Google, Facebook Ask Supreme Court to Make Suing Them More Difficult – Matthew Vadum | The Epoch Times

Google LLC and Facebook Inc. have asked the Supreme Court in an upcoming case to make it more difficult for prospective class-action plaintiffs to sue them in court. The friend-of-the-court brief, which also includes eBay Inc., the Computer and Communications Industry Association, the Internet Association, and the Technology Network, was filed in Trans Union LLC v. Ramirez, which is scheduled for oral argument March 30. These “friends of the court” describe themselves in the brief as “proven innovators that continue to generate valuable technology through significant investments in research and development,” and that are “especially susceptible to abusive, no-injury class action litigation similar to the matter before the Court.” The companies’ “products serve large numbers of users” and those “large user pools make it financially lucrative for plaintiffs’ counsel to identify individuals who allegedly have suffered an atypical injury for which a statute supplies a private right of action and …
Google LLC and Facebook Inc. have asked the Supreme Court in an upcoming case to make it more difficult for prospective class-action plaintiffs to sue them in court. The friend-of-the-court brief, which also includes eBay Inc., the Computer and Communications Industry Association, the Internet Association, and the Technology Network, was filed in Trans Union LLC
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