Historian And Author Douglas MacKinnon: Tyranny In America Worse Today Than In 1776

Author and historian Douglas MacKinnon joined Rachel Campos-Duffy on FOX and Friends Weekend on Saturday to discuss the current crisis facing our nation.

MacKinnon penned “The 56” on the 56 who risked all to sign the Declaration of Independence.

In the book, MacKinnon honors those 56 men and the story behind the 4th of July.

Douglas MacKinnon wrote this on why he authored this book:

While doing research for a column meant to remind the American people of that date’s critical importance, he came across example after example of those from the Left and the Far-Left––be they in the mainstream media, activists, or anarchists––calling for not only the “canceling” of the 4th of July, but the continued smearing, censorship, and canceling of our Founding Fathers.

One overriding thought then filled his mind:

“What if they are successful?”

Those who believe such totalitarian censorship could never come to be in the United States of America, need only review how quickly and brutally many on the Left were able to create the “Woke Cancel Culture” to silence those they oppose today.

Now they come for Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin Franklin and others who courageously signed The Declaration of Independence.

That document and those men created our history. History which should never be bent, twisted, censored, or banned to fit any ideological narrative. If it is good, let us praise it. If it is bad, let us condemn it and learn from it. But let us never twist, censor, or cancel it.

According to Douglas MacKinnon, the history of this great nation is no longer taught in schools today.

This morning, MacKinnon warned Campos-Duffy and the FOX News audience that tyranny today is worse than it was back in 1776.

Douglas MacKinnon: Last July 3rd I wasn’t even thinking about writing this book. Then on the 4th of July of last year I did a little bit of a video tour of some of the more liberal sites out that and on site after site I saw guests on the left call not only for the cancellation of the 4th of July but the cancellation of our Founding Fathers and the American flag. And at that point I decided and called my publisher and said, “If we don’t put out a book, if we don’t defend these men and we don’t defend that time, if we don’t defend the genius of that time and the Founding Fathers we are going to lose our chance to do so.”…

… American children do not learn that these are the heroes that created the greatest nation on the face of the earth.

Douglas MacKinnon added,

“As bad as the tyranny was on in 1776 in many ways it is worse now in 2022 befause the far left unfortunately has taken control over the 5 major megaphones of our nation. Meaning the media, entertainment, academia, and of late science and medicine. What these 56 men would tell us, unless and until they imprison us, unless and until they take our lives, we have our voices. They cannot silence us. We have to speak to the greatness of our country.


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