths, chemicals, and pharmaceutics. But China does not depend on 1 single German resource, none. Sure it can buy electric drills and trains, but it can also buy similar ones from Japan, Canada, England or France. That is why China is Germany‘s biggest trading partner and essential for its survival, while Germany is to China more like a hobby shop.
Even more imbalanced are human resources. German intelligence falls flat on high Chinese standard, so China needs few German brains. But Germany needs hundreds of thousands of Chinese brains each year to keep Germany‘s R&D (Research and Development), patents, and publications up.
German legacy companies have to cannibalize AND have to pay huge bribes just to be able to get an audition in Beijing that could lead to being able to sell their hobby products in China someday. That is why prices in Europe for the same products are so high. The Reich firms need to cream off money from Germans and other subhuman European stock and give it to China so that the Chinese can later buy the same products for much less money. Needless to say, the Chinese can produce the same stuff themselves and own the Sino-German production plants. Again, those German legacy companies do not increase the welfare and living standards of the Germans, they decrease them.
STAGE 3: The Last Days Of Western Materialism
Knowing all this background information, we return to our 2022 Olaf Scholz and his money buddies, all packed in a French-made government plane, in total desperation.
Germany is bankrupt. The Internet has exposed this fake country beyond reparation. The BRD regime certainly is the butt joke of the world. Mr. Xi did not even give Mr. Scholz a press conference. This was delegated to China’s Minister in Chief, Li Keqiang.
You will not read this in the Western press, but China totally owned the narcissistic Stoltz charade. The great decouplers had traveled 20 hours over the North Pole to Beijing and were stopped right there on the airfield track by yellow medical people wearing hazmat plague suits. The Germans were told unambiguously that if one of them tested positive for coronavirus, nobody would pass immigration.
Also, on no occasion whatsoever did Chairman Xi shake hands with Stolzi, who, oblivious to all social cues, went on babbling about “human rights” again, and on how “human rights is NOT meddling in domestic affairs.” Why is this wanker not discussing our mission to Mars, time travel, and cashless currencies? China is the world leader in over 170 areas, Germany in none. China has a better political system. It is more peaceful, stable, and productive.
Unlike defeated Germany, China has principles. Peaceful coexistence, national sovereignty, harmonious society, and the Chinese Dream, to name a few. Germany has none. Scholz reproduces American slogans “freedom,” “rules-based international order,” “LGBTQ rights”. These are not German principles, but the marching order of the New York Iews and Washington Neocons. Nobody can or should take Mr. Scholz seriously, ever. Just look at this anthropological exhibit below of Mr. Scholz next to Chairman Xi. Thank God, Stoltz didn’t bring along his wife…

America is very annoyed that these shitty German Reich firms are giving China plenty of work. The Empire wants the Germans to decouple, asap. That’s when our wicked German China experts came out from their corrupt German “China Studies” and spilled their praise for Human Rights Stoltz on US platforms Facebook and Linkedin.
Decoupling is not going to happen. However, never underestimate those stupid narcissists. Decoupling would be the last conclusive step toward the total dissolution of Germany, and the beginning of something new. See, Germany has lost all her abilities to build roads, airports, cities, communication, transportation, and really everything. Begging China to send some real talent or buy some German ports or build some superhuman computers won‘t help. Please have a look at this degeneracy below. This is the German Green Party leader, the other is the winner of the European Song Contest, and the last is the winner of the German Book Price.

