Global Revenge Power – László Bogár
In a tragicomic way, the United States of America itself is the “end product” of a series of revenges

There is an English saying that if you want revenge, you dig two graves at the same time. One was obviously for your enemy, who destroyed it in revenge, and the other for yourself.

Revenge is perhaps the most destructive spiritual energy, because it successfully combines the murderous energies of fear, anxiety, worry and anger, rage, temper, so it always destroys at least as much the person who feels “rightful” to retaliate as the one against whom it is “rightful” the revenge. All this does not mean that there is no difference in the quality of life between the perpetrator and the victim in a spiritual, moral, and spiritual sense, but even then revenge starts an endless avalanche of mutual destruction. It is no coincidence that many moving works of world literature sought the deep psychological reasons for revenge, and the lesson is always the same, the only chance is to process the traumas, confess the sin, penance and release.

All of this is worth reflecting on the deeper connections of the matter, because more and more analyzes mention revenge,
as one of the most important intellectual drivers of global conflicts. One article directly uses the term revenge capitalism for the strategy of the United States of America, based on which the “empire” applies more than a thousand sanctions and embargoes against 44 countries in the world today. The world champion is, of course, Russia, against which 110 American sanctions are in force.

Moreover, the process is self-inciting, because those countries that do not comply with the imperial dictates of sanctions automatically expose themselves to sanctions that did not apply to them until then. It would therefore be worthwhile to review in a little more detail that if the American world empire, but also other world powers as a result of its sanctions, are increasingly driven by the fatal energies of revenge, then what are the historical causes of these negative energies, and whether there is or can be any a chance for reconciliation. Today, the “master” of the global power order is undoubtedly the American world empire, but China, Russia, the European Union, which is actually nothing more than the Fourth German Reich “dressed up as Europe”, are also shapers of this power order, so it can be interesting to ponder whether I wonder what kind of legitimate (mostly considered legitimate) revenge drives them.

Because almost all of them had a relatively peaceful cooperation with all of them, but there were also deadly enemies, and as it looks like, now all the negative spiritual energy that had been suppressed until now is about to break out of them as a revenge.

Since the United States of America is the ruler of the world today, it doesn’t hurt to think about the fact that the life-destroying creation, America, which today mainly morally imagines itself as the most wonderful intellectual work of world history, was built on the darkest revenge energies on several levels of existence. And based on this fatally false and lying ethos, he educates everyone on any moral issue and retaliates against any action he deems morally objectionable. The deepest level of existence is shown by Thanksgiving, which essentially commemorates the obvious fact that the colonies of European immigrants could survive only by humbly accepting the knowledge and help of the natives.

As a testimony of their high level of morality, they “thanked” by exterminating with brutal cruelty the Indians who helped their existence with gentleness, patience, and humility. For psychology, it is evident that guilt gives rise to aggressiveness, from which new guilt springs, and this spiritual “chain reaction” can then successfully destroy all human communities.

In a tragicomic way, the United States of America itself is the “end product” of a series of revenges, since it was one of the decisive elements of the Anglo-French rivalry that the “rebellion of the colonies” was able to start, mainly with French inspiration and military help, from which the United States was born. As revenge, the British monetary power system did everything successfully to provoke the series of mass murders that the hypocritical world has been celebrating as the great French Revolution ever since.

Last but not least, the issue of the slaves brought over from Africa is still a terrible manifestation of the same dark spiritual energy and, of course, fitted into a false narrative, whose vengeful energies can plunge America into an all-destroying civil war at any time.

But taking a big leap in history, the latest American revenge energies against Russia are based on the fact that the Russian Mihály Károlyi led by them, who is called Mikhail (even the name is correct) Gorbachev and his successor, is a delirious final being, a helpless object of total American robbery by Yeltsin Russia miraculously survived and even strengthened its control over itself and its resources.

Similar reasons also motivate the revenge campaign against China, because for decades, the biggest prey in the history of the American global capital structures was China, which also serves itself perfectly. But as the American empire’s belief that China can be contained forever has been revealed to be a fatal illusion over the past decade, it has spurred the United States to an increasingly violent revenge. It is also worth adding that China is also driven by revenge, because it is not by chance that the period between 1850 and 1950 is called the century of humiliation.

Now, with the “weapon” of Westernization, he is trying to defeat the West that humiliates him. Germans, Russians, the revenge energies of Poles, Lithuanians, and Ukrainians now surfacing show that revenge will continue to be our companion.

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