Globalist Deep State Could Be Planning A False Flag Attack On Biden When He Travels To Europe – JD Heyes

While most Americans are not thrilled with President Joe Biden’s job performance based on a wave of polling data over the past several months, no one wants to see him attacked or harmed because our country does not abide assassination of our leaders.

But that may be in store for him when he travels to Europe later this week, according to a warning from, conspicuously, the Russian government.

As reported by NewsWars, “Joe Biden has become a liability for the global deep state, which is why they may try to have him assassinated as a way of accelerating a world war against Russia.”

The report went on to claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s top diplomatic adviser on Saturday asked Biden to visit the capital of Kyiv, which is under siege by the Russian army during his trip to NATO in Brussels, Belgium, this week, essentially taunting him by saying that “one should not be afraid to — if you are brave.”

But in fact, asking a U.S. president to visit an active war zone is not just a bad idea, it’s insane to think that he would go.

That said, the ‘invitation’ comes amid growing reports by the Russian military that it has obtained intelligence that Ukrainian nationalist leaders are planning to target U.S. and Western military installations in the city of Lviv.

“The officer spoke…about [planned] terrorist acts in Lvov [the city’s Russian-language name] against employees and facilities of the diplomatic missions maintained by the US and other Western nations,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov.

In addition, Zelenskyy’s government is reportedly aware of the plot but is not doing anything to stop it — even as Zelenskyy pleaded last week before the U.S. Congress to “do more” to help his country fend off the Russian onslaught with weapons, combat aircraft and anti-aircraft systems.

“I’d like to stress that the Kiеv regime is fully aware of the plans harbored by the nationalists, but is doing nothing to prevent them,” Konashenkov added.

Infowars contributed more to the report:

Washington and many other Western states moved embassy staff to Lviv shortly before Russia launched its military attack, last month. The city, regarded as a hotbed of Ukrainian nationalism, is about 500km from the capital, Kiev, and just 50km from the Polish border.   

The information on the supposed plot was provided by an officer from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), who Moscow says [voluntarily] surrendered to Russian forces. 

“The officer was directly involved in organizing and training of sabotage and terrorist groups to work in areas liberated from nationalists,” the official stated.

The ultimate goal of this false flag assassination is to blame President Vladimir Putin’s government for the attack and then use it to push NATO countries into not only supplying Ukraine with more weapons but to also finally agree to establish a “no-fly zone” over the country, which Zelenskyy has been demanding as well, said the official.

“Moscow launched a large-scale offensive against its neighboring country last month following an eight-year standoff over Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk ceasefire agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk,” Infowars reported. “The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to regularize the status of the breakaway regions within the Ukrainian state.”

The assassination of Biden would be a prelude to another world war as well, like the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand by Serbia’s Black Hand terrorists in 1914 led to World War I — a killing that was actually orchestrated by Britain’s secret service, NewsWars reported.

Getting rid of Biden would also be a boon domestically for Democrats who are set for a shellacking in the 2022 midterms, thanks to theirs and Biden’s economy-destroying left-wing domestic policies. If he were to be sacrificed, then they would win the ‘sympathy’ vote and remain in power to continue transforming our country into a socialist-Marxist nightmare.

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