Government Prepares To Stay In Power As People Wake Up To Their Enslavement – Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

When the government prepares to protect itself against those it rules over, we know they know we’ve figured it out.  The good news is that means none of us have to be enslaved to them anymore.  The bad news is that they won’t give up power willingly and we should expect them to try to pull off anything.

We touched on this topic before, and it sure appears that members of the military have chosen to defend the master against us. Of course, why would they choose to protect us when the government pays them in fiat?

David Icke To LEOs & Military: “Look Your Children In The Eye” & Tell Them YOU Enforced Tyranny

General Recommends “Quick Reaction Troops” In DC To Protect The Ruling Class From The Slaves

Commissioned by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi following the Capitol riot and published on Monday, the security review pointed to major shortfalls at the complex and the surrounding National Capital Region, including issues with police staffing, training, planning, and equipment. The review also found the facility itself could be improved with a permanent “mobile fencing option” to replace the temporary metal barrier currently ringing the Capitol, according to a report by RT. 

“As the [temporary] fencing comes down, we recommend it be replaced with a mobile fencing option that is easily erected and deconstructed and an integrated, retractable fencing system in the long term,” the report said, adding that “Such a solution could enable an open campus while giving security forces better options to protect the complex and its members should a threat develop.”

Conducted over six weeks by a 16-member team led by retired Lieutenant General Russel Honore, the review also found that the Capitol police were “understaffed, insufficiently equipped and inadequately trained” during the riot, suggesting the force add some 854 new staff to remedy “personnel shortfalls.” The new hires would fill gaps for regular officers, intelligence specialists, operational planners, supervisors and trainers, among other roles.

Pointing to a “slow and cumbersome” decision-making process for the Capitol police leadership, Honore’s team recommended the creation of a “quick reaction force” within the DC National Guard or a federal agency, which could be rapidly activated in the event of a crisis. Along the same lines, it also proposed a new “emergency authority” for the DC National Guard commander to deploy forces without authorization during “extraordinary” circumstances. –RT

This just proves how terrified they actually have become.  They know that we are figuring it all out and they are panicking. It’s nice to see the fear on the side of the masters for once as the slaves wake up. But, please still stay vigilant and aware.  Anything can happen. Those who think they have the right to own other humans or those humans’ means of production will not just give up and leave. They will fight to hold onto their power and it will continue to get crazier as more of us wake up.

The post Government Prepares To Stay In Power As People Wake Up To Their Enslavement first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
When the government prepares to protect itself against those it rules over, we know they know we’ve figured it out.  The good news is that means none of us have to be enslaved to them anymore.  The bad news is that they won’t give up power willingly and we should expect them to try to pull off anything.
The post Government Prepares To Stay In Power As People Wake Up To Their Enslavement first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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