German leaders keep saying Germany has a Nazi problem, so let us believe them and say, China wants to keep political relations with Mr. Scholz and his Nazi collaborators to the bare minimum:
“No nuclear bombs over Ukraine!” the diverse couple jointly announce to the Iewish global media. As if that German midget could reach the door frame. There are fewer Germans in the world than Chinese in Henan. Could Mr. Scholz not perhaps discuss… I don’t know… a new thorium-reactor or G5 tower forests or some hovering seaports? No, he couldn’t. Because Germany cannot build none of them. It is over.
Which brings us to the great transformation of Germany and her new business model. I hope I have sufficiently demonstrated that the pre-war German Reich firms are all that Germany has left to her former glory, that those blood-and-soil firms have no homeland left to root for, and that they are spiritually disabled and historically castrated, and cannot do anything innocently for humanity and our shared future. They are tainted. Contagious.
Let me explain the likely political fallout over Mr. Scholz’s quick 11 hours blitzsummit that was completely unnecessary and pointless:
The German economic leaders are deeply offended to be called German, they hate their Germany association, they would rather be European (EU), American, or Chinese, they hate the BRD US regime, and they hate Scholz and this China charade. They really want to liquefy their pre-war Reich firm assets, to decouple from working, from manufacturing, from laboring for meager profits… and–just like the true Masters of this planet—to earn far greater amounts of fictitious money from aeriform properties. In other words, they want to rise in the Human Hierarchy.
Stoltz and his CEOs of Deindustrialisation AG want to disconnect Germany away from a physical, three-dimensional forge world of US-client factories producing for the Empire on cheap Asian labor.
They then want to re-connect Germany towards a new administrative global power grid under the Empire of Sanctions [and Lies] to extrapolate profits from all aeriform properties that belong to the Fifth Dimension (Difference): distance, privileges, hierarchies, regulations, tariffs, history, ideology, thoughts, ideas, and mind control.
STAGE 4: The Coming Of The Emperor Of Man
The Germans did not invent the core techniques to world domination [and neither did the Chinese]. They couldn‘t. However, they still can copy other progressive groups. The British East India Company ran much of Asia not by owning labor and production, but by administering all governments, trade organizations, and international standards. The American White House runs the entire Western hemisphere not by owning labor and production, but by administrating all information, governments, and decision centers.
The new Germans dream of becoming sideways Iews, ruling by first-men-in-the city decree, by manipulations, lies, fakeries, torture, exploitation, and learned psychopathy. Under this plan, the German ruling class and their CEOs could join the Anglo-Zionist administrator class of the world and become controllers of everything from people, materials, plants, animals, behavior, standards, and information. The job of the West will be collecting rent and fees from anyone daring to do anything on this planet.
And who is going to do the work for us in the future? It is going to be the poorest Europeans, the Africans, and, naturally, the hard-working Asians.
It is NOT another industrial revolution that is coming in Europe, but an administrative revolution. There is not enough money to be made in exploiting physical labor anyway. Karl Marx, Capitalism, free markets… were all lies. Materialism, that is the exploitation of the physical world, was a useful but primitive strategy. The core idea that “humans must work for a living” was a convenient con job to flock together the human races and enslave them. No leader has ever worked for a living.
When Yours-truly was a Peking University official, I got 347 invitations for banquets, think tanks, meetings–in a day. On average, 128 Western professors or companies emailed me, in a day, all begging me to work for us for free or pay for licensing or work. My director, the true leader, had 26,450 potential sources of income, at which stage money and material become meaningless. 2,000,000 China experts would give their limps to work for him. He gets 200 media requests on a good Saturday. Tens of thousands continue to work for him for free.
Global organizations and governments live off others, they earn while sleeping, they inherit, they print their own wealth, and they collect taxes and rents. They have created several parallel worlds for the gods so far: debt, digital, crypt, word, and meta. Labor… is for apemen. CEOs are god-like too. They take all the credit for millions of ghosts. But that was all yesterday’s injustices. Tomorrow’s injustices will break the back of everything we thought humanly possible. There is infinitely more wealth to be made in exploiting purely psychological relationships and the realms once neglected as fiction or non-reality.

That is the true explanation of why Olaf Scholz talks about “How human rights is NOT meddling into China‘s affairs,” and not about how to create fifty-eight new food formulas to feed the world’s hungry. The Germans want the hungry and the miserable. They couldn’t take over or control a China that was strong and resistant. But what is worth a thousand times more than creating fifty-eight new food formulas to feed the world’s hungry? You won’t believe this but it is the truth. Sit back. Read:
It is this photo shoot of Mr. Scholz with Chairman Xi. This photo shoot was the sole reason what this entire 11-hour drama trip was all about. This has more substance than fifty-eight new food formulas to feed five worlds! This probes the power of the Fifth dimension! They are testing it. They came to China (packed 40 hours flying back and forth, 11 hours stay) in a planesload worth 60 billion euros of CEOs doing NOTHING. They tested if it was true. These people are nothing, are worth nothing. They tested if they did NOTHING, they would grow in value. And they did, about 2 billion euros. I know it was a test operation, because I was on the 2012 Beijing test team that designed the first portals for Peking and Harvard. I hope you’ll be able to see more of it soon. You‘ll first notice our leaders‘ strange behaviors everywhere.
The physical space in Asia, China, does not register anymore with the German elites and their US masters who, in their minds, own the sensual brick-and-rock world already. They want to be seen as gods next. And gods are aeriform. Gods decide, Gods are worshiped.
We want. China must. This is not going to be about who produces the Siemens washing machines or Porsche cars. It is about who runs humanity in the 21st Century. So the Asians can produce all that, who cares. Cotton pickers and Giza pygmies. As if they’ll ever get credits for Holy Europe and the Land of Milk and Honey: The Human Hierarchy has been completed. Mr. Scholz visited his 48th foreign capital this year!
The Fifth Dimension is now being furnished. The aerifom age has begun. The Emperor of Man has not shown yet, but he will own everything his mind touches. He and his clients will administer everything and will never have to work or act in any way. The Empire of Man will expand not from productivity. It will expand through words.
Stolz is back in Berlin. His defeat for Germany he celebrates as a personal victory. Such is the dimension of unreality. “The coming Emperor of Man must be a Iew,” he chins. “This much is prophecy.”
“But all bets are off HE’S GOT TO BE A EUROPEAN…”
Hommage an den Imperator der Menschheit!
Es lebe der allmächtige Herrscher!
Tribute to the Emperor of Humanity!
Long live the Almighty Ruler!
By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog
The author is a German writer and cultural critic